
日记大全 > 句子大全

适合发朋友圈的动人说说 元气满满(挑句最喜欢的吧)

句子大全 2017-06-26 16:06:30

一、去自己喜欢的小店,然后随便吃,随便喝。去自己喜欢的城市,随便待着,从清晨到日暮。Go to your favorite shop, and then eat and drink as you please. Go to the city you like and stay at will, from morning to dusk.

二、当你发觉有天日子特别的艰难,那么你一定是在朝着上坡走。When you find that one day is particularly difficult, then you must be heading uphill.

三、一个人待着,远比和一群装得很熟的人在一起要舒服得多。It"s much more comfortable to be alone than to be with a group of people who pretend to be very familiar.

四、我喜欢有期待的活着,这样才会有动力认真地过好每一天。 I like to live with expectation. Only in this way can I have the motivation to live well every day.

五、人会一直憧憬未知的路径,重来一遍你也未必会满意重来后的自己。People will always look forward to the unknown path, and you may not be satisfied with yourself when you come again.

六、真正合适的的恋爱永远是彼此成就,在一起会成为更好更优秀的人。 The real right love is always to achieve each other, together will become better and better people.

七、你可以什么都听,但不能什么都信。如果你长了眼睛,就别从别人嘴里认识我You can listen to everything, but you can"t believe everything. If you have eyes, don"t know me from other people"s mouths

八、不要愁老之将至,你老了一定很可爱。Don"t worry about getting old. You must be lovely when you are old.

九、我觉得两个人合不合适,重要的是要看他吃不吃你那一套。I think whether two people are suitable or not depends on whether they like you or not.

十、长大了才知道,真正的爱,是两个世界,两个独立星球的相互理解和扶持。 When I grow up, I know that true love is the mutual understanding and support of two worlds and two independent planets.

十一、偶像剧中完美的男友是不存在的,都是凡人,没有特异功能知道你为什么生气! Idol drama perfect boyfriend does not exist, are mortal, no special function, know why you angry!

十二、学会收起自己,远离那些消耗人的关系,不去向不重要的人解释自己。 Learn to put yourself away, stay away from the relationships that consume people, and don"t explain yourself to the unimportant people.

十三、不要担心孤独,讨好自己还不是分分钟的事儿。 Don"t worry about loneliness. It"s not a matter of minutes to please yourself.

十四、在独处的时光里,你可以花更多的时间去享受自己喜欢的事情,不用在意别人的眼光。 In the time of solitude, you can spend more time to enjoy the things you like, and don"t care about other people"s eyes.
