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充满失落的伤心小短句 三观超正(温柔又治愈)

句子大全 2018-10-28 19:48:06


If possible, I want to selectively lose my memory and forget the things that make me miserable, sad and tearful.


If some kind of love loses language, if some kind of love only leaves pain, then please don"t torture yourself and miss it, maybe it is another kind of beauty. The time found in the hourglass has been happily loved, and guarding the future without tomorrow is just a self-directed and self-directed play, so please smile brightly after tonight.


I always hold back my tears when I am unhappy. After all, I am weak, and people who look down on me will laugh, but I am so brave, how can I make them succeed?


When you stay up late every day, have you ever thought that the person you like is already snoring, and you won"t love you if you wake up without you in your dream?


Childhood shrank into a grain of sand, trapped in my eyes, forcing me to keep crying. Obviously, it"s just around the corner, but you can"t see it. Obviously, with the passage of time, it has gone a long way, but


When men drink, they mostly think about women. When a woman cries, most men break her heart.


I dare not get sick, because no one takes care of me. Don"t be coquetry, because no one is watching. I dare not cry because there is no one to comfort me. Dare not speak, because no one understands.


Finally, when I heard that only my mother was good in the world, I knew why I cried. Who let me only have my father? Hehe, is the world so unfair?


Awen; What you say to others when you are sad and crying is the truth that has been suppressed for a long time!


Don"t cry, Wang Yuan. It doesn"t matter if the dance is not good. Listen to teacher Daimu and practice basic skills. Your eyes are too beautiful to cry.
