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英语词汇中“蜜蜂”的身体部位 都一一对应起来(一目了然)

句子大全 2014-02-23 06:50:25

Parts of a BEE Vocabulary in English (with Picture) 蜜蜂英语词汇部分(附图)

Learn Parts of a Beethrough examples and picture… 通过例子和图片学习蜜蜂的各个部分……

AnimalBody Parts Vocabulary in English with Pictures. 动物身体部位的英语词汇与图片。

Parts of a BeeVocabulary 蜜蜂词汇的一部分

Forewing 前翼

Morphometric analysis of angles of forewingveins might be a useful tool for biodiversity studies of honeybees and other bees. 前翅静脉角的形态测量分析可能是研究蜜蜂和其他蜜蜂生物多样性的有用工具。

Compound eye (昆虫的)[昆] 复眼

Imitating the structure and shape ofcompound eye of insects, a bionic compound eye measurement system is designed. 模仿昆虫复眼的结构和形状,设计了仿生复眼测量系统。

Mandibles 下颌骨;上颚,嘴的上部

The mandibleis composed of several bones as in reptiles. 和爬行动物一样,下颌骨由几块骨头组成。

Head 头;头痛;上端;最前的部分;理解力

Better be the headof a dog than the tail of a lion. 宁为狗头,不为狮尾。

Thorax [解剖] 胸,胸膛;胸腔

The left arm bones were under the thorax. 左臂骨骼位于胸腔下方。

Tongue 舌头

The tonguesof bees come in varying lengths and affect which flowers the insects can feed on. 蜜蜂的舌头长短不一,影响着它们以哪种花为食。

Foreleg 前脚;前腿

Each hind leg moves in the path of the forelegon the same side. 每条后腿在同一侧的前腿的路径中移动。

Middle leg 中足;中肢

The middlelegs of bees help with walking and are used to pack loads of pollen (and sometimes propolis) onto the pollen baskets that are part of the hind legs. 蜜蜂的中间腿有助于行走,并用于将大量花粉(有时是蜂胶)堆积到后腿的一部分花粉篮上。

Hindleg 后腿

The hindlegs are specialized on the worker bee. 后腿是工蜂的特化部分。

Spiracle [脊椎] 喷水孔;[无脊椎] 气门;呼吸孔

Insects can also lose heat by evaporation from their spiracles, but this may lead to desiccation. 昆虫也可能因其气孔蒸发而失去热量,但这可能会导致干燥。

Abdomen 腹部;下腹;腹腔

The abdomenis the part of the bee’s body that contains its digestive organs, reproductive organs, wax and scent glands and, of course, the infamous stinger. 腹部是蜜蜂身体的一部分,包含消化器官,生殖器官,蜡和气味腺体,当然还有臭名昭着的毒刺。

Hind wing 后翅

Antenna[动] 触角,[昆] 触须

Parts of a Bee | Picture 部分蜜蜂|图片
