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伤感又治愈的神仙文案 深邃而含蓄(送给伤心的你)

句子大全 2017-07-25 17:17:29


Scorpio has a problem, that is, it is used to expressing its true inner thoughts with opposite behaviors. Scorpio is afraid of being cheated.


Don"t fall in love with anyone stubbornly, and don"t let the vicissitudes of life creep over your face while waiting.


People always need to be injured once to understand the weakness of human feelings. Not everyone can pour out their hearts! Being cheated by someone you trust! You can understand people"s inner pressure! When the person you love the most is gone, you realize that no one will be forever! Everyone who can stab your heart needs to be injured once before they can understand the weakness of human feelings. Not everyone can pour out their hearts!


I don"t want to ask for anything, because trust can"t be forced.


As time goes by, we forget that we loved someone without hesitation, forgot her loveliness, and forgot everything she did for me.


If you don"t take yourself seriously, others will take you seriously. Even if others don"t take you seriously, you are already like this.


I lost you a long time ago, but I didn"t forget the most beautiful heartbeat at first. Your smiling eyes are like fireflies in dreams, full of my love for you. It"s a pity that the river of time dispelled you, and even the back when I left was indifferent. All your promises have become a mirage, and the more prosperous you are, the more lonely you are. A thousand years later, he kissed my hand and kissed each other at night, with the same tenderness and the same reluctance to look back at your eyes.


No pride, no fantasy, that is, never have it once in a while, or it should be handed over to fate.


Don"t try to get close to me, there is nothing but him.


I chose to believe twice, but I was cheated twice with half my foot in the society. How can I believe in this world and this society again?
