
日记大全 > 句子大全

巴优秀员工发表获奖感言 梦想成真源于汗水和努力 (双语)

句子大全 2010-02-16 20:16:12

The acceptance speech of the Pakistan staff of the year 2018 : A dream shall become a reality through sweat and hard work!




他说, 当你真心热爱你的工作,那么工作不再是工作,它成了你的热情,你的乐趣源泉。


The year-end assessment of Zonergy was conducted in the power plant (300MW) in Pakistan, (ZONERGY establishes a professional training mechanism to export outstanding talents for the Pakistani photovoltaic industry)the relevant top staff received the recognition and reward. Talha Saeed, the staff of the year sent his acceptance speech, in which expressed his passion for work and where the

motivation comes from.

He mentioned that when you love your job, the work no longer remains work, it becomes your passion, and it becomes a source of enjoyment for you.

We believed that “A dream doesn’t become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.”


Picture: Talha Saeed received recognition and reward


First of all I would like to offer my sincere thanks to the company leaders for acknowledging my efforts and honoring me with such a prestigious title of “Employee of the year 2018”. Feeling appreciated is one of the most important needs that people have. I would also like to appreciate my colleagues and fellows who are equally talented and capable as me and I have learnt a lot from them.


I joined Zonergy in November 2016. Upon completion of my graduation from UET Lahore, 1st Ranked Public Sector University in Pakistan, I was having much theoretical knowledge but do not have any practical experience. It was moment of excitement and happiness for me when I was provided opportunity by Pakistan’s first On-Grid Solar Project Company.

过往两年,我在B站担任运维工程师,工作职责包括运营和维护B站100兆瓦的太阳能光伏电厂,并负责与巴基斯坦国家电网公司(NTDC),巴基斯坦国家建设公司(NPCC),巴基斯坦国家电力委员会(NEPRA )和巴基斯坦中央电力采购机构(CPPA)的协调工作。我部分专业技术表述如下:

I am working as Operation & Maintenance Engineer at Best Green Energy Power Plant since the last two years. My duties include operation and maintenance of 100 MW solar power plant and co-ordination with Pakistan government departments like NTDC, NPCC, NEPRA and CPPA. Some of my technical expertise and skills are as follows:



Expertise in PV Module repairing, replacement and installation


Timely Troubleshooting of combiner box, inverter and transformer faults


I-V curve testing


EL testing


Thermal Imager inspection of PV modules as well as 132 KV switchyard


Troubleshooting Combiner box fault


I-V Curve testing


From management point of view, my strengths are that I keep my managers and coworkers informed of my work progress. I clearly document my work on assignments and projects so others can easily use my information and findings. Whenever a co-worker needs a fresh look at a problem, they come to me for a fresh perspective. I don’t rely on common methods to solve a problem but address each situation with creative solutions. I use my creativity in any role I am in within the team.


Now coming towards job environment, to be honest, the job is very challenging. Solar Park is located in desert. There are no nearby restaurants, Cafes and shopping places. There are tough weather conditions such as hot summers and foggy winters. Despite all of these reasons I am excited and motivated to work here. As I believe:


Challenges make you stronger, more determined and focused on your Big Goals.


Whether it’s about solving a combiner box or PV module fault at freezing temperature of 0 C or troubleshooting of inverters in the scorching heat of 60 C, I have always been there to solve it at the earliest. I would like to recall a moment from last summer when ten inverters got shutdown due to high temperature. This was the rest time for me but as soon as I was informed I reached there to the site in scorching heat and rectify the fault to restore generation at the earliest.


What things push me to work hard? My motivation and excitement come from the appreciation that I receive from my Plant Manager and from the change that I see in the life of people living here. Previously there was a load-shedding of more than 7-8 hours here. Now it has reduced to 1-2 hours. People are getting clean energy. The quality of life has improved. This will be like a dream coming true for the people living here and I believe:


A dream doesn’t become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.


Performing operations on SCADA


Inspection of Relay Room


Cleaning Robot Maintenance


PV modules thermo-vision


When you love your job, the work no longer remains work, it becomes your passion, and it becomes a source of enjoyment for you. My advice to my colleagues and fellows is to love your job. This is the only way to move forward and achieve something.


In the end I would again like to offer my sincere thanks to company leaders especially my Plant Manager Mr. Zhang Baolin for his consistent feedback, support and appreciation. The destination is not reached yet. There is much more to achieve and I will keep on giving my 100 % everyday to achieve company targets and my targets.
