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「新概念英语」 吉米的明信片(都写了什么)

句子大全 2015-07-22 13:52:30


Lesson 101 A card from Jimmy || 吉米的明信片

一 听音频磨耳朵

二 文章内容与解释

GRANDMOTHER: Read Jimmy"s card to me please, penny. [ 请把吉米的明信片念给我听听,彭妮。]

PENNY: "I have just arrived in Scotland and I"m staying at a Youth Hostel." [ 彭妮:“我刚到苏格兰,我现住在一家青年招待所。”]

GRANDMOTHER: Eh? [祖母:什么?]

PENNY: He say he"s just arrived in Scotland. He says he"s staying at a Youth Hostel. You know he"s a member of the Y.H.A. [彭妮:他说他刚到苏格兰。他说他住在一家青年招待所。你知道,他是“青招协”的一个成员。]

GRANDMOTHER: The what? [ 什么?]

PENNY: The Y.H.A., Mum. The Youth Hostels Association. [彭妮:“青招协”,妈妈。青年招待所协会。]

GRANDMOTHER: What else does he say? [祖母:他还说了些什么?]

PENNY: "I"ll write a letter soon. I hope you all well." [彭妮:“我很快会写信的。祝你们大家身体都好。”]

GRANDMOTHER: What? Speak up. Penny. I"m afraid I can"t hear you. [祖母:什么?彭妮,大声一点。我可听不见你念的。]

PENNY: He say he"ll write a letter soon. He hopes we are all well. "Love, Jimmy." [彭妮:他说他很快会写信的。他祝我们大家身体好。“爱你的吉米。”]

GRANDMOTHER: Is that all? He doesn"t say very much, does he? [祖母:就这些吗?他没写许多,是吗?]

PENNY: He can"t write very much on a card, Mum. [彭妮:在明信片上他写不了很多,妈妈。]

三 New Word and expressions & 生词和短语

Scotland n. 苏格兰(英国);card n.明信片;youth n.青年;hostel;n.招待所,旅馆;association n.协会;soon adv. 不久;write (wrote, written) v. 写;

四 Notes on the text & 课文注释

[1] speak up,大声地说,清楚地说。


eg: Can you get up to that note ? 你能唱得到那么高的音吗?

[2] He doesn"t say very much,does he?他没写许多,是吗?

附加疑问句中的前后两部分的谓语在时态、人称和数上都要一致。回答这种问句时要简略,要根据事实回答。假如答语本身是肯定的,就用 Yes;假如答语本身是否定的,就用 No。

五 Grammar in use & 语法

直接引语和间接引语 [1]

[1-1] 直接引语就是直接引用说话人原来所说的话;间接引语就是原话的转述。直接引语放在引号里,间接引语是把说话人的原话变成宾语从句。

[1-2] 间接引语中,宾语从句中的动词与主句中的主要动词在时态上必须保持一致。一般来说,主要动词用现在时,间接引语中可用现在时(包括一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时)和将来时。如:

eg: She says she"s got a headache. 她说她头痛。

eg: He says he"s staying at a Youth Hostel. 你说他正住在一家青年招待所。

eg: He says he has sold his house. 他说他已卖掉了房子。

[1-3] 把直接陈述改为间接引语时,谓语动词形式的变化体现在人称上。如:

eg: He says: ‘I hope you are all well. ’他说:"我希望你们都身体健康。"

eg: He says he hopes we/they are all well. 他说他希望我们/他们都身体健康。

eg: The girl says: ‘I have finished my homework.’那个姑娘说:"她已完成了家庭作业。"

eg: The girl says that she has finished her homework. 那个姑娘说她已完成了家庭作业。

六 Word study & 词汇学习

1.write v.

[1-1] 写,书写:

eg: They are learning to read and write. 他们在学习读书写字。

eg: She writes legibly. 她笔迹清楚。

[1-2] 写信:

eg: I"ll write to you soon. 我会尽快给你写信的。

eg: Why didn"t she write and tell him? 她为什么不写信告诉他?

[1-3] 写作;作曲;当作家:

eg: He started to write for the stage. 他开始成为一名剧作家。

eg: He soon finished writing a symphony. 他很快就谱写成一部交响曲。

[2] soon adv.

[2-1] 不久:

eg: It will soon be spring. 春天很快就要到了。

eg: Soon she would have to resign. 她不久就得辞职了。

[2-2] 早;快:

eg: Why are you leaving so soon? 你为什么这么快就要走了?

eg: He came sooner than we expected. 他来得比我们预料的快。

