
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2013-08-04 04:54:32

一、“一分耕耘,一分收获”,每个人的生活都靠自己谱写。姑娘的成功绝非偶然,她比别人更清楚自己想要的人生方向,并且能脚踏实地用双手去绘制属于自己的生活。不遗余力,成功只是早晚的事儿。"No pains, no gains." Everyone"s life is written by himself. The success of a girl is by no means accidental. She knows the direction of life she wants better than others and can draw her own life with both hands. No effort, success is only a matter of time.

二、 有人正退出你的朋友圈,那些曾经亲密,后来疏远甚至消失的朋友,我们不必相互责怪对方有了新伙伴,也不必惋惜友情转瞬即逝,有些事情看似偶然实则必然,人生的路有很长很多人都只能陪伴其中一段,能够在适合的时候相聚在一起,开心过痛快过已经很好了。Some people are withdrawing from your circle of friends who were once close, alienated or even disappeared. We don"t have to blame each other for having a new partner, nor regret the fleeting friendship. Something seems to happen by chance, but it"s inevitable. There are many people who can only accompany one of them for a long time. They can get together at the right time and have a good time. Okay.

三、生活其实很简单,就在当下;修行其实也很简单,就在身边。生活中处处体现修行,修行中时时处于生活。生活的不如意,就是修行上的一点点精进,一分分增上。处处圆融,随缘自在,自在随缘,这就是生活,这就是修行。Life is very simple, right now; practice is very simple, right beside you. Practice is embodied everywhere in life. Practice is always in life. The unsatisfactory aspect of life is a little refinement in practice and a little increase in points. Fusion everywhere, freedom with reason, freedom with reason, this is life, this is practice.

四、笑颜如花,人无论身处何地何时,都要面带微笑,把你最美丽,最灿烂,最阳光的一面展现在人们面前,见人常带三分笑。真正的爱情,不是占有、不是依赖、不该是坐享其成的汲取,而是在心甘情愿付出的同时,也能让自己不断的成长和成熟。Smile like a flower, no matter where you are, whenever you are, you have to smile to show the most beautiful, brilliant and sunny side of you in front of people, often with three-point laughter. True love is not possession, dependence, or enjoyment of its gains, but the willingness to pay, at the same time, it can make itself grow and mature.

五、真正的爱情不是一时好感,而是明明知道没结果,还想要坚持下去的冲动。我知道遇到你不容易,错过了会很可惜。身材不好就去锻炼,没钱就努力去赚。别把窘境迁怒于别人,唯一可以抱怨的,只是不够努力的自己。Real love is not a temporary favor, but an impulse to insist on knowing that it is fruitless. I know it"s not easy to meet you. It"s a pity to miss it. Exercise when you are in bad shape, and try to earn when you have no money. Don"t turn your embarrassment on others. The only thing you can complain about is yourself who doesn"t work hard enough.

六、看不见的伤痕最疼,流不出的眼泪最委屈。心酸,一个人慢慢品尝就好,难过,一个人承受就好。记住生命中不期而遇的温暖,记得大雨磅礴、没有带伞的日子。懂得与陪伴,比我们口中说的爱更为重要。Invisible scars are the most painful and unseen tears are the most grieving. Sorrow, a person slowly tastes good, sad, a person to bear good. Remember the unexpected warmth of life, remember the rainy days without umbrellas. Understanding and accompanying is more important than the love we say.

七、每次遇到麻烦我就总想这样:先把这个应付过去,往下就好过了。人的一生中,要在适当的场合、适当的时间、适当的地点学会说“不”。任何时候都不说“不”,那是你的不幸和悲哀;任何时候都说“不”,那是别人的不幸和悲哀。Every time I encounter trouble, I always want to do this: first deal with this, and then it will be better. In one"s life, one should learn to say "no" in the right place, at the right time and in the right place. It is your misfortune and sorrow not to say "no" at any time; it is the misfortune and sorrow of others to say "no" at any time.

八、我们总是在错误的时间,错误的地点,懵懵然就爱上那个人,然后,不得不用尽一生,遗忘。新鞋子穿太久了会旧,同一首歌听多了会厌倦,暖心的情话说太久了会腻,而陪伴太久也就没有新鲜感了,所以我不怪你。We always fall in love with that person at the wrong time, in the wrong place, and then we have to spend all our lives and forget. New shoes wear for too long will be old, the same song will be tired of hearing too much, warm words will be tired of speaking too long, and accompanied for too long will not be fresh, so I don"t blame you.

九、我从来不相信浪子回头,喜欢我的人必须从一开始就痴心不改。亲爱的,听我说,无论你曾经受过多大的伤害,都不要害怕爱人与被爱,谁年轻时候没有遇到过个把人渣,傻瓜才会耿耿于怀,自毁情程。I never believed that prodigal son would come back. Those who like me must be infatuated from the beginning. Dear, listen to me, no matter how much harm you have suffered, don"t be afraid of your lover and being loved. When you are young, no one has ever met a scum. Only a fool will resent and destroy himself.

十、青春赋予你责任与信心去追求生活与梦想。生无所息,梦想不弃。不是每一条河流都能流入大海,但是可以成为深河大湖;不是每一粒种子都能长成大树,但是却是可以去生根发芽。当初那份日子再也要不回了。我已经错过了,为何如今,一次机会也不给我。Youth gives you responsibility and confidence to pursue life and dreams. Live for nothing, dream for nothing. Not every river can flow into the sea, but it can become a deep lake; not every seed can grow into a tree, but it can take root and germinate. That day will never come back. I"ve missed it. Why don"t I get a chance now?

十一、 如果你不够优秀,人脉是不值钱的,它不是追求来的,而是吸引来的。只有等价的交换,才能得到合理的帮助。虽然听起来很冷,但这是事实!人脉不在别人的身上,而藏在自己身上:唯有让自己变得强大,你才能获得有用的人脉!与其把时间花在多认识人上面,不如花时间提高自己的个人价值。If you are not good enough, networking is not valuable, it is not pursued, but attracted. Only by equivalent exchange can we get reasonable help. It sounds cold, but it"s true! Networking does not lie in others, but in yourself: Only by making yourself strong can you get useful networking! Instead of spending time knowing more people, it"s better to spend time improving your personal value.

十二、当别人忽略你时,不要伤心,每个人都有自己的生活,谁都不可能一直陪你。当你看到别人在笑,不要以为世界上只有你一个人伤心,其实别人只是比你会掩饰。When others ignore you, don"t be sad. Everyone has his own life, nobody can always accompany you. When you see someone laughing, don"t think that you are the only one in the world who is sad. In fact, other people just hide it from you.

十三、鱼儿本来生长于大海,一旦离开就会缺水干渴,这时牠才知道大海的可贵,一心想回到大海。众生本来生长于自然,一旦离开就会烦恼痛苦,这时他才知道自然的可贵,一心想回到自然。海洋,是鱼儿的家自然,是众生的家只有回到家你才会感到平安幸福与喜乐。Fish originally grew up in the sea. Once they left, they would be thirsty and short of water. Only then did they realize the value of the sea and wanted to go back to the sea. All living beings are born in nature. Once they leave, they will be distressed and painful. Only then does he realize the value of nature and want to return to nature with all his heart. The ocean is the home of fish and nature. It is the home of all living beings. Only when you get home can you feel safe, happy and happy.

十四、其实,一件事,就算再美好,一旦没有结果,就不要再纠缠,久了你会倦,会累,如果抓不住,那么你就要适时放手,久了你会神伤,会心碎。任何事,任何人,都会成为过去。In fact, even if a thing is better, once no result, don"t entanglement, for a long time you will be tired, tired, if you can"t grasp, then you should let go in time, for a long time you will be sad and heartbroken. Anything, anyone, will become the past.

十五、每个人之所以活得浑浑噩噩或是行为举止千奇百怪,那是因为内心的欲望无法达成,需要藏着掖着,这欲望背后是日积月累的贪婪。一杯清香的茶,醇在口里,甜在心里,余味经久不散;一个牵挂的人,念在梦里,想在心里,真情永远不变朋友。The reason why everyone lives in a muddy state or behaves in a strange way is that the inner desire can not be achieved and needs to be hidden behind it. Behind this desire is the accumulated greed. A cup of fragrant tea, mellow in the mouth, sweet in the heart, lasting aftertaste; a concerned person, read in a dream, want in the heart, the true feelings will never change friends.

十六、知道没有结果,却不愿意面对现实。有些事看得太清,反而伤神;有些人读的太懂,竟然伤心。只要脚还站在地上,就别把自己看得太轻;只要你还活在世上,就别把自己看得太重。很多东西,任你多么努力终归还是失去;很多感情,任你如何珍惜却重复着相同的别离。Knowing that there is no result, but unwilling to face the reality. Some things look too clear, but sad; some people read too well, even sad. Don"t take yourself too seriously as long as your feet are still on the ground; don"t take yourself too seriously as long as you are still alive. Many things, no matter how hard you try to return, are lost; many feelings, no matter how much you cherish, but repeat the same parting. & lt; br/>
