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不只是文集More than(a collection of articles)

句子大全 2008-12-27 05:10:38


More than a collection of articles


In fact, it is a great idea to see a book as a collection of a number of articles. When reading it, you can browse it by chapter or section, taking out three to five important ideas from each and writing down your own interpretation. In this way, you can get a good understanding of the key points in it.


But a book is more than a collection of articles. Its content list shows the structure of the ideas in it. There are tight connections between chapters and sections so that they form a complete and organic whole when joined together. The ideas are unified under one theme and then fully developed under it so that the book presents a deep and specific explanation of this theme.


Simply put, books are not just collections. A collection or anthology contains articles simply collected under several types or themes. So a book is different from a bunch of articles.


In the area of translation, a single article is in fact an independent text composed from certain use. A technical translator mostly deals with independent articles in practical style for practical use written. In language class, these are generally called practical writing. Most of the writing courses in school education teach students how to express in written language, how to write in a proper procedure and how to think in writing. So a lot of people need to learn the specific practical writing styles in their own area after they start a career.


A translator needs to learn the format of a style in two languages before he or she translates an article. In technical translation, all kinds of styles appear in the articles to be processed, centering round the operating activities of an enterprise. Then from this point, their content expands in to professional areas in which language is used as an important instrument. That is to say, a translator working in a company may encounter documents about its rules and systems, daily exchanges and documents, newsletters and website articles. And all these are texts for general use.

More difficult ones include news releases, articles of association of the company, and patent, legal and technical documents. All these styles relate to professional lines in the society, such as media, law, patent and specialized area. The so-called specialized area involves the expertise of the specialized area in which an enterprise operates, which may be science and technology or education, culture and arts. In sum, texts in specialized area show various specific stylistic features developed in application over a long period of time for the purpose of expressing expertise. Some examples are test reports, transcript, program, or even menu, card or driving license. All the above cover most of the texts a technical translator meet in his or her work.


Publications fall into two rough classes: fiction and non-fiction. Practically, they are literature and practical readings. Literary writing requires higher literary learning and familiarity with the diction and organization of literary styles. Practical writing needs less artistic features in writing but requires clear and clean skills in expression to offer the necessary comfortable reading experience to readers.


Academic language expresses complex contents in academic research and thus requires strong logic and more features of written language in word choice. So academic writing needs special study and training and academic publication becomes a somehow exceptional area.


So there can be a number of types of book translation. And difficulty increases from practical readings to literature and to academic writings. Nonetheless, the general requirements are always three basic points: world knowledge, stylistic knowledge and language proficiency.


In addition, error rate requirement is much higher in publication than in technical translation. And technical translation is more like 100 meter sprint in time schedule. It must be quick and timely as translations are needed in several hours or days. Book translation can be compared to long distance running. A project is given several months or two or three years. But to its translators, it is more like a hard test of self-management and endurance.
