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英语四级翻译预测 你想要的都在这(猛戳)

句子大全 2019-02-08 14:51:11





The so-called 5G network refers to the fifth-generation mobile communication network. 5G technology is a key technology in the new round of global scientific and industrial revolution, featuring high speed, low latency and large capacity. At the two sessions in 2019, the press center realized the full coverage of 5G signal for the first time, and the ”minister channel" carried out the 5G+VR live broadcast for the first time. With the support of brand-new technology, it further enriched the reporting methods and means of financial media and injected new vitality and elements into the two sessions.




In the government work report on March 5, 2019, the government for the first time put the employment priority policy at the macro policy level, and mentioned that China"s total employment pressure will not decrease and structural contradictions will be prominent in the future. The surveyed unemployment rate is stable at a low level of around 5% in 2018. The target for 2019 is around 5.5% in the surveyed urban unemployment rate. The report also stressed the need to stabilize and expand employment in all aspects in 2019. Enterprises that recruit rural poor people and registered urban unemployed for more than six months shall be granted quota tax reduction or exemption within three years.




The second ministerial passage of the NPC and CPPCC in 2019 was held at the great hall of the people after the opening meeting of the second session of the 13th National People"s Congress (NPC) on the morning of March 5. Han changfu, minister of agriculture and village affairs, said the central government plans to allocate 7 billion yuan to support efforts to improve toilets in 30,000 villages, roughly 10 million rural households, this year. Han changfu said that the rural environment is not a simple matter, to do, for a long time.




The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Greater Bay Area) consists of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), the Macao Special Administrative Region (Macao SAR) as well as the municipalities of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Huizhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen and Zhaoqing in Guangdong Province (hereinafter referred to as “the nine Pearl River Delta (PRD) municipalities”), covering a total area of 56000 square kilometers with a combined population of approximately 70 million at the end of 2017. As one of the most open and economically vibrant regions in China, the Greater Bay Area plays a significant strategic role in the overall development of the country. /The development of the Greater Bay Area is not only a new attempt to break new ground in pursuing opening up on all fronts in a new era, but also a further step in taking forward the practice of “one country, two systems”. /The Outline Development Plan (“the Plan”) has been formulated to fully put the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into practice; fully and accurately implement the principle of “one country, two systems”; fully leverage the composite advantages of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao; deepen cooperation among the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao; further enhance the Greater Bay Area’s supporting and leading role in the country’s economic development and opening up; support the integration of Hong Kong and Macao into the development of the country; enhance the well-being of Hong Kong and Macao compatriots; maintain the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao; and enable compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao to share with the people in the motherland both the historic responsibility of national rejuvenation and the pride of a strong and prosperous motherland.




In order to promote equity in education, China has invested 36 billion yuan for the improvement of educational facilities in rural areas and strengthening of rural compulsory education Midwest. These funds were used to improve the teaching facilities, purchase of books, so that more than 160,000 primary and secondary income. Funds are also used to purchase music and painting equipment. Now children in rural and mountainous areas with children’s coastal cities like music and painting lessons. Some receive a better education for the city school students now transferred back to the local rural schools now.


每年随着中国高校开学日期临近,家长们就开始忙着为孩子购置各种物品。笔记本电脑、手机和银行卡是许多大学新生新学期的“三件套”(three piece suit)。一些学生还准备了相机、游戏机和其他时尚产品。(trendy product)。相关学者称这些学生花钱太大手大脚。也有一些家长表示,他们会满足孩子的基本需求,但是如果孩子想花更多钱或生活得更好,则需要他们自己去挣钱实现。


Every year, as the new school term for colleges and universities in China is approaching, parents are busy buying all kinds of items for their children. Laptop,mobile phone and bank cards are the so-called three-piece suit for many freshmen to start the new term. Some students also prepare cameras,game players and other trendy products. Scholars concerned claimed that those students spent too much. Some parents said that they would satisfy children"s basic needs,but if they wanted higher consumption or a better life,children were expected to earn money by themselves.

