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简短唯美的情感语录 犀利透彻(送给心累的自己)

句子大全 2015-07-25 06:39:53

一、我好久都没有再爱过谁了,就连小心翼翼的试着再去爱你也失败了,爱一个人可以一见钟情,可是忘掉一个人我不知道还要煎熬多少个日夜,我很偶尔的感受心动,若无其事的觉得自己还有爱人的能力,可一旦要真的去爱谁的时候,我就会想起你。I haven"t loved anybody for a long time, even trying to love you again carefully failed, love a person can fall in love at first sight, but forget a person I don"t know how many days and nights to suffer, I occasionally feel the heart, if nothing happens to feel that they still have the ability to love, but once you really want to love someone, I will think of you.

二、当生活给你一百个理由哭泣时,你就拿出一千个理由笑给它看。你走过的路,会成为回忆里的风景;你所有经历,会成为你的财富;你曾经的负担,会成为你的礼物;你受的苦,会照亮你未来的路。When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, you show it a thousand reasons to laugh. The road you have traveled will become the scenery in your memories; all your experiences will become your wealth; the burden you once carried will become your gift; and your suffering will light up your future path.

三、在感情里:忽冷忽热的态度让人难以捉摸,忽近忽远的关系让人没有安全感,从曾经的无话不说,到今日的无话可说,从秒回你信息,到看见了也不回,我们所有人的爱情好像都在走下坡路。In the feelings: the attitude of hot and cold makes people elusive, the relationship between short and far makes people insecure, from once speechless to today speechless, from seconds to return to your information, to see and never return, all our love seems to be going downhill.

四、生活不易,苦涩的滋味只有自己知,真正能够改变命运的,并不是单靠等来的机会,而是还要我们对生活的热爱和努力的态度。Life is not easy. The bitter taste is only known to us. What can really change our destiny is not just the chance we have to wait for, but also our love and attitude towards life.

五、简约不是少,而是没有多余,足够也不是多,而是刚好你在。别人的天长地久是经典,都是佳话一段。我们的天长地久,却夹带谎言,忧伤。咬咬牙,摘一株苦涩的忘忧草,调和孟婆家的汤喝下去。学会放开记忆的手,牵起明天的幸福。Simplicity is not less, but no redundancy, not enough, but just you. Other people"s eternity is the classic, is a good story. Our forever, but with lies, sadness. Bite your teeth, pick a bitter sorrow-forgetting grass, and drink the soup of Meng Po"s family. Learn to let go of the hand of memory and hold the happiness of tomorrow.

六、决定放弃了的事,就放弃得干干净净,别拖泥带水。那些决定再也不见面的人,就真的别见了;请别委屈痛楚的再做背叛自己的事了。如果要爱别人,请先好好爱自己。If you decide to give up something, you should give it up cleanly. Don"t drag it along. Those who decide never to meet again are really gone; please don"t be grieving and betraying yourself again. If you want to love others, please love yourself first.

七、为值得的人赴汤蹈火,对闲杂人等别在乎太多。如此,你的善良才显矜贵。你枉有一杯醉人酒,却解不了半点愁。岁月还漫长,你心地善良,终会有一人陪你骑马喝酒走四方。Go through fire and water for the worthwhile, don"t care too much about the idle people. In this way, your kindness is noble. You have a cup of intoxicating wine in vain, but you can"t understand a little sadness. Years are still long, you are kind-hearted, there will eventually be a person to accompany you on horseback and drink around.

八、生活本来就是鲜花和荆棘并存。无论你是谁,无论你正在经历什么,坚持住,你定会看见最坚强的自己。守得初心,等待光明,沉淀后,去做一个温暖的人。Life is the coexistence of flowers and thorns. No matter who you are, no matter what you are going through, stick to it, you will see the strongest self. Keep your heart, wait for the light, after precipitation, to be a warm person.

九、认识就够了,余生就算了。不要怪自己太重感情,你只是太没出息,所以才连个不爱你的人都放不下。身外再精彩,他人再美好,都与你无甚关系,你就是你,只须梳理自己的羽毛,飞你想去的地方。That"s enough to know, just for the rest of your life. Don"t blame yourself for being too emotional. You"re just too fruitless to let go of people who don"t love you. No matter how wonderful you are or how beautiful others are, it has nothing to do with you. You just have to comb your own feathers and fly where you want to go.

十、我以为终有一天,我会彻底将爱情忘记,将你忘记,可是,忽然有一天,我听到了一首旧歌,我的眼泪就下来了,因为这首歌,我们一起听过。我多害怕习惯了谁的好,然后又被无情的丢掉。I thought that one day, I would completely forget love and you, but suddenly one day, I heard an old song, my tears came down, because this song, we heard together. I was afraid of getting used to someone"s good, and then being ruthlessly thrown away.

十一、自己过得好,才重要,别人过得好不好,对你不重要,需要你付出精力的,是你自己的生活,需要你花时间的,是在你身边的人。It doesn"t matter to you whether you live well or not. It"s your own life that needs your energy. It"s the people around you who need your time.

十二、人生的道路,阡陌交错,五味杂呈。走过崎岖,才知平坦;经历风雨,方见彩虹。挫折时,从容乐观地面对;失意时,淡然优雅地转身。我们要学会在阴霾中找寻温暖,在暗夜中探求光明,咀嚼平淡如水的生活,领略四季起伏的风景,走出属于自己的人生。The road of life is interlaced with various tastes. It is only through ruggedness that one knows flatness; through storms, one sees a rainbow. Face setbacks calmly and optimistically; turn around calmly and gracefully when you are disappointed.

We should learn to find warmth in the haze, seek light in the dark, chew the life as plain as water, appreciate the ups and downs of the four seasons, and get out of our own life.

十三、活得糊涂的,容易幸福;活得清醒的,容易烦恼。这是因为,清醒的人看得太真切,一较真,生活中便烦恼遍地;而糊涂的人,计较得少,虽然活得简单粗糙,却因此觅得了人生的大滋味。It"s easy to be happy if you live in confusion; it"s easy to worry if you live soberly. This is because sober people look too real, a more real, life will be troubled everywhere; while confused people, care less, although living a simple rough, but therefore find a great taste of life.

十四、 有心者有所累,无心者无所谓。你总是在一个人的时候想太多,然后莫名其妙不开心。多少人总是幻想着一片遥远的乐土,后来却在脚下的那块土地里渐渐老去?人总是幻想着一种生活,却在眼下的生活中把日子走完。It doesn"t matter if the intentional person is tired, but the unintentional person is indifferent. You always think too much when you are alone, and then you are unhappy for no reason. How many people always fantasize about a distant paradise, but then gradually grow old in the land under their feet? People always fantasize about a kind of life, but they finish it in the present life.

十五、爱的时候用力爱,不爱的时候潇洒一点放开,不管是埋怨别人还是折磨自己,都是对一段感情的践踏。其实在生命面前,所有矛盾与嘶吼、所有离散与分别,都显得特别苍白无力。所以真的要活在当下,珍惜现在。When you love, love hard, when you don"t love, open up a little, whether it"s complaining about others or torturing yourself, it"s trampling on a relationship. In fact, in the face of life, all contradictions and roars, all discretion and separation, are particularly pale and powerless. So really want to live in the present, cherish the present.

十六、谁都没有比谁生活地容易。只是有的人呼天抢地,痛不欲生。而有的人,却默默地咬牙,逼自己学会坚强。希望你遇到一个人,他看你时眼神温柔,愿意陪你做很多事,说很多话走很多路。Nobody lives easier than anybody else. But some people scramble for heaven and earth, and they are in pain. Some people, however, grind their teeth silently and force themselves to learn to be strong. I hope you meet someone who looks at you with gentle eyes and is willing to do a lot of things with you, talk a lot and walk a lot.

十七、在青山绿水之间,我想牵着你的手,走过这座桥,桥上是绿叶红花,桥下是流水人家,桥的那头是青丝,桥的这头是白发。Between the green mountains and the green waters, I want to take your hand and walk across the bridge. The bridge is green leaves and safflower. Under the bridge is a flowing family. At the other end of the bridge is green silk, and at the other end of the bridge is white hair.

十八、有些事,发生了就只能接受。有些人,失去了就只有放手。有些路,选择了就没得回头。我们尝试着长大,一路跌跌撞撞然后遍体鳞伤,也许这就是成长的代价。Something happens and can only be accepted. Some people, lost only let go. There are some roads that you can"t turn back when you choose. We try to grow up, stumble all the way and get bruised all over. Maybe that"s the price of growth.

十九、有些人会一直刻在记忆里的,即使忘记了他的声音,忘记了他的笑容,忘记了他的脸,但是每当想起他时的那种感受,是永远都不会改变的。Some people will always be engraved in their memory, even if they forget his voice, his smile and his face, but when they think of him, the feeling will never change.

二十、如果没有遇见你,我怎么知道爱一个人的感觉,我怎么体会想一个人的甜蜜,爱过不后悔。最合适的感情,永远都不是以爱的名义互相折磨,而是彼此陪伴,成为对方的阳光。If I don"t meet you, how can I know how to love someone? How can I feel the sweetness of a person and never regret it? The most suitable feeling is never torturing each other in the name of love, but accompanying each other and becoming each other"s sunshine.
