
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2017-10-09 14:44:32

平淡和冷淡是两回事 ,忙和敷衍是两回事 ,不爱了就是不爱了。

Insipid and apathy are two different things, busy and perfunctory are two different things, not loving or not loving.

换以前我早闹脾气走了 ,可现在不一样了 ,我宁愿委屈自己 ,胡搅蛮缠着你, 是真真切切爱你爱到骨子里。

I would have lost my temper before, but now it"s different. I"d rather wronged myself and importune you. I really love you to the bone.

我比较幼稚 ,超级没有安全感 ,特别注重细节,超级怕黑,不开心会不想说话,会故意说你不喜欢的话刺激你。

I am naive, super insecure, pay special attention to details, super afraid of the dark, unhappy, unwilling to talk, and deliberately say things you don"t like to stimulate you.


I am very sure that the person doted on me before, so the memory is longer than the past, so I did not meet that kind of doting later on.


A book read once again may have different feelings, but the ending is the same. The same is true of people.

为什么我们在一起我一直需要安全感 ,因为从一开始我就知道 ,你有没有我都一样, 闹一下证明我到底重不重要, 结果闹没了 ,你看, 你说的爱我也不过如此。

Why are we together? I always need a sense of security, because from the beginning I knew whether you and I were making the same noise to prove whether I was important or not. As a result, if I didn"t make it, you can see that you said that you love me and that"s all.

你没体会过委屈冲到喉咙还要硬生生咽下去的感受 ,又凭什么说我没考虑过你的感受。

You haven"t experienced the feeling of rushing to your throat and swallowing it down. Why should I say I haven"t considered your feelings?

后来我才明白 ,很多事情说太多都没有用 ,就像你拿一杯热水 ,就算很渴, 但是很烫手 ,还是会放下。

Later, I realized that it is useless to say too much about many things, just like if you take a cup of hot water, even if you are thirsty, but it is very hot, you will still put it down.


"There are too many people in your world, I can"t squeeze in, but I stand outside and listen to the noisy voices inside, then I know how happy you are."

你说不想耽误我, 怕没有以后 ,怕以后还是会分开 ,怕这怕那的都是万一做不到 ,你什么都怕 ,唯独不怕失去我。

You said that you didn"t want to delay me. I was afraid that nothing in the future would still be separated from me. All this and that were in case you couldn"t do anything but lose me.


