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句子大全 2013-05-20 18:43:23


最近,美国南加州大学教授格雷格巴顿(Greg Patton)在上课时,因说出汉语词“那个”音似英语中种族歧视性词汇“Nigger”(意为“黑鬼”),直接导致他被学生投诉,且被校方停课。

The University of Southern California has placed a professor on leave after he said a Chinese word that sounds similar to a racial slur in English while teaching a communications class.

当地时间8月20日,受疫情影响,巴顿通过网络授课的方式与学生进行交流。在讲解到“填充词”的运用场景时,巴顿说道,像“呃”“嗯”等语气词,在不同国家有不同说法,比如在中国,人们会用“that that that”,也就是“nèi ge, nèi ge, nèi ge”(那个)。

Greg Patton, a professor at the university’s Marshall School of Business, was giving a lecture about the use of "filler words" in speech during a recent online class when he used the word in question, saying, "

If you have a lot of "ums and errs", this is culturally specific, so based on your native language. Like in China, the common word is "that, that, that". So in China it might be "nèi ge, nèi ge, nèi ge.""

不过,Greg Patton在说“那个”的时候,听起来更像是汉语口语中的“内个”。


In an Aug 21 email to university administration, students accused the professor of pronouncing the word like the N-word "approximately five times in every communication class", and said he "offended all of the Black members of our class".


Claiming the actual pronunciation of the word is “much different” from Patton’s, the students accused the professor of “negligence and disregard” and said the lecture affected their mental health.


“Recently, a USC faculty member during class used a Chinese word that sounds similar to a racial slur in English,” the university said in a statement. “We acknowledge the historical, cultural and harmful impact of racist language.”


Another professor is instructing the class after Patton “agreed to take a short term pause while [the university is] reviewing to better understand the situation and to take any appropriate next steps.”


Days later, Patton apologized, explaining that he has taught the course for 10 years and had been given the example by several international students years ago. He added that the transcript of the session records his pronunciation as “naga” and that his pronunciation of the word comes from time spent in Shanghai.


“Given the difference in sounds, accent, context and language, I did not connect this in the moment to any English words and certainly not any racial slur,” he wrote.


According to a brief bio on the school’s website, Patton is “an expert in communication, interpersonal and leadership effectiveness” who has received “numerous teaching awards, been ranked as one of the top teaching faculty at USC and helped USC Marshall achieve numerous #1 worldwide rankings for Communication and Leadership skill development.”



综合:21世纪英文报 National Review RT 观察者网 环球网
