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句子大全 2008-05-27 16:49:58


Free yourself from the past. I won"t bother you again.


Maybe many people have had the experience of breaking up. Some people choose to get together and not interfere in each other"s lives, while others can still be friends. Let"s take a look at these 12 constellations. After breaking up, don"t bother, but secretly pay attention to each other"s major constellations! Capricorn is not so cruel and ruthless, but he is a man with strong self-esteem. When feelings come to an end, he will never bother those who leave again, but it is unrealistic to quickly forget the deep feelings he once had, so no matter how indifferent Capricorn is on the surface, privately he may silently pay attention to each other until he is completely relieved. Don"t look at Aries" determination to break up.


Always cry for pain when you can"t bleed, turn on the light when you are afraid of the dark, contact when you miss it, feel empty when you are tired, please feel lonely, and feel homesick when you are vulnerable. Don"t be blinded by what"s in front of you, you will grow up eventually, and the darkest part of the road will finish by yourself.


Sorry, I won"t bother you again. What I love most is that you don"t want to disturb me. Let me have a cigarette at midnight.


You must have a good life, or I"m sorry I won"t disturb you.


Tomorrow, tomorrow is still a lot, not afraid of failure, the more frustrated, the more brave.


No longer disturb, just wait; No more contact, just remember. Who can forget the person who once loved; Heart, who doesn"t hurt. Unwilling to wake up is the hardest dream; Unforgettable feelings are the most distressing!


One day, I will look up to thousands of people, smile properly, and never mention you again.


There is someone in your heart, why don"t you tell me clearly? What is this? This is interesting for me, isn"t it? We are not like this! I used to be used to your tenderness and concern for me. We can"t go back now. I"m never going back. I don"t have your heart now. If you have someone better than me, I will bless you and never bother you again. I will always remember our memories.


I used to try to please many people, and I was busy maintaining a relationship. It was not until finally that I realized that we didn"t really need to please anyone. All we have to do is make ourselves strong, and then attract the people we like to come to us automatically.
