
日记大全 > 句子大全

翻倍快乐的沙雕句 笑到肚子疼(俏皮无边)

句子大全 2010-02-05 11:52:54

一、喝一杯奶茶吧,只要没人看见 就是0卡路里

Drink a cup of milk tea, as long as no one sees it is 0 calories


I used to be very thin, I just wanted to play fat, I didn"t expect it, I accidentally played


Boyfriend is so fun, it will definitely delay wow, playing games! It"s a good thing I don"t have a boyfriend


I want a pet and a girl now, but fish and Bear"s Paw can"t have both, so can you be my bitch

五、可是光是可爱还是不够 我必须要成为把他打进医院的暴躁女生。

But cute isn"t enough. I have to be the cranky girl who put him in the hospital.

六、西瓜蹲西瓜蹲 西瓜蹲完草莓蹲

Watermelon, watermelon, watermelon, strawberry


I"m a little fox. I"ll arc you for a while and ignore you for a while.


In fact, I also want to participate in youth have your draft, but Bai Jingting said that I am not the material of the draft, is when his baby material


I suggest you don"t talk about your brother and sister, and finally rest. I have to go to the kindergarten to pick him up from school in the afternoon


When I"m bored and I want to see a beautiful woman, I turn on my phone"s front camera.

十一、叫网友太疏离 叫知己太过火 叫朋友太冷漠 叫宝贝太热情 晚上好 孩子

Calling netizens too distant, confidants too far, friends too MoMo, babies too warm, good evening children


The little pig hugged the lamb and said, "do you think the leg of lamb is delicious or the leg of pig is delicious?".

十三、你有劝保持沉默 但你给我朋友圈点的每一个赞都将成为你暗恋我的证据

You tried to keep quiet, but every compliment you give me about Circle of Friends will be proof that you have a crush on me

十四、你好 我是她男朋友 你有什么事的话可以跟我说 因为我最近发现好多男的和她乱聊 我很爱这个女孩 占有欲很强 希望我的宝贝 别被人勾搭走 虽然我易烊千玺很忙 但我也会抽空陪她的

Hello, I am her boyfriend. If you have anything to say to me, because I have recently found many men chatting with her. I love this girl very much. I am very possessive and hope my baby will not be seduced. Although I am very busy in Jackson Yee, I will take time to accompany her.


Arc because you like you too much, the message in the dialog box is always not satisfied, want to write perfect, otherwise not worthy of you, so the last message didn"t send out, absolutely not because I was playing a game


I especially like to have dinner with friends who like to eat and chat. I usually eat when they chat.
