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「神仙文案」把我当成小仓鼠 偷你的坚果酿成酒(醉得醺醺去找你)

句子大全 2017-04-10 16:02:08

It’s really okay. Everyone will do wrong things, weep inexplicably, and suddenly collapse when walking on the road, but it does not prevent us from going to see the sunset, blowing the wind, it will all pass, and go with the wind.真的没关系,大家都会做错事,会莫名其妙掉眼泪,走在路上突然会崩溃,但不妨碍我们去看看晚霞,吹吹风,都会过去的,随风而去。

Do you like eggs, duck eggs, poached eggs, or me a fool? Hehehe, so cute.


The Milky Way is still empty, the universe is not yet saturated, and everyone can become stars. As long as you are willing to work hard, the world will not give up every stupid child, let alone you are not stupid.


When I first saw you, my heart exploded into fireworks, and it took my whole life to clean the ashes. It feels so good!


Once you like someone, there is nothing left to ask, as long as you can see him every day, I already feel very lucky. A lifetime is short, like a white horse passing a gap, fleeting. But this kind of mood is very long, like mountains and rivers, it lasts for a long time.


I"m a very timid person, living a careful life. If you want to hide your favorite things quietly, then you can treat me like a hamster, steal your nuts to make wine, and then get drunk, you can go to you. Super cute!

我就是很胆小的人啊,小心翼翼的生活。 喜欢的东西就希望能悄悄藏起来,那你就把我当成小仓鼠吧,偷来你的坚果 酿成酒,然后醉得醺醺,就能去找你。超可爱的呀!

Suddenly I like the word Jinghong glance, love at first sight is too superficial, and love is too pale for a long time, others are eyeing, I only take a peek at you, enough to be sure of my heart.

