
日记大全 > 句子大全

外研版2019 2020年度六年级下册英语测试题(一)

句子大全 2011-10-26 23:19:49



一、 找出每组中不同类的单词 每小题1分,共10分

( ) 1. A.dollars B.cents C.cows

( ) 2. A.rain B.windy C.snow

( ) 3. A.breakfast B.lunch C.picnic

( ) 4. A.sun B.cold C.hot

( ) 5. A.happy B.lovely C.baby

( ) 6. A.dog B.animal C.duck

( ) 7. A.eat B.at C.on

( ) 8. A.jucic B.beaf C.chicken

( ) 9. A.five B.time C.twenty

( ) 10.A.running B.shining C.interesting


( )1.It’s too hot. I want _______ice cream and two_______, please.

A. an, oranges B. a, orange C. an, orange

( )2.Mum, I feel_______ now. Can I have a sandwich?

A. thirsty B. hungry C. tired

( )3.The hot dog_______ good.

A.look B. looking C. looks

( )4.--How________ colas do you want? --I want three.

A. many B. much C. some

( )5.Lucy _________ want to eat eggs. She likes bread for breakfast.

A.don’t B. doesn’t C. isn’t

( )6.--When are you going to swim? -- _______half past four.

A. At B. On C. In

( )7.Look! The bees______ in the flowers.

A. dance B. dancing C. are dancing

( )8.--What ________ you doing now? --I________ cleaning the room.

A. are, is B. are, am C. is, am

( )9.It will ________ tomorrow. Let’s wear cool clothes.

A. sunny and hot B. be cold C. be sunny and hot

( )10. --What is Amy doing? --She _______ a picnic.

A. is having B. has C. have

( )11._______!The car is coming.

A. Careful B. Be careful C. See

( )12.-- _______is it now? --It’s twelve o’clock.

A. When B. What time C. What

( )13.Look at these _______. They’re so beautiful.

A. photo B. photoes C. photos

( )14.It’s raining now. It’s good to _______.

A. swim on the pond B. fly kites C. stay at home

( )15.--We’re going to have a party_______.--Sounds good!

A. next week B. last week C. yesterday


( )1.Can I help you? A. In May.

( )2.What are these? B. Thank you!

( )3.Is it going to rain? C. They’re ducks.

( )4.You look nice today! D. I don’t think so.

( )5.When is your birthday? E. Yes, I want some water.


A: Good morning, sir. ________

B: Yes, please.

A: ________

B: I want a hamburger and French fries.

A: ________

B: A cup of green tea.

A: ________

B: Yes. _________ A: It’s five dollars.

B: Here’s the money. A. Thank you. Enjoy your meal!


1.It ___________rain tonight.

2.The girl is ___________a letter to her friend.

3.What are you going to do___________ dinner?

4.Let’s look at the ___________tomorrow.

5.The ___________is blowing hard. Don’t go out.

六、阅读短文,A 选择 B判断正确(T)错误(F)。每小题2分共20分)(A)

Bob lives in a very old village. He has no children. He has a cat and a dog. He also has a big house. There are many trees and flowers in front of the house .Look! The cat is running up the big tree. It wants to catch(抓) the bird in the tree. Bob opens his fridge(冰箱). He wants to eat something. But he can’t find anything. There is no food or drinks in it. He says to the dog,“Here’s the money. Go to the shop and get some meat and bread, The meat is for you. The bread is for me.”

The dog takes the money with its mouth and run to the shop. A moment later(一会儿) , the dog comes back with a piece of paper. It says, “I’m sorry, Bob, there isn’t any bread in my shop today.”

( )1.Bob lives in_________.

A. a town B. a village C. a building

( )2.Bob has_________.

A. a small house B. some children C. a cat and a dog

( )3.There are _________in front of the house.

A. some hills B. some flowers C. some lakes

( )4. ________runs to the shop with money.

A. Bob B. The cat C. The dog

( )5. Bob wants to eat some _________.

A. bread B. fruit C. meat


In many English homes, people eat four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. People have breakfast from seven to nine in the morning. They often have cereal,bread,eggs and sausages. They also drink tea or coffee at breakfast. They have lunch at about one o’clock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon.

They have dinner at about half past seven in the evening. First they have soup, and then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that, they eat some other things, like apples , oranges or bananas.

( ) 1. In all Chinese homes, people eat four meals a day.

( ) 2. English people often have cereal, apples for breakfast.

( ) 3. People have lunch at about twelve o’clock in England.

( ) 4. English people have dinner at about 7:30 in the evening.

( ) 5. English people don’t eat vegetable for their dinner.

七、写作乐园。(10分)周末天气非常好,你和你的家人准备一起坐公交车去公园玩,根据提示写一份周末的计划,不得少于五句话。提示词:Sunday, park, bus, fly kites, ride a bike, read books, eat…


