
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2011-09-22 12:20:26

如果没有人为你遮风挡雨,那就学会自己披荆斩棘。If there is no one for you to shelter from the wind and rain, then learn to cut through the thorns.

希望你生活的地方,天足够蓝,阳光足够好,街边的小店干净又好吃,回家的灯永远是亮的。I hope you live in a place where the sky is blue enough, the sunshine is good enough, the shop on the street is clean and delicious, and the light is always on when you go home.

愿你贪吃不胖,愿你深情不被辜负,愿你傻人傻福,愿你一直幸运。愿你一生努力,一生被爱,想要的都拥有,得不到的都释怀。May you be greedy and not fat, may your affections not be betrayed, may you be a fool, and may you always be lucky. May you work hard, be loved all your life, have what you want, and let go of what you can"t get.

这个世界,总有人在爱你,或迟或早,你都会遇见那个明媚的人,他会替你打开那扇让阳光能够照进来的窗户。In this world, there will always be someone who loves you. Sooner or later, you will meet the bright one. He will open the window for you to let the sunshine shine in.

生活不只有沮丧,还有飘着果香的小摊,拐角处的雏菊,蛋糕店里甜甜的奶油香,打起精神,早睡早起,好好吃饭,下一秒就是惊喜。Life is not only about depression, but also with fruit flavored stalls, daisies around the corner, and the sweet smell of cream in the cake shop. Keep up your spirits, go to bed early, get up early, and have a good meal. The next second is a surprise.

我可以化淡妆喝下午茶,也可以画浓妆蹦迪,但我不会抢别人男朋友,我也会按时回家,这是原则。I can wear light make-up to drink afternoon tea, and I can also paint heavy makeup trampoline, but I will not rob other people"s boyfriends, I will go home on time, this is the principle.

不要太乖,不想做的事可以拒绝,做不到的事不用勉强,不喜欢的话假装没听见,你的人生不是用来讨好别人,而是善待自己。Don"t be too good, you can refuse what you don"t want to do, don"t be forced to do something you can"t do. If you don"t like it, pretend not to hear it. Your life is not to please others, but to treat yourself well.

生活不可能像你想象得那么好,但也不会像你想象得那么糟。有时,我可能脆弱得一句话就泪流满面,有时,也发现自己咬着牙走了很长的路。Life can"t be as good as you think, but it won"t be as bad as you think. Sometimes, I may burst into tears with a weak sentence, and sometimes I find myself biting my teeth and walking a long way.

如果只是友情的话,能好好做朋友那就好好做朋友,不要太贪心,爱情这东西太极端,一但打破,要么一生,要么陌生。If it"s just friendship, if you can be a good friend, then be a good friend. Don"t be too greedy. Love is too extreme. Once broken, it will be a lifetime or strange.

过去有人曾对我说,“一个人爱上小溪,是因为没有见过大海。”而如今我终于可以说,“我已见过银河,但我仍只爱你一颗星。”In the past, someone once said to me, "a man falls in love with a stream because he has not seen the sea." Now I can finally say, "I have seen the Milky way, but I still love you only one star."


Hello stranger, may you have a good person for the rest of your life and live the life you want.

