
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2013-07-20 03:02:51

Unit 1 What does he look like?

look like 看起来像(强调长相方面像)

be like (强调性格、外貌方面像)

What is your father like? 你爸爸是什么样的?(提问性格、外貌)

He is kind. 他很善良。

What does your father look like? 你爸爸长什么样?(提问外貌)

He is tall and has long hair.

描述头发: 漂亮+ 长短+ 形状+颜色 beautiful long straight blonde hair

Mr Li is the man with long hair. (with 留着,后置定语)

He is tall and wears funny glasses.

He is tall and has long hair.

He is tall with funny glasses.

He is tall with long hair.

Which is your teacher?The one _with_ glasses is.

hair 不可数名词,前面不能加a/an.

Are you a student or a teacher?--- (I am) a student.

选择疑问句,不能用Yes/no 回答,只能选取其中一项回答。

wear 强调穿的状态; put on 强调穿的动作

She always wears a red coat.

Its cold outside. Put on your coat.

be doing现在进行时,有时可以表示将来(知道即可)

We are going to the movies tonight

Yes,we are meeting at seven.

a little =a bit= a little bit= kind of + / 有点...

remember/ forget doing sth 记得/忘记做过某事 (已经做了

remember/ forget to do sth 记得/ 忘记要去做某事 (还没做)

another 三者或三者以上中的另一个

be+ 形容词(高,矮,胖,瘦等)

have/ has + 头发//鼻子//眼睛

be of medium height/ build 中等身高/ 身材

like doing/ to do sth 喜欢做某事

difference n.

different adj. 不同的 be different from 不同

differently adv. describe the same person differently

kind 1)可数n.种类 a kind of 一种 all kinds of 各种各样 different kinds of 不同种类的 many kinds of 许多种类的(2adj.仁慈的,善良的(3)搭配 kind of+adj. 稍微,有点

be good for ...有好处 be bad for 有坏处

be good at+n.//doing =do well in+n./代词/doing 擅长

be good to=be kind to =be friendly to =be nice to ...友好


eg: I wonder what he looks like.

Unit 2 I"d like some noodles.

a small/ medium/ large bowl of... 一小// 大碗would like sth. 想要某物

would like to do sth. 想要做某事

would like sb to do sth 想要某人做某事

AWould you like.?

B: Yes, plesase.

A: Would you like to do sth.

B: Yes, I’d like/love to. I’d like/love to, but

What kind of noodles would you like? 什么种类的,什么样的

I’d like beef noodles, please.(对划线部分提问)

take one"s order 点菜 May I take your order?

beef soup牛肉汤

what size would you like?什么尺寸

mapo tofu with rice 带有米饭的麻婆豆腐(with做后置定语)

green tea绿茶 orange juice 橙汁

around the world=around the world 世界各地

get popular变得受欢迎 Its getting popular. 注意时态

the number of...的数量(+n +V单数

a number of 许多,很多(+n +V复数

The number of students in this class is 60. 这个班学生的数量是60人。

A number of students are good. 很多学生都很好。

make a wish 许个愿望 blow out 吹灭 in one go 一口气 cut up the noodles 切碎面条(动副结构, 代词放中间,名词放中间/后面 类似短语:wake up叫醒/ put up搭建举起张贴 / cut down砍倒/ blow out吹灭 / )put up a tent 搭建一个帐篷

a symbol of ...的一个象征

bring good luck to sb....带来好运not only... but also...不但..而且..

make ...come true 使...成为现实What kind of ... would you like? 你想要哪种...? I"d like ...What size would you like? 你想要多大的?I"d like a large/ medium/small bowl,please. 1. ---Would you like ...? 你想要...? ---Yes, please./ No, thanks.2. ---Would you like/love to...? 你愿意去做...吗?--- Yes, I"d like/love to.--- I"d like/love to. But I"m too busy.3. potato salad tomato and egg rice beef and carrot noodles 名词修饰名词用单

4. 可数名词复数 sheep-sheep; mouse-mice5. If + 一般现在时,主语+ will +动词原形 “如果, 将会 遵循主将从现在(if引导的句子是______句)

例如: If he is free tomorrow, he will visit his grandma.

6. 肯定句中用and来表示“和” 否定句一般用“or 表示“也不”

例如: He doesnt like fish or vegetables. 他既不喜欢鱼也不喜欢蔬菜。

or 还可以用在选择疑问句 “或者还是”。例如: Does he have long hair or short hair.

There be There is an apple on the table. / There are two apples on the table. 就近原则

一般疑问句:be提前 否定句:be后面加not,有someany。有andorThere is some milk in the cup.

Is there an apple on the table?--- Yes, there is./ No, there isnt.

May I take your order? 您可以点菜了吗?

感官动词:look/sound/smell/taste/feel +形容词

Unit 3 How was your school trip?

feed-fed teach-taught get-got take-took buy-bought go-went have-had eat-ate see-saw meet-met put-put come-came wake-woke do-did ride-rode

go for a walk= take a walk散步

milk a cow挤牛奶ride a horse骑马feed chickens喂鸡

talk with sb与某人谈话 take photos拍照quite a lot相当多show...around带领...参观

learn a lot about farming学了很多关于务农的知识from...to.........

grow strawberries种植草莓pick strawberries摘草莓

in the countryside在乡下go to the countryside 去乡下

go fishing/boating去钓鱼/去划船

at night/in the evening在夜晚a lot of/lots of 许多;大量come out出来,来临,升起

go on a school trip去学校郊游along the way沿路,沿途after that之后

buy sth for sb/ buy sb sth 给某人买某物

all in all总的来说take a / the train乘火车 be interested in ...感兴趣not at all 根本...teach sb how to do sth教某人怎样做某事worry about 担心= be worried about 担心 luckily 幸运地 lucky 幸运的 luck 运气 hear 强调听的结果;listen to 强调听的过程,动作

have fun doing=have a good/great/wonderful/nice/fun time=enjoy oneself玩得开心

too much+不可数n. too many+可数n.复数 太多 much too+adj./adv.

Unit 4 What did you do last weekend

camp by the lake湖边露营 camp n.营地 summer camp

v.露营、宿营 go camping 去野营

What about....?=How about....? +名词、代词v.ing


What引导的感叹句 What+a/an+adj.+可数名词单数(+主语+谓语)! What+adj.+可数名词复数/不可数名词(+主语+谓语)!


What a fine day it is! = How fine the day is! 今天天气不错!

What hot weather it is! =How hot the weather is! 多么热的天气呀!

What beautiful flowers they are! = How beautiful the flowers are! 这些花多么漂亮呀!

How fine he looks! 他看起来气色多好啊!

stay up late to do 熬夜做某事

see/watch/feel/hear sb doing sth (正在做...)

see/watch/feel/hear sb do sth (全过程、习惯性动作)

shout at 多指因为生气等非善意地对人吼叫shout to 多指因距离远而不得不大声叫喊,不带生气等感情因素。

2. find 强调找的结果 look for 强调找的过程eg: I"m looking for my keys everywhere, but I can"t find them.3. ---Who visited her grandma? ---Becky did.I don"t like his new book, but my mother does.

4. It is + 形容词+ for sb+ to do sth. 做某事(对某人来说)是怎么样的。 eg: It is important (for us) to learn English well. 学习英语(对我们来说)是重要的。5. 动名词短语做主语,谓语动词用单数。 eg: Learning English well is important.6. make sb do sth 使某人做某事 eg: My mother makes me study English all day. make + 宾语+形容词 eg: My English teacher makes us happy. make friends 交朋友7. surprised 主语通常是人 surprising 语通常是物to one"s surprise 令人吃惊的是get a surprise 吃惊 be surprised at ...感到吃惊8. so...that... 如此...以至于...eg: He is so young that he can"t go to school. =He is too young to go to school. (too...to... ...而不...) =He is not old enough to go to school.9. on 1)在具体的某一天或者某一天的早上,中午,晚上on May 10th,1982 on a rainy morning on a summer afternoon2 在星期几或者星期几的早上,中午,晚上on Saturday and Sunday on Saturday morning3 在某一节日 on Teacher"s Day

In 季节、年份、月份、泛指的早上、中午、晚上

At 点钟、at nightat noon10. as (1) 好像 eg: He dressed as a policeman.(2) 作为,当做。eg: I found a job as a guide.(3)当某人是某身份时。As a child, she went abroad.(在国外)

with 1with + 宾语+名词egA house with a garden. 一座带有花园的房子。2with + 宾语+ 形容词eg He often sleeps with the windows open. 他常开着窗睡觉。(3) with + 宾语+ 介词短语eg She said goodbye with tears in her eyes.她含着眼泪说了声再见。12. more than 多于 less than 少于13. anything interesting 当形容词修饰不定代词时,放到不定代词的后面。其他不定代词还有something, nothing等。如 something important, nothing boring.14. see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事 eg: I saw him working in the garden yesterday.

spend v. 花(时间、钱)等


spend 时间/金钱 on sth. 在某物上花费时间/金钱

spend 时间/金钱 (in) doing sth. 做某事花费时间/金钱

spend time with sb. 和某人度过时光


The girl often spends much money on clothes. 这个女孩经常在买衣服上花费许多钱。

I spent two hours (in) finishing my homework. 我花了两小时完成我的作业。

Can you spend time with your family? 你可以和你的家人度过时光吗?


(1) pay常用来表示“付款”,主语是人,其后用介词for


(2) cost 表示“花钱”,主语为物。

cost +

(3) take也可表示“花费”,多指花时间。常用结构为:

It takes sb. 时间 to do sth.


Kate,a twelve-year-old girl,is lost in the street.She is of medium height with short hair. She has a round face and small eyes.She wears a pair of glasses.She wears a white shirt, a pair of blue jeans and a pair of black sports shoes. If anyone knows her,please call Mr.Green at 26458132.Thanks a lot.

My Favorite Food

I’m a middle school student. I like to eat healthy food. I have milk, eggs and bread for breakfast. For lunch I would like rice, fish and vegetables. I like chicken, juice, rice and hamburgers for dinner. Of all the food, my favorite food is chicken and apple juice.

My school trip.

Yesterday was a sunny day. My school went to the zoo. It was really interesting. We went there by bus. The zoo is very big.At the zoo, I saw lots of animals and I took many photos. I learned a lot about animals. My classmates and I also went to the gift shop and bought some gifts. They weren’t expensive. It was an exciting day.

The weather was sunny and warm. I went to Beijing with my parents on vacation. It was my first time there. So everything was very interesting. We visited three places and took quite a few photos.First, we went to Tian’anmen Square. It was beautiful. Then we went to the Palace Museum,we saw many old things there,it was cool.In the afternoon, we went to the great wall. We saw many beautiful things from the top. It was great and exciting, I think we had a good time there.

Last Weekend

I had a happy weekend last week.On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house.On Sunday, I played football in the park. Then I went to my grandparents’ house. Grandpa played the piano! The whole family was so happy. Later, we wanted to swim. But it was too cold.

Last Weekend

I had a good weekend.on Saturday morning I did my homework.After lunch, I went shopping with my mother.At about five o"clock, I went to play basketball with my friend.On Sunday, I watched a football game on TV. I often helped my mother do housework. I watched TV with my parents in the evening. Then I went to bed at nine o"clock. I was very happy.
