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适合孤独时候发的爱情句子 高级又治愈(简单又文艺)

句子大全 2022-10-28 17:58:08

Sleepless night, looking out the window with orange lights, there is a feeling of collapse. I feel everything around me is spinning and changing rapidly, and it is dark in an instant, the stars are changing, and things are changing. The only thing that hasn"t changed is myself.


If he is the only one who makes you cry, then he is also the only one who makes you stop crying.


If I had treated you the way you treated me, I"m afraid you would have left long ago.


As a teenager, I was crazy about the words "take me away".


Some words, to say and not to say, are harmful. Some people, whether they stay or not, will leave.


I hope you don"t make waves like the wind, but follow the clouds to the distance.


Many things are like the wind. Although they can"t be touched, they can be felt.


If one day, in an empty room, only music and silence are left, whether you can say something you want to express, maybe it is still just silence, and if you have been silent for too long, you will get used to being a person with a sense of distance. I choose to surf the Internet, and I comfort each other through the Internet, just like in the depths of the empty sea, those fish who migrate in the cold and warm flow never talk, and their fingers knock out lonely voices on the keyboard.


Tell yourself I"m sorry. I used to do it for others but not for myself.


Some love, may only need to experience once in a lifetime will be unforgettable.


Appearing at the age of 0, growing up at the age of 10, hesitating at the age of 20, orienting at the age of 30, struggling at the age of 40, looking back at the age of 50, retiring at the age of 60, rubbing hemp at the age of 70, basking in the sun at 80, lying in bed at 90 and hanging on the wall at 100. Life is great, death is sad, when you can hold hands, please don"t hold hands side by side, but embrace.


If one day, someone who can"t come back disappears and someone who can"t live without it leaves, it doesn"t matter. Time will bring the right person to you. Before that, what you have to do is take good care of yourself.

