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「神仙文案」翠柳啼黄鹂 河堤漫春水(想你在梦里 歇息不忍天明)

句子大全 2007-12-06 11:57:48

It"s cold in the autumn night. You have to wrap your quilt. Don"t panic if you don"t see it in your dreams. I just went to Yangyue old matchmaker, so I can take you to my heart for the rest of my life.秋夜里天凉,你要裹好被子衣裳,梦里没有遇到也别慌张,我只是去央了月老红娘,余生才好系你在心上。

A girl like you, with beautiful eyes and autumn water, and spring mountains on the temples, makes gentlemen want to admire Pingting"s surplus.


The magnificent weather of the cyclone cloud, the yellow flowers all over the ground after the autumn rain one night, the grasshopper sings Shulang farewell in the autumn, all the beauty of this day is because of you, not as good as you.


How much I like you, the wind this morning, the rain last night, the inflorescences flying over the mountains, and the cat by the bed, they all remember.


I don"t like the world at all, I just make sure I like you. When I escape this world, if you can"t take care of you for a while, don"t worry, I will return from the universe to find you immediately.


There was a heavy rain last night, yellow flowers all over the ground. There is no floating cloud in the clear blue sky. In this season, the world is sunny and rainy, frost and dew alternately, each has its own fun. I am also very happy every moment, but it is because I own you.


The green willows crowed the oriole, the riverbank was overflowing with the spring water, thinking you are all in your dreams, and you can"t bear the dawn.

翠柳啼过黄鹂,河堤漫过春水,想你都在梦里,歇息不忍天明 。
