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句子大全 2011-08-19 09:08:58

How to Express Agreement and Disagreement in English 如何用英语表达同意和分歧

There are many different ways to express Agreement and Disagreement in an argument. 在争论中表达同意和不同意有很多不同的方式。

Agreement and Disagreement 同意和不同意

Agreeing with an Opinion 同意意见

Absolutely/ Definitely/ Exactly. 绝对/绝对/完全。Exactly. 完全正确。Fair enough! 很好!He is quite right/ absolutely right 他是对的/绝对正确的He may be right. 他可能是对的。I (totally/completely/absolutely) agree with you. 我(完全/完全/绝对)同意你的看法。I agree with what you said. 我同意你说的话。I agree with you/ him … 我同意你/他......I agree with you 100 percent. 我100%同意你的意见。I agree with you entirely. 我完全同意你的意见。I am at one with him on that point. 在那一点上我和他意见一致。I am with you. 我支持你。I approve of it. 我赞成它。I couldn’t agree more. 我完全同意。I couldn’t agree with you more. 我完全同意你的看法。I feel same. 我觉得一样I guess/suppose so. 我猜/假设如此。I have come to the same conclusion. 我得出了同样的结论。I have no objection. 我没有异议I have to side with you on this one. 我必须在这一方面与你站在一起。I hold the same opinion. 我持相同意见。I really think so. 我真的这么认为。I see where you’re coming from. 我明白你的意思了。I share your view. 我同意你的观点。I think so. 我认同。I think you might be right about that. 我想你可能是对的。I was just going to say that. 我只想说。I’d go along with that. 我会同意的。It is true. 是真的。Just so! 就是这样!No doubt about it. 毫无疑问。Oh, that’s interesting. 哦,这很有趣。Quite so! 如此!That is right. 那是对的。That’s a good point/ I see your point. 我明白你的意思了。That’s just it! 就是这样!That’s just what I was thinking. 这正是我的想法。That’s so true. 那真是太对了!That’s exactly how I feel. 这正是我的感受。That’s for sure. 这是肯定的。There is no doubt about it that… 毫无疑问......We are of one mind / of the same mind on that question. 在那个问题上我们意见一致。Yes of course! 当然是!You are right. 你是对的。You have a good point. 你有一个好点。You have a point there. 你有一点意见。You’re absolutely right. 你是绝对正确的。Me neither (agree with negative statement). 我也不同意(同意否定陈述)。Tell me about it! (slang) 告诉我怎么回事儿! (俚语)I suppose so/I guess so. (weak) 我想是的/我猜是这样的。 (弱)

Disagreeing with an Opinion 不同意意见

I totally disagree. (strong) 我完全不同意。(强)I’d say the exact opposite. (strong) 我认为恰恰相反。(强)No way! (very informal) 没门!(非正式)Actually, as a matter of fact. I think.. 实际上,事实上。 我认为..Actually,… 其实,…Do you really think..? 你真的觉得......?He’s off his head! 他不在乎!I agree up to a point, but… 在某种程度上我同意,但是……I am afraid that is not quite true. 恐怕那不完全是真的。I beg to differ. 我不敢苟同。I can not share this/ that/ the view. 我不能分享这个/那个/这个观点。I couldn’t agree with you less. 我不能同意你的意见。I disagree. 我不同意。I don’t agree with what you say. 我不同意你说的话。I don’t agree.我不同意。I don’t entirely agree with you. 我不完全同意你的看法。I don’t share his/ her/ your view. 我不同意他/她/你的看法。I don’t think so/ I don’t feel the same. 我不这么认为/我感觉不一样。I don’t think that’s quite right. 我不认为这是对的。I must take issue with you on that. 我必须对此提出异议。I take a different view. 我采取不同的看法。I think otherwise. 我想不然。I’d be inclined to disagree. 我倾向于不同意。I’m afraid I disagree. 我害怕我不同意。I’m afraid I don’t agree. 我恐怕不同意。I’m not so sure about that. 我对此不太确定。It’s out of the question. 这是不可能的。It’s unjustifiable to say that. 这样说是没有道理的。No, I’m not so sure about that. 不,我不太确定。Nonsense! 废话!Not at all! 一点也不!Not necessarily. 不必要。On the contrary… 反之…Rubbish!/ Nonsense! 垃圾!/废话!Sorry, I have to say NO. 对不起,我得说不。That’s not the way I see it. 那不是我看到它的方式。That’s an interesting idea, but.. 这是一个有趣的想法,但..That’s different. 那不一样。That’s not always the case. 情况并非总是如此。That’s not always true. 这并非总是如此。That’s not entire true. 这不完全正确。That’s not how I see it. 那不是我看到的。This argument does not hold water. 这种说法并不成立。To be honest… 老实说…Well, as a matter of fact,… 嗯,事实上,......What I object to is… 我反对的是......Yes, but… 对,但是…You are/ he is wrong. 你是/他错了。You can’t be serious! 你不能认真!You could be right, but… 你可能是对的,但......

Express Agreement and Disagreement in English | Image 快速协议和英语分歧| 图片
