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句子大全 2016-09-06 09:20:20

2018年江苏卷阅读D篇来自英国知名报纸《每日邮报》(Daily Mail),神奇的是,2018年江苏卷用了两篇《每日邮报》的文章,另一篇是作为完形填空出题。

阅读D篇是关于十岁孩子沉迷于社交媒体。这几年,有关社交媒体、网络、智能手机的话题常常会作为各种英语考试的出题方向,所以多看看这类话题的外刊文章,当有足够的输入,看到这类阅读、甚至是写作, 也不至于犯怵。



标题:The children aged ten who are addicted to social media: Happiness is dependent on number of "likes" they get, reveals major study

be addicted to:沉溺于、对…上瘾;还记得全国卷I阅读D篇有一个句子“We’re also spending more time glued to our electronics”,当时解析过glue:作名词是“胶水”的意思,作动词,表示“用胶水粘、胶合,黏合,粘贴”。be glued to表示“专注于(尤指电视机或计算机屏幕前)、全神贯注、紧紧盯着”,用 来形容对某件事的痴迷,就像被胶水粘住一样,非常形象生动。

所以,我们也可以说the children aged ten who spend their days glued to social-media...

Children as young as ten are becoming dependent on social media for their sense of self-worth, a major study warned.

self-worth:自我价值感同义词self-esteem:自尊(心);搭配raise/build (up)/boost sb’s self-esteem

It found many youngsters now measure their status by how much public approval they get online, often through ‘likes’.

measure:作动词,估量,衡量,measure sth by sth,注意介词by;measure 作名词,一般作“举措、措施”,也表示评判标准,常用的搭配为be a measure of something,即“是……的体现、是……的评判标准”,例如:Exam results are not necessarily a true measure of a student ’ s abilities.考试成绩不一定就能真实说明一个学生的能力。status: n. 地位;状态;情形;重要身份‘likes’:社交媒体中表示“赞、点赞”

Some change their behaviour in real life to boost their image on the web.

boost their image on the web提升他们在网络上的形象

The report into youngsters aged from eight to 12 was carried out by Children’s Commissioner Anne Longfield.

She said social media firms were exposing children to major emotional risks, with some youngsters starting secondary school ill-equipped to cope with the avalanche of pressure (tremendous pressure ) they faced online.

expose: to put someone in a situation where they are not protected from something dangerous or unpleasant 使暴露〔于险境〕,使置身〔于危险〕当中expose sb to sthsecondary school:a school for children between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18〔为年龄在11至16或18岁之间的儿童开办的〕中等学校,中学primary school: a school for children between the ages of 5 and 11 小学= elementary schoolhigh school:(美国和其他一些国家14到18岁青年的)中学,高中senior secondary school:指“高中”,也可以说senior high schooljunior secondary school:初中ill-equipped:能力欠缺的; 装备不足的;ill-equipped to do sthill- :(用于形容词和过去分词等前)表示“坏”; “差”; “不够”avalanche:超纲词汇,表示“雪崩”;an avalanche of sth表示“雪片般飞来的某物,突然大量到来的某物”;高考使用了tremendous 来替换表示这种巨大的压力。tremendous: very big, fast, powerful etc 巨大的;极快的;强有力的补充一个例句:The school received an avalanche of applications.学校收到雪片般飞来的申请。


①She said② social media firms were exposing children to major emotional risks, ③with some youngsters starting secondary school ill-equipped to cope with the avalanche of pressure ④they faced online.

①是主句,②是宾语从句,③是with复合结构充当原因状语,④是定语从句,修饰限定pressure 。


Snapchat, WhatsApp and Instagram were the most popular social networks for the children even though all three supposedly require users to be at least 13.

Snapchat 是一款 “阅后即焚”照片分享应用,利用该应用程序,用户可以拍照、录制视频、添加文字和图画,并将他们发送到自己在该应用上的好友列表。这些照片及视频被称为“快照”("Snaps"),而该软件的用户自称为“快照族(snubs)”。Snapchat最主要的功能便是所有照片都有一个1到10秒的生命期,用户拍了照片发送给好友后,这些照片会根据用户所预先设定的时间按时自动销毁。而且,如果接收方在此期间试图进行截图的话,用户也将得到通知。

WhatsApp 是一款非常受欢迎的跨平台应用程序,用于智能手机之间的通讯。本应用程序借助推送通知服务,可以即刻接收亲友和同事发送的信息。可免费从发送手机短信转为使用WhatsApp程序,以发送和接收信息、图片、音频文件和视频信息.


The youngsters confessed to (admitted) planning excursions (trips) around potential photo-opportunities and then messaging friends – and friends of friends – to demand ‘likes’ for their online posts.

confess: 承认;坦白;忏悔;供认confess to (doing) sth. ;高考用admit进行替换excursions短途出行;同义词:trip;短语on an excursionphoto-opportunities:上报露脸的机会,表示“摄影场合; 拍照环节;(名人政要等)接受媒体拍照的时间;”参考译文:这些少年承认,他们计划着在可能有名人政要出现的摄影场合附近旅行,然后给朋友发短信(还有朋友的朋友),要他们给自己发的帖子点赞。

The report found that youngsters felt their friendships could be at risk if they did not respond to social media posts quickly, and around the clock.

around the clock : 昼夜不停地;日以继夜地;全天候

Children aged eight to ten were ‘starting to feel happy’ when others liked their posts. However, those in the ten to 12 age group were ‘concerned with how many people like their posts’ suggesting a ‘need’ for social validation (recognition) that gets more intense (stronger) the older they become.

social validation:社会认可,高考试题使用social recognition替换。a ‘need’ for social recognition that gets stronger the older they become.是“the + 比较级…,the +比较级…”在这个句子中的变化形式,相当于“the older they become ,the stronger it gets ” it指代a ‘need’ for social recognition,意思是“孩子的年龄越大,对社会认同感的需求也越强烈”。Last month a former Facebook boss claimed the social network’s ‘dopamine-driven feedback loops’ were ‘ripping apart the social fabric of how society works’.

dopamine:多巴胺(神经细胞产生的一种作用于其他细胞的化学物质)-driven:受……驱使的,由……决定的,由……操控的‘dopamine-driven feedback loops’: 多巴胺驱动的反馈回路rip:撕破,裂开fabric: the fabric of a society is its basic structure, way of life, relationships, and traditions社会结构social fabric社会结构,社会架构,关系网

And ex-Facebook president Sean Parker said: ‘God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains.’

