
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2022-10-24 12:00:25


(1) Family affection can illuminate people"s life and pave the way with flowers; It is a firm belief, a persistent instinct, even if penniless, family affection still exists.


(2) Family affection is a kind of driving force, which can let you enter the realm of "going up tall buildings alone and looking at the ends of the world", enable you to have the persistence of "gradually widening your clothes and never regret, and getting haggard for Iraq", and enable you to taste the happiness of "reporting the three spring rays".


(3) Family affection is the snow on the top of Changbai Mountain, simple but eternal; Family affection is the flowing water of Tigris River, soft but long; Family affection is the sunset in Sicily, lingering but gorgeous; Family affection is an inscription on the Mesopotamian plain, vague but meaningful. Family, family! Family affection... Transcends time and space and weaves the most beautiful rainbow in life.


(4) Years pass by inadvertently. Behind every hurried figure, father"s loving eyes are getting farther and farther, and mother"s familiar words are gradually forgotten. When you are tired, stop and read the warm story in reading, and you will have a moving heartbeat.


(5) In the care of strong family affection, young lives grow from the first loud cry to walking alone for the first time. The first sentence is that parents grow into handsome teenagers and young girls. The flowers of life are so beautiful under the watering of family affection.


(6) We drift from the stream, open the way on the mountain and build a bridge on the water; In the course of our struggle, we are in high spirits and look forward to the future happily. It is precisely because of the support and encouragement of our relatives that we have the motivation to struggle. As a friend said, I heard love from my mother"s nagging, I saw hope from my father"s silence, I thought of struggle from the teacher"s eyes, and I knew responsibility from the encouragement of my relatives.


(7) Home is the ice cream in summer, which removes the heat from our hearts; Home is the fire in winter, which removes the chill from our hearts; Home is the spring rain in spring, moistening our flowers and plants; Home is the breeze of autumn; Take away the annoyance in our hearts for us.


(8) Family affection is the drizzle that moistens things and the intoxicating spring breeze; Family affection is heavy touch and affectionate gaze; Family affection is a sunshine that makes the heart feel as warm as spring even in cold winter; Family affection is a clear spring, which makes the emotion clear even if it is covered with the dust of years.


(9) When you are a baby, family affection is the milk that feeds your growth; When you were a teenager, family affection was your refuge harbor; When you are old, family affection is a touch of comfort at sunset. This is a kind of blood connected love, this is a kind of never-ending love.


(10) My fantasy home is simple and simple, with complete furniture. It doesn"t have to be rich, but it should be very clean. Then there are people I love and people who love me. There must be a very comfortable room for my parents.


(11) Home is warm, it is the torch of love. Through the warm and humid spring and the cold winter, home will always be home and contain the world of love. I am the patron saint of this land of love.


(12) Between human beings, there is continuous emotion, unity and friendship. Loyalty, brotherhood. However, the most profound and cohesive thing is kiss, love and affection!


(13) The happy family life has brought me warmth. In my home, every time we have dinner, there is the sound of chopsticks moving around. This is not greedy, but we clip the dishes to each other and let him eat more good things. This is the warm family brought by my happiness. This family life gives me a feeling that the family used to be so warm.


(14) Family affection is invisible, just like the thin line of a kite in the sky, which will elongate with the rise of the kite. Family affection is usually not felt, but it is omnipresent.


(15) What is home? Home is a lamp, an eaves and a soft bed. With lights, I"m no longer afraid of no stars and moon at night. With eaves, I am no longer afraid of wind and rain. With a bed, tired and sleepy, you can have a sweet sleep and have a beautiful dream.
