
日记大全 > 句子大全

北师大版 一年级英语下册(一年级起点单词列表 例句汇总)

句子大全 2019-09-30 21:49:47





·are英 [ɑ:(r)] / v.是They are my mother and father.(他们是我的爸爸和妈妈。)·bird英 [b:d] / n.鸟It""s a bird.(这是一只鸟。)·brother英 [br(r)] / n.同事The brother and sister play together.(两兄妹在一起玩。)·can英 [kn] / aux.能You can make that dream come true.(你可以让那个梦想实现。)·chicken英 [tkn] / n.小鸡;鸡肉I want chicken.(我想吃鸡肉。)·circle英 [s:kl] / n.圆The children stood in a circle.(孩子们站成一圈。)·dance英 [dɑ:ns] / v.跳舞He asked her to dance.(他邀请她跳舞。)·dress英 [dres] / n.连衣裙Look at my dress.(看我的连衣裙。)·father英 [fɑ:(r)] / n.父亲This father has a daughter and a son.(这个父亲有一儿一女。)·French fries英 [frent fraz] / 炸薯条I like hamburgers, French fries and Coke.(我喜欢汉堡,薯条和可乐。)·friend英 [frend] / n.朋友I was riding on the back of a friend""s bicycle.(我当时坐在一个朋友的自行车后座上。)H-N(13个单词)


·hamburgers英 [""hmb:ɡz] / n.汉堡包The children consumed all the hamburgers.(孩子们把汉堡全部吃完了。)·heart英 [hɑ:t] / n.心,心脏Kind people have big hearts.(善良的人们拥有博大的心。)·juice英 [du:s] / n.果汁I am thirsty. I want some juice.(我饿了。我想要些果汁。)·jump英 [dmp] / v.跳I can jump.(我会跳高。)·like英 [lak] / v.喜欢These two girls like to sing.(这两个女孩喜欢唱歌。)·lion英 [lan] / n.狮子The lion roared once, and sprang.(狮子大吼一声,跳了起来。)·milk英 [mlk] / n.牛奶Do you want milk?(你想喝牛奶吗?)·mother英 [m(r)] / n.母亲She is my mother.(她是我的母亲。)·mouse英 [mas] / n.老鼠A mouse is a small animal.(老鼠是一种小动物。)·my英 [ma] / pron.我的This is my baby boy.(这是我的宝贝儿子。)·nest英 [nest] / n.(鸟)巢,窝The actual nest is a work of art.(真实的鸟巢十分精致。)·net英 [net] / n.网The ball rolled into the net.(球滚进了网中。)·noodles英 [""nu:dlz] / n.面条I want noodles.(我想吃面条。)O-S(25个单词)


·octopus英 [ktps] / n.章鱼This is a dangerous octopus.(这是一只危险的章鱼。)·ostrich英 [strt] / n.鸵鸟This is an ostrich.(这是一只鸵鸟。)·panda英 [pnd] / n.熊猫It is well known that bamboo shoots are a panda""s staple diet.(竹笋是熊猫的主要食物,这是人所共知的。)·pants英 [pnts] / n.短裤I bought several new pairs of pants.(我买了几条新裤子。)·peacock英 [pi:kk] / n.孔雀The peacock spreads his splendid tail.(孔雀展开了它那灿烂夺目的尾巴。)·pig英 [pg] / n.猪The pig stores a lot of fat in its body.(猪在体内储存了大量的脂肪。)·pizza英 [pi:ts] / n.比萨饼Do you like eating pizza?(你爱吃比萨饼吗?)·queen英 [kwi:n] / n.女王;王后She met the Queen last week.(上周她受到了女王的接见。)·quilt英 [kwlt] / n.被子,棉被I need to buy a thick quilt.(我需要买一床厚被子。)·rabbit英 [rbt] / n.兔子I have a rabbit.(我有一只兔子。)·rain英 [ren] / n.雨It is going to rain.(要下雨了。)·rectangle英 [rektgl] / n.长方形,矩形It""s a rectangle case.(它是个长方形的盒子。)·rice英 [ras] / n.大米,稻米I want rice and vegetables.(我想要米饭和蔬菜。)·robot英 [rbt] / n.机器人In the future,we all will have robot assistants.(未来,我们会有机器人助手。)·run英 [rn] / v.跑They can run very fast.(他们跑的很快。)·salad英 [sld] / n.色拉Scatter the tomato over, then dress the salad.(把西红柿散放在上面,然后给色拉加调味汁。)·sandwich英 [snwt] / n.三明治She was eating a sandwich.(她在吃三明治。)·shirt英 [:t] / n.衬衫Put on your shirt.(穿上你的衬衫。)·shoes英 [""u:z] / n.鞋You should wear your sports shoes.(你应该穿运动鞋。)·sister英 [sst(r)] / n.姐妹My sister is also my best friend.(我姐姐也是我最好的朋友。)·socks英 [sɑks] / n.袜子Put on your socks.(穿上你的袜子。)·square英 [skwe(r)] / n.正方形The monument towers aloft on the square.(纪念碑耸立在广场上。)·star英 [stɑ:(r)] / n.星星There are innumerable stars in the sky.(天空中有无数颗星。)·sweater英 [swet(r)] / n.毛衣She wears a yellow sweater.(她穿了一件黄色的毛衣。)·swim英 [swm] / v.游泳Can you swim?(你会游泳吗?)T-Z(15个单词)


·tomato英 [tmɑ:t] / n.西红柿I want some tomatoes and eggs.(我想要一些西红柿和鸡蛋。)·tea英 [ti:] / n.茶Sometimes I drink tea.(我有时喝点儿茶。)·these英 [i:z] / pron.这些I""m going to eat all of these.(我要全部吃完这些!)·this英 [s] / pron.这,这个What can I stick this on with?(我用什么把这个贴上去呢?)·tiger英 [tag(r)] / n.老虎It""s a tiger.(这是一只老虎。)·triangle英 [tragl] / n.三角形Cut the sandwiches into triangles.(把三明治切成三角形。)·umbrella英 [mbrel] / n.雨伞Take this umbrella with you.(这把雨伞你把它带上。)·violin英 [valn] / n.小提琴Xiaoming used to play the violin.(小明曾经拉过小提琴。)·watch英 [wt] / v.观看Do you always watch TV in the evening?(你晚上总看电视吗?)·watermelon英 [w:tmeln] / n.西瓜A watermelon is red inside and green outside.(西瓜内红外绿。)·walk英 [w:k] / v.走;步行;散步I went for an early morning walk with my dogs today.(今天早上,我带着我家的狗狗溜了一圈。)·X-ray英 [eks re] / n.X光照片What did the X-ray show?(x光照片上面看到什么?)·yo-yo英 / n.溜溜球He kept bouncing up and down like a yo-yo.(他像个悠悠球似的蹦蹦跳跳。)·zebra英 [zebr] / n.斑马A zebra has stripes.(斑马身上有条纹。)·zoo英 [zu:] / n.动物园She is at the zoo.(她在动物园里。)《北师大版_一年级英语下册_一年级起点》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。
