
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2014-09-06 14:52:41








1) 首先从阅读国际音标开始,尝试记起用国际音标进行拼读发音,然后观察单词发音与单词拼写的联系,找到其对应关系;然后,阅读定义/同义词/例句,感受/想象单词意义。

2) 请听音频节目并跟着音频重复,直到你感觉你能够准确跟读,并可以同时在脑海里投射出其拼写。

3) 接着,请听着音频将单词在纸上写下来;

4) 最后,请听着音频,每跟读一个词,然后利用音频空隙时间用该词组词,造句,并大声说出来(可参照单词的同义词和例句)。


1) 请先听音频,并在头脑中尝试投射出该发音的拼写和大致含义;

2) 第二遍,请一边看着词汇表一边听音频,纠正你发音不正确的地方,将词汇拼写与发音练习起来,并快速约定定义/例句。

3) 第三遍,请边听音频边进行默写,将听到的单词写下来;

4) 第四遍:跟着音频朗读单词发音,利用音频空袭用该词组词造句。

5) 如果你对开始的单词和拼写非常熟悉,可以直接从第三步听写开始,只练习第三和第四步。




Basic English Vocabulary


Audio:01-01 Practising numbers in English 1.1

Listen to the numbers in audio 01-01 practising numbers in English 1.1:

One: [wn]; 1

The number 1, the smallest whole number.

[Example] a one-dollar bill.

Two: [tu:]: 2

The number 2, a pair.

[Example] two children.

Three: [θri]: 3

The sum of one and two.

[Example] three years old.

Four: [f(r)]: 4

The sum of one and three.

[Example] four o’clock.

Five: [fav]: 5

Equivalent to the sum of two and three;

[Example] five fingers.

Six: [sks]: 6

One more than five, or four less than ten;

[Example] six months.

Seven: [sevn]: 7

Equivalent to the sum of three and four;

[Example] two sevens are fourteen.

Eight: [et]: 8

Two less than ten;

[example] eight inches.

Nine: [nan]:9

Equivalent to the product of three and three;

[Example] nine days.

Ten: [ten]:10

Equivalent to the product of five and two;

[Example] ten years.

Eleven [levn]:11

Equivalent to the sum of six and five;

[Example] eleven dollars.

Twelve [twelv]:12

Equivalent to the product of three and four;

[Example] twelve children.

Thirteen [θtin]:13

Equivalent to the sum of six and seven;

[Example] thirteen years old.

Fourteen [ftin]:14

Equivalent to the product of seven and two;

[Example] fourteen seconds.

Fifteen [fftin]:15

Equivalent to the product of three and five;

[Example] fifteen days.

Sixteen [skstin]: 16

Equivalent to the product of four and four;

[Example] sixteen years.

Seventeen [sevntin]: 17

Seven more than ten;

[Example] 17 cars.

Eighteen: [etin]: 18

Equivalent to the product of two and nine;

[Example] eighteen people.

Nineteen [nantin] :19

One more than eighteen;

[Example] nineteen eighty four (1984)

Twenty [twenti]: 20

The number equivalent to the product of two and ten.

[Example] twenty years old.

Twenty one: 21

Twenty-one, the card game blackjack.

[Example] twenty one seconds.

Twenty two: 22

A number that is one more than 21.

[Example] twenty two minutes.

Twenty three: 23

[Example] twenty-three minutes.

Twenty four: 24

[Example] twenty four hours.

Twenty five: 25.

[Example] twenty five days.

Twenty six: 26

[Example] twenty six days.

Twenty seven: 27

[Example] twenty seven days.

Twenty eight: 28

[Example] twenty eight days.

Twenty nine: 29

[Example] twenty 29 days.

Thirty: 30

[Example] thirty days.

Forty: 40

[Example] forty meters.

Fifty: 50

[Example] fifty meters.

Fifty one: 51

[Example] 51 seconds.

Fifty two: 52

[Example] fifty two seconds.

Fifty three: 53

[Example] fifty three seconds.

Fifty four: 54

[Example] fifty four seconds.

Fifty five: 55

[Example] fifty five kilograms.

Fifty six: 56

[Example] fifty six kilograms.

Fifty seven: 57

[Example] fifty seven kilograms.

Fifty eight: 58

[Example] fifty eight kilograms.

Fifty nine: 59

[Example] fifty nine kilograms.

Sixty: [sksti]: 60

[Example] sixty pounds.

Seventy: 70

[Example] seventy pounds.

Eighty: 80

[Example] eighty pounds.

Ninety: 90

[Example] ninety pounds.

One hundred: [wn hndrd]: 100

[Example] one hundred points.

One hundred one: 101

[Example] one hundred and one kilometers.

One hundred eleven: 111

[Example] one hundred eleven kilometers.

Two hundred: 200

[Example] two hundred centimeters.

Three hundred: 300

[Example] three hundred centimeters.

Four hundred: 400

[Example] four hundred years.

Five hundred: 500

[Example] five hundred years.

Six hundred: 600

[Example] six hundred years.

Seven hundred: 700

[Example] seven hundred years.

Eight hundred: 800

[Example] eight hundred years.

Nine hundred: 900

[Example] nine hundred years.

Nine hundred one: 901

[Example] nine hundred and one miles.

One thousand: 1000

[Example] one thousand grams.

One thousand one: 1001

[Example] one thousand and one grams.

Two thousand: 2000

[Example] two thousand people.

Two thousand one: 2001

[Example] two thousand one people.

Two thousand twelve: 2012

Two thousand thirteen: 2013

Two thousand fourteen: 2014

Two thousand fifteen: 2015.

Two thousand sixteen: 2016.

(To be continued.)
