
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2016-12-26 16:00:47





Test for National Civil Servants

In recent years,there are more and more people who have participated in the test for national civil servants. Millions of students choose civil servant as their most ideal occupation after graduation. And among them,the high-educated,like masters and doctors,take quite a large percentage. The craze in civil servant test has attracted widespread attention.

The following reasons can account for this kind of craze. Above all,nowadays college students face great employment pressure. Civil servant,as one of the most stable professions in today’s China,becomes their preferable choice. Moreover,in recent years,the welfare and salary of civil servants have been improved greatly,which undoubtedly attracts many people. Besides,the high social position of civil servants is an important factor drawing many people to take part in the civil servant test.

In my opinion,this craze in civil servant test will continue in the following years. However,from the long run,it doesn’t do good to the development of the nation. If most high quality talents gather in the government departments,it might lead to a waste of resources. Therefore,both the individuals and the government should have a more objective recognition of the civil servant test craze.









How to Deal with Sub-health

Nowadays,quite a few people are suffering from sub-health. Indeed,sub-health can result in both physical and mental diseases. Even worse,people who suffer from sub-health are more easily to die prematurely.

There are many factors resulting in sub-health. Among these,the pace of modern life plays a vital role. The fast pace of modern life exerts great pressure on people and pressure is the ultimate cause of sub-health. What’s more,modern people spend too much night time working or entertaining,which seriously affects their health.

Considering the great harm brought by sub-health,I think it is high time that we took effective measures to prevent sub-health. Firstly,people must have enough sleep to ensure that they can regain energy and physical strength. Secondly,people should have a rational diet under the instruction of doctor in order to avoid the diseases caused by malnutrition or super-nutrition. Thirdly,people should regularly do some exercise to keep healthy. To conclude,it is necessary for us to take flexible measures to avoid the threat of sub-health.









Internet and Privacy

Internet has penetrated into all the aspects of our life and work. We can study and work by it;we can find a job by it;we can communicate by it;we can entertain by it;we can buy and sell by it. We can do almost everything on the Internet,and almost anywhere anytime.

However,at the same time Internet provides services for us,it is inevitably invading our privacy to some degree. The services on most websites require our registering. If we want to enjoy these services,we have to provide much private information,including our names,gender,address,telephone number and sometimes bank account. Due to the poor Internet administration and weak network security,our information might be open,stolen or sold. Even sometimes the information will be misused by the criminals.

Considering the above-mentioned,we must enhance the alertness when using the Internet. First,when we need Internet service,we should always log on those big legal websites. Second,if the service requires important private information,you should think twice before you type in it.









Young People Should Have Combatant Spirit

Nowadays,quite a few people believe that combatant spirit isessential for one’s success in today’s competitive world. However,some young people today think nothing of this spirit which,in their opinion,is only needed in revolutionary age. Even worse,when facing the difficulties,they will choose to yield or cower without making any efforts.

There are many factors resulting in young people’s lack of combatant spirit. Among these,comfortable living environment plays a vital role. Today’s parents provide nearly everything to the children,which results in the children’s lack of motivation for striving on their own. What’s more,the present education system does not pay much attention to help the young people build up the combatant spirit.

Considering the importance of combatant spirit,I think it is high time to take effective measures to strengthen young people’s combatant spirit. Above all,parents shouldn’t spoil their children and should ask their children to strive for what they intend to obtain. Moreover,schools should build a better environment for students to develop their struggle and aggressive spirit. Besides,young people themselves should adjust their minds and follow the examples of those people in history or around us who achieve their success under the stimulation of combatant spirit. In a word,it is an urgent thing for today’s young people to enhance combatant spirit.









How to Eliminate Fake Diplomas?

Nowadays the flooding of fake diplomas is becoming more and more of a problem in our society. It is reported that fake diplomas are very common in the job market. In addition,there are a variety of fake diplomas or certificates.

It is very clearly seen that fake diplomas are bringing great damage in many aspects. Above all,employers may recruit employees who are not qualified for a certain post,causing a great loss to their companies. Furthermore,it’s unfair that one fails to get his job just because his rival has a fake diploma or certificate. Therefore,it is high time that we took effective measures to stop fake diplomas from spreading.

First of all,companies and universities should have a close contact so that the fake diplomas cannot play tricks. Moreover,the one who fabricates the fake diplomas should be severely punished by laws and totally exposed through media. Besides,companies should keep detailed information of the diploma holders and the diplomas should be issued with fake-proof mark. Only through these ways can this problem be tackled.









College Students’ Starting

Their Own UndertakingsNowadays there are many college students who choose to start their own undertakings instead of finding a job after graduation. The government encourages this practice,and provides many preferential policies and facilitation measures for college students. This phenomenon has aroused great concern from the whole society.

However,why do so many college students take the way of starting their own undertakings?Firstly,college students are facing severe employment situations. Many college graduates couldn’t find ideal jobs,which forces them to set up their own businesses. Moreover,some ambitious college students are not satisfied with being employed by others. They want to develop and prove their talents by running their own businesses. Besides,the government’s encouragement and the media’s reports on college students venture stars have stimulated more college students’ enthusiasm to take this way.

As for me,it is a good choice for college students to start their own undertakings. However,it is a very difficult cause,which needs firm determination,clear mind,ability to endure hardship and a feasible project. Therefore,think it over and make full preparation before you decide to start your own business.









College Students’ Job Hunting

Nowadays,the employment of college students is becoming more and more of a problem. About a decade ago,university students could find satisfactory and enviable jobs after graduation,while the things are quite different at present. In addition,according to statistics,about 30% of graduate students can’t find a job but stay at home after graduation.

Employment difficulty of college students is due to the following reasons. Among these,the increasing recruitment of colleges and universities plays a vital role. In addition,many colleges and universities fail to adapt their courses to the development of economy.

Considering the seriousness of unemployment of college students,I think it is high time that we took effective measures to solve the problem. Above all,college students should realize their own defects and further improve themselves to keep their competitive edge in society. Moreover,colleges or universities should provide more trainings and internship opportunities before the students enter the society. Besides,college students should hold a right attitude towards jobs and set their job expectations at a suitable level. Only through these ways can the college students find a satisfactory job and have a brighter future.









Credit Cards on Campus

In recent years,credit cards have gained more popularity among college students. With banks’ more focus on college market,an increasing number of college students have applied for credit cards and begun to consume by them.

The following three factors can account for the popularity of credit cards on campus. Firstly,a credit card provides overdrawing service,which is a big attraction for those students who have not much money for their domination. Secondly,a credit card can help release financial burdens on those poor students,and hence reduce the risk of their dropping school for lacking money. Besides,many banks make some preferential policies on credit cards,like sending a gift,lowering year cost. Drawn by these policies,many college students have applied for credit cards.

As far as I am concerned,it is not a bad thing for college students to own credit cards. However,there is misuse of credit cards among college students. Many students use credit cards to buy luxurious things they don’t need really,and even some of them owe a big credit card debt. Therefore,schools and banks have responsibility to let college students learn how to use credit cards properly. Only in this way can college students enjoy really the advantages of credit cards.







新型冠状病毒:novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) /k,run"vairs/

肺炎:pneumonia /njumni/

新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎:pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus / novel coronavirus-caused pneumonia

确诊病例:confirmed case

疑似病例:suspected case

重症患者:patient in critical condition

病死率:fatality rate

密切接触者:close contact

接受医学观察:be under medical observation

隔离:quarantine /kwrntin/

潜伏期:incubation /kjuben/ period

人传人:human-to-human transmission

飞沫传播:droplet /drplt/ transmission

发热、咳嗽、呼吸困难:fever, cough and difficulty in breathing

急性呼吸道感染病状:acute /kjut / respiratory / rsprtri / infection symptom

输入性病例:imported case *输入性病例:指来自疫情流行区的病例,也称一代病例

二代病例:secondary infection case * 二代病例:指被一代病例感染的本土病人

隐性感染:asymptomatic /esmptmtk/ infection *隐性感染:指感染了病毒,但无明显症状的病例

疫情防控:epidemic /epdemk/ prevention and control

口罩:(face) mask

防护服:protective clothing /suits


一次性手套:disposable gloves

医疗物资:medical supplies


国际关注的突发公共卫生事件:Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)

封城:the lockdown of a city / a city is on lockdown

应急医院:makeshift hospital

重大突发公共卫生事件一级响应:first-level public health emergency response

国家卫生健康委员会:National Health Commission (NHC)


(1)Dr. Zhong Nanshan was born in October 1936 in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.(钟南山博士1936年10月生于江苏南京) He is one of the famous medical scientists in the 21st century. (他是21世纪著名的医学科学家之一) He studied at Guangdong experimental high school in 1953 and graduated from Beijing Medical College in 1960.(1953年就读于广东省实验高中,1960年毕业于北京医学院。) In the first Chinese National Games, Zhong Nanshan got the championship of the men"s 400m Hurdles and set up a National record at that time.(在首届中国全运会上,钟南山获得男子400米栏冠军,并创下当时的全国纪录。)

In the spring of 2003,the SARS epidemic broke out in China and across the globe. (2003年春,SARS疫情在中国乃至全球爆发。)Zhong Nanshan not only led but also took an active part in the battle against SARS. (钟南山不仅领导而且积极参加了抗击非典的斗争)At that time no one really knew much about SARS and most people had no natural defenses against the disease(那时没有人真正了解非典,大多数人对非典也没有天然的防御能力).Dangerous as it was,Zhong Nanshan worked hard day and night treating the patients.(虽然很危险,钟南山还是日夜刻苦治疗病人。)Through their hard work for several months, Zhong Nanshan and his workmates achieved remarkable result. (经过几个月的努力,钟南山和他的工友们取得了显著的成绩。)Soon the SARS epidemic was stopped in its track. (很快非典的流行就停止了。)

Zhong Nanshan was awarded one of the top ten people moving China in 2004. (2004年,钟南山被评为“十大感动中国人物”。)He has been working in the medical field for over 60 years. (他在医学界工作了60多年。)He is a good doctor in the countrymen" eyes and respected by all the people in China. (他是国人眼中的好医生,受到全国人民的尊敬。)

(2)Since the pneumonia epidemic broke out in Wuhan in December,(自从去年12月武汉爆发肺炎以来,) the number of people infected and patients who have died keep climbing.(感染者和病人死亡人数不断攀升。) It is reported that the epidemic has something to do with the killing and selling of wild animals at South China Seafood Market. (据悉,此次疫情与华南海鲜市场野生动物的捕杀和销售有关。)With the decrease of wild animals, many animals are endangered. (随着野生动物的减少,许多动物濒临灭绝。)Worse still,some of them may disappear forever.(更糟糕的是,其中一些可能会永远消失。)

There is no doubt that hunting and killing wild animals has a bad influence. (毫无疑问,捕杀野生动物会产生不良影响。)For wild animals are killed for their fur, which causes the imbalance of nature. (因为野生动物因为皮毛而被杀死,这导致了自然的不平衡。)For another, due to the contact between humans and wild animals, epidemics like SARS and pneumonia may infect humans easily.(另一方面,由于人类与野生动物的接触,像SARS和肺炎这样的流行病很容易感染人类。)

As far as I am concerned, something must be done to stop this illegal action. (就我而言,必须采取措施制止这一非法行为。)First, Nature Reserves are supposed to be built so as to offer more living space to wildlife. (首先,自然保护区的建设是为了给野生动物提供更多的生存空间。)Second, be aware that never have wild animals for food, as they are part of environment. (第二,注意不要让野生动物作为食物,因为它们是环境的一部分。)Third, it is high timethat we raised people’s awareness to protect wildlife. (第三,我们应该提高人们保护野生动物的意识。)In this way, we can build a harmonious society and ensure a sustainable development.(这样才能构建和谐社会,保证可持续发展。)
