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简短精辟的情感语录 道尽现实(错过会很可惜)

句子大全 2015-07-25 08:03:28

一、曾经以为,拥有是不容易的;后来才知道,原来舍弃更难。我放弃了太多只为了你,到头来发现你才是最应该被放弃的那一个。后来,我们连叫对方的名字都哽咽了。Once thought that it was not easy to own; later I learned that it was more difficult to abandon. I gave up too much just for you. In the end, I found that you are the one who should be given up most. Later, we choked to call each other"s names.

二、有些故事,除了回忆,谁也不会留;有些无奈,除了沉默,谁也不会说;有些东西,除了自己,谁也不会懂。永远也不要高估你在别人心中的地位,其实你什么都不是,多你一个也不多,少你一个也不少。Some stories, except memories, nobody will stay; some helpless, except silence, nobody will say; some things, except themselves, nobody will understand. Never overestimate your position in other people"s hearts. In fact, you are nothing. There are not many more or less of you.

三、这个世界上从来没有一劳永逸的努力,就如没有不劳而获的成功,要想一生过得顺遂,除了一直努力,别无捷径。因为你害怕寂寞,所以选择凑合;因为你草率开始,所以慌乱结束。There has never been a once-and-for-all effort in the world. If there is no success without hard work, there is no shortcut to a successful life except to keep working hard. Because you are afraid of loneliness, you choose to make do; because you start hastily, so the panic ends.

四、人生最可悲的事情,莫过于胸怀大志,却又虚度光阴。觉得自己不够聪明,但干事总爱拖延;觉得自己学历不漂亮,可又没利用业余继续充电;对自己不满意,但自我安慰今天好好玩明天再努力。既然知道路远,那就该早点出发。The saddest thing in life is to be ambitious and waste time. I feel that I am not smart enough, but the officers always procrastinate; I feel that my education is not beautiful, but I do not use my spare time to continue charging; I am not satisfied with myself, but I comfort myself to have a good time today and try again tomorrow. Now that you know it"s a long way to go, you should start early.

五、后来爱的每个人都有你的影子,不是我忘不掉你,是我从来都没有一刻想要真的放弃你。因为太难,所以放弃了;因为简单,所以不屑一顾。所以最后,一事无成。Later, everyone who loves you has your shadow, not that I can"t forget you, but that I never want to give you up for a moment. Because it is too difficult, so give up; because it is simple, so disdain. So in the end, nothing happens.

六、时间真如流水,不停歇地流去,不可以拾取也不会为你停滞不前。人生也是如此的,失去了就是不会再来,青春年少不会重回。但如果人生只有初相见,你么就是不会有爱情的五味杂陈,也不能品尝相聚的欢笑与离别的苦泪。Time is like running water. It keeps flowing. It can"t be picked up or stopped for you. The same is true of life. If you lose it, you will never come back. If you are young, you will never come back. But if you only meet each other for the first time in life, you will not have mixed tastes of love, nor can you taste the laughter and bitter tears of parting.

七、择其所爱,爱其所择,前四个字是前半生,后四个字,便是余下的岁月了。也许梦想,不仅仅只是为了拿来实现的,而是有一件事情,在远远的地方提醒我们,我们可以去努力,可以变成更好的人。Choose what he loves and love what he chooses. The first four words are the first half of his life and the last four words are the rest of his life. Perhaps the dream is not only for realizing, but also for reminding us that we can work hard and become a better person in a distant place.

八、永远不要因为别人的言论而怀疑自己,也不要因为喜欢谁而看低自己,你所有的优缺点,都是为了能接纳你这个样子的人而准备的。所谓一辈子,就是死心塌地的陪着你。最好的爱情,没有天荒,也没有地老,只是想和你在一起,仅此而已。Never doubt yourself because of what others say, nor belittle yourself because of who you like. All your strengths and weaknesses are prepared to accept people like you. The so-called lifetime is to accompany you with all one"s heart and soul. The best love, no natural wastes, no land to grow old, just want to be with you, that"s all.

九、时间久了,你就会懂得,世界上最轻的话就是海誓山盟,虚无飘渺,无影无踪,轻的像柳,薄的像纸;时间久了,你就会明白,世界上最重的话就是山盟海誓,一诺千金,风雨无改,重的像山,深的像海。Over time, you will understand that the lightest words in the world are vows to the mountains, emptiness, no trace, light like willows, thin like paper; over time, you will understand that the heaviest words in the world are vows to the mountains, promises for thousands of gold, wind and rain unchanged, heavy like mountains, deep like the sea.

十、给自己留点空白,会使心灵更畅快地呼吸,当你春风得意时,留点空白给思考,莫让得意冲昏头脑;当你痛苦时,留点空白给安慰,莫让痛苦窒息心灵。Leave some blank space for yourself to breathe more freely. When you are proud of the spring breeze, leave some blank space for thinking. Don"t let complacency go to your head. When you are in pain, leave some blank space for comfort and don"t let pain suffocate your mind.

十一、距离之所以可怕,是因为你根本不知道对方把你想念还是忘记。即使那个人常说,距离产生美。后来你就会发现,原来那些最需要有一个去依靠的时候,往往到最后都是自己一个人挺过去的。Distance is terrible because you don"t know whether the other person misses you or forgets you. Even if that person often says that distance produces beauty. Later, you will find that those who need to rely on the most often end up alone.

十二、千万不要把自己的软弱展现给别人看,千万不要把自己的狼狈述说给别人听。因为根本没有人会觉得你很可怜,只会觉得你很没用。和谁都别熟得太快,不要以为刚开始话题一致,共同点很多,你们就是相见恨晚的知音。语言很多时候都是假的,一起经历的才是真的。Never show your weakness to others. Never tell others your woes. Because no one will think you are pitiful at all, only that you are useless.

Don"t get acquainted with anyone too quickly. Don"t think that the topic is the same at the beginning. There are many things in common. You are the intimate friends who hate meeting late. Language is often false, and what we experience together is true.
