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可爱鬼父亲节文案 深情走心(收藏送给最爱的人)

句子大全 2015-12-19 01:28:18

一、谢谢你让我有了无条件的退路 可以随时全身而退回到你的保护圈里。

Thank you for giving me an unconditional retreat and returning to your circle of protection at any ti


The reason for my father"s existence is to accompany me to watch snails and tell me that the way of life is to walk slowly.

三、小时候您送我上学 长大了您送我出嫁。

When I was a child, you sent me to school and when I grew up, you sent me to get married


My father never said he loved me, but everything told me that he loved me.


May you have the songs of spring, the hearts of summer, the hearts of summer, the hearts of autumn, and the innocence of winter. May you always keep yourself in the future journey of life. May you have a happy life today, may you be happier tomorrow than today, and may Father"s Day be happy!

六、平常的时候 我总让您操心 惹您生气 但在今天 我想对您说:爸爸 其实我很爱您~希望你天天开心~永远健康!

At ordinary times, I always let you worry about making you angry, but today I want to say to you: Dad, in fact, I love you very much ~ I hope you are happy everyday ~ always healthy!

七、节日快乐!我把健康快乐打包 叫来幸福送个快递 把它送到我最爱的老爸身边!

Happy holidays! I called for health and happiness to be packed and sent by express to my favorite dad.


Whenever my father is my intelligent navigation, give me support, give me direction, let me go for every road in the future, maybe you will slowly grow old, but in my heart, the strong father love will still warm me until forever.

九、累了要好好休息 错了别埋怨自己 苦了是幸福的阶梯 伤了才懂得珍惜 醉了就是折磨自己 笑了便忘记曾经哭泣 闷了给我发个信息 祝父亲节快乐!

Tired, you should have a good rest. Don"t blame yourself for suffering. It is the ladder of happiness that hurts you. Only when you know how to cherish drunkenness can you torture yourself. If you laugh, you forget to cry and feel bored. Send me a message to wish you a happy Father"s Day.

十、小时候 您是我的拐杖 给我行走的力量 大了 您是我的肩膀 无论何种困难您都帮我扛 爸爸 你是我的阳光 谢谢你将我的人生照亮 祝您父亲节快乐笑容永绽放!

When I was a child, you were my crutch. You gave me the strength to walk. You were my shoulder. No matter what the difficulties, you helped me carry my father. You were my sunshine. Thank you for illuminating my life, wish you. Happy Father"s Day. Smile forever!


Once a year, when your day comes without me, I hope I can be happy with every minute and second. Although you don"t show it easily, I know you have always cared about me. Thank you, Dad! Happy father"s day.

十二、牵挂我的人是你,思念我的人是你,孝顺你的人是我,感恩你的人是我,该成熟了送上一条短信给你,少熬夜 少抽点烟 爸爸永远健康,永远开心,永远幸福,我永远爱你。

The one who cares about me is you, the one who misses me is you, the one who filial piety you is me, and the one who thanksgiving you is me. it"s time to send you a text message, stay up late and smoke less. dad will always be healthy, happy and happy, and I will love you forever.

十三、您是坚韧的大树 也是温暖的阳光。

You are a tough tree and warm sunshine.

十四、当有一天 你老成一个孩子 请让我像大人一样照顾你 亲爱的爸爸父亲节快乐。

When one day you grow up to be a child please let me take care of you like an adult dear father happy Father"s Day.
