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英语习语习得(26)put your foot in your mouth乱说错话

句子大全 2009-10-12 04:22:30

昨天,9月25日,川普在联大发言胡吹他上台以来做出的所谓业绩超过美国历史上几乎任何总统,并继续宣扬他的美国优先政策,开场几秒钟就引起了到会的各国领导人和外交官们的群嘲与讥笑,他却不以为然,厚着脸皮说,"I didn"t expect that reaction, but that"s OK," 我没预料到你们会是这样的反映,但这无所谓。整场演讲下来没有一次掌声,这反映了世界各国对川普的厚颜无耻是多么的恶心。然而,他并不觉得有什么难堪,自己丝毫不感沮丧。今天一早起来又在推特上求慰藉,洋洋得意自吹自擂自己的丰功伟绩,全然无视美媒对他的演讲恶评如潮,他那大嘴巴说出的特没谱的话,连他的铁粉都做出鬼脸,显露出无奈。请看下面这张图片中的字样:

The face Trump supporters make when Trump puts his foot in his mouth.

put one"s foot in one"s mouth: 说话犯下不得体或难堪的错误,即 to make a tactless or embarrassing blunder,or to make a mistake in public。


1.I really put my foot in my mouth – I asked her if Jane was her mother, but she said Jane is her sister.我说话真的十分狼狈。我问她简是不是她妈妈,可她是简是她姐姐。

2.Don"t put your foot in your mouth when you talk with the stranger. 在和陌生人说话的时候千万别乱说。

3.You never open your mouth but you put your foot in it. 你要么不开口,要么一开口就胡说。

4.Sam put his foot in his mouth again. He said he is allergic to people from minority nationality in the class. 山姆又在不分场合乱说了。他称他对班上的少数民族人员感到恶心。

5.If you keep your mouth shut you will never put your foot in it. 要是你闭嘴,就决不会说错话。Many guys think that he should have not put his foot in his mouth, but I have to say he is oblivious of life"s hardships of the people. 许多人认为他不该说那些不得体的话,但我得说他是不知民间疾苦。

此短语美式英语里用得较多,throw one’s foot in one’s mouth与之意同。
