
日记大全 > 句子大全

属于女孩子的爱情文案 句句扎心(看完大彻大悟)

句子大全 2017-08-11 01:54:46

一、你想分就分想继续就继续 想发牌气就发脾气想不理我就不理 我想打游戏就打游戏这段感情你自己把握。

If you want to divide, you want to continue. If you want to deal cards, you will lose your temper. If you want to ignore me, you will ignore me. If you want to play games, you can grasp this relationship by yourself.

二、爸爸说这辈子能从大半夜从被窝爬起来 给你做饭倒水的除了你的妈妈也就剩下爱你爱到骨子里的人。

Dad said that in this life, people who can get up from bed in the middle of the night to cook and pour water for you, besides your mother, are left with people who love you to the bottom of their bones.

三、以前经常盯着你的时候 你老问我干嘛 我看着你说 就看看嘛 其实是我好爱你。

When I used to stare at you, you always asked me why I looked at you directly. I said just look. Actually, I love you so much.

四、两个人不在一起了也不要互相诋毁 没有必要为了讨好新欢把旧爱说的一文不值 毕竟曾经也奋不顾身的爱过。

When two people are not together, don"t slander each other. It"s not necessary to say that old love is worthless in order to please new lovers. After all, they once loved without care.

五、那天晚上看到一个人好像你我好希望是你又害怕 是你走进看不是你突然庆幸不是你又惋惜不是你。

That night, I saw someone like you. I hope it was you who were afraid. You walked in and saw it, but not you. Suddenly, I was glad that it was not you and regretted that it was not you.

六、下次恋爱之前一定要问清楚他有没有放不下的人 如果半路杀出一个白月光她哭都不用哭你必输。

Before you fall in love next time, you must ask him if there are any people who can"t let go. If you kill a Bai Yueguang halfway, she won"t have to cry, and you will lose.

七、我从未想过要放弃你我的小情绪是 因为我不确定在你心里的位置 当我想要退缩的时候希望你也能看出我的心思。

I never wanted to give up my little emotions because I am not sure where I am in your heart. When I want to retreat, I hope you can also see my thoughts.

八、女孩子真的会因为爱一个男孩子为他改变 不鬼混 圈子干净 上进 不在和那些乱七八糟的人联系。

Girls will really change their circle of fooling around because they love a boy. They are clean and motivated, and they are not in contact with those messy people.

九、他不想伤害你 他也不希望你难过 只是你不是他想要马不停蹄追赶的女孩子说白了其实你连理解他的资格都没有 懂了吗小笨蛋。

He doesn"t want to hurt you, and he doesn"t want you to be sad. It"s just that you"re not the girl he wants to keep chasing. To put it bluntly, you don"t even understand his qualifications, you little fool.

十、下辈子就想做只鲸鱼 虽然生来孤独 虽然一生都在奔波 但是能生于大海 死于大海。

I want to be a whale in my next life. Although I was born alone, I have been on the run all my life, but I can be born in the sea and die in the sea.

十一、你没发现我变了很多吗 醋也不敢吃了 气也不敢生了 和你的话题越来越少了 我对你越来越失望了 我们快走散了。

Haven"t you noticed that I"ve changed a lot? I"m too jealous to get angry or angry. There are fewer and fewer topics to talk with you. I"m more and more disappointed with you. Let"s break up soon.

十二、我想和你一起去看海看日落去吹晚风 只要是你我都喜欢 但是我连开头都做不到。

I want to go to the sea with you, watch the sunset and blow the evening breeze. I like it as long as it is you, but I can"t even do it at the beginning.
