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微信表情符使用指南(英文版) 转给老外和父母吧

句子大全 2020-05-17 22:25:25


In 2015, the Oxford English Dictionary even declared the "face with tears of joy"as its word of the year. From ordinary people"s daily messages to celebrity tweets, a single pictograph or a chain of emoji can speak more than a thousand words.

2015年,牛津英语词典把“笑出眼泪”这个表情符(Emoji)作为了年度词汇。 从普通人的日常消息到名人推文,单个象形文字或表情符号链可以说出超过千言万语。

The way I see emoji is as a one-off event that will never happen again as long as we use text keyboards for communicating. It’s remarkable that, seemingly overnight, we got an additional keyboard that"s installed by default on every phone in the world.

表情符维基百科( Emojipedia)的创始人说道:“我是这么看表情符的,只要我们还是用文字键盘聊天,表情符就是一个重大的创造,以后估计不会有这么颠覆性的了。好像就是一夜之间,所有人的手机输入法都有了个额外选项,表情页。”


Most Frequently Used Emojis Per Country

这些表意文字的使用因国家和平台而异。 例如,北京大学的学者最近对“智能手机用户的表情符号使用”的分析表明,在法国人更倾向用表情符号,19.8%的信息中至少会涉及一个表情符,而最常用的表情是,红心被箭射中(是否符合法国人的浪漫?)。

意大利最喜欢的是 红心闪耀星星 日本子喜欢用的是心跳符号

As for the US, Canada and the UK, they just don"t seem to be as happy.

但美国、加拿大、英国人最常用的表情符号,并不是那么欢快的表情。表情符号在不同国家的翻译也可能意思不一样。 表情符号的使用往往分为两类:文字和比喻。 例如,美国人开始使用“WC”的表情符号来表示“怦然心动/艳遇”(women crush),而不是原来的意思,原来是指“厕所”

Burge explains that emoji use tends to fall into two categories: literal and figurative. "For instance, people in the US have started using the "WC" emoji to mean "woman crush" instead of its original meaning, "water closet" for the toilet/bathroom," he says.


A Guide to Using WeChat Emojis

It is very difficult to talk to Chinese people without using emojis. Whenever a Chinese friend Facebook messages me, I feel compelled to reply with WeChat because there are messages and nuances that can only be expressed with emojis that only exist on WeChat.

和中国人聊天不用表情包那是不可能的。 每当一个中国朋友Facebook给我发消息时,我都不得不回复微信,因为有些消息,只能用存在于微信上的表情符号来表达。

The difference between emojis on Chinese and Western apps can shed light on some interesting cultural disparities. I have noticed that Chinese messaging apps tend to have a lot more emojis for expressing deference and embarrassment (with elements like blushing)—traditional Chinese culture prizes humility and indirectness. You can never ask someone a favor without profusely expressing how bad you feel.

表情符号,在中西方的聊天软件中,会有一些不同的用法,也能揭示一些有趣的文化差异。 中国软件中的表情符号有很多是用来表达尊重和尴尬(像脸红一样的元素) - 这是传统的中国文化,会倾向谦卑和委婉。 中国人很少会向另一个人,大肆地表达自己的感受。


Below are some emojis that I use most frequently while communicating on WeChat, but do not really have equivalents on Western messengers like Facebook Messenger and iMessage.

1. 害羞

Official Name(官方含义):Shy 害羞

Actual Meaning(实际含义):

I"m better than you, but I want you to know that I"m not just better but also humble.我比你好,但我想让你知道,我不仅比你好,还谦虚~I have a favor to ask of you but I don"t want to appear blunt我想请你帮忙,但不想显得太突兀,就发个表情包撒娇下吧Function(功能):

Humble brag 谦虚地炫耀Downplay one"s achievements 低调展示一个人的成就Ask for a favor 寻求帮助Example(例子):




2. 微笑(假笑)

Official Name(官方表面含义): Smile 微笑

Actual Meaning(实际含义):

I don"t know you that well and I don"t want to come across as over-friendly, but I want to create a friendly atmosphere 我和你不熟,我不想显得过于亲近友好自来熟,但也就是创造个礼貌友好的氛围吧I"m asking you a favor and it would be inappropriate for me to use any of the other favor emojis because they are way too cute and you are more senior/older than me 我想请你帮忙,因为你是我的上级或者长辈,所以不能用其他我喜欢的表情包了,其他的太可爱了显得我轻浮。Function(功能):

To maintain a professional yet friendly relationship 用来保持专业,但又表示友好To tell someone something very serious without coming across as mean 严肃地告诉别人某件(坏)事情,或者说出某个残酷的真相,但用这个表情来显得不那么刻薄**Note: DO NOT use this with friends (unless you are over 40), otherwise your friend will think you are trying to end the friendship by treating them like a stranger.





Official Name 官方含义: Trick 坏笑,耍花招

Actual Meaning 实际含义:

Look at you!!! 看看你(调戏脸)I have an idea that I think we"ll both like. 我有个点子,你也会喜欢的其实也用作勾引,一起约饭啊之类吧Function 功能:

Tease someone 嘲讽某人Emphasize the novelty of your idea 强调你的点子的创新性Example 1: 例子

- 我遇见某人了。

- 谁?!她是谁?[坏笑]

Example 2:

- 我们周五干嘛呢?

- 去轰趴啊?[坏笑]

4. 抱拳

Official Name 官方表面含义:Fight 抱拳/打扰前敬礼

Actual Meaning 实际含义:

I respect you a lot and I"m ready to learn from you 我尊敬你,想向你学习Sorry for troubling you 抱歉麻烦你了Thank you so much 十分感谢* Note: This is a salute commonly used in Chinese Kung Fu before people fight each other. It is a mutual show of respect for each other"s skills and abilities.


Function 功能:

For greeting when you first meet someone who is more senior or older 第一次认识某人时打招呼,尤其是上级大咖和长辈When you are asking a favor of someone that you respect 当你寻求帮助的时候Example 例子:



Official Name 官方含义:Scowl 发呆/皱眉

Actual Meaning 实际含义:

What the hell?! (惊讶)搞什么?Are you serious? I can"t believe this happened. 真的假的?我简直不敢相信Function 功能:

Express surprised disappointment/outrage 表达惊讶,失望,愤怒Example:



Official Name 官方名字:Grimace撇嘴

Actual Meaning 实际含义:

I"d love to help you but I really can"t. 我是想帮你的,但没空I can"t believe things turned out this way, but here"s what happened 我也不想(不好的事情)事情这样,但就是这样了This is really awkward(这很尴尬咦)Function功能:

Breaking bad news 传播坏消息时Asking for a difficult favor 求助,尤其是别人很为难的事Express embarrassment or regret 表达尴尬或者后悔怎么样,这些表情符的用法你有学会嘛,包括表情符的英文用法,你最喜欢的表情符是哪个?这种英文导读类的文章大家是否喜欢呢?欢迎留言交流。


英文原文:《A Guide to Using WeChat Emojis》

英文版作者:Zara Zhang
