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疗愈又唯美的高级文案 满是无奈(值得分享)

句子大全 2012-03-05 23:25:50


Is my future still there? Why did you promise me and lie to me?


A kind person may not be deeply loved, but he will certainly be hurt. A kind-hearted person chose to be a sheep, but accidentally met a wolf.


It"s silly to think of crying in the middle of the night until dawn after being lied to tell the truth at this time last year. If there is no previous life, how can we meet in this life? If I owe you, I will pay it back. From now on, I will be happy with each other, and I won"t resent your words, because seeing through all this is not worth hurting my heart ~


Whenever someone calls me ugly, I pee and ask him to take a picture!


If we are destined to pass each other in this life, I deeply wish you happiness forever. Then put away all your feelings and look forward to meeting you in the next life.


Once disturbed my heart, how can I forget you now?


Yesterday was the most failed day. Being hurt and wronged by the person you love the most, but you can"t explain it. On the way home, I sat in the wrong direction because of collapse. I have many messages and greetings, but I passively choose not to reply. My friends didn"t give the minimum greetings on their birthdays. I"m too tired to remove makeup and can"t write. I feel full of negative energy, but I feel powerless. However, it is disappointing. Love should continue to love, and those who are coaxed should continue to be coaxed. No problem.


You only know me in other people"s mouths, whether you don"t trust yourself or me.


Oath is the language of dismantling. To put it bluntly, an oath is just a beautiful lie. Go ahead, swear. Believe in the happiness given by oath, and accept the pain given by oath.


The wind is rustling and the water is freezing, so you must repay the money you owe me.
