
日记大全 > 句子大全

经典走心的人生感悟句子 时光飞逝(说的很现实)

句子大全 2022-10-29 09:43:45


Years not old millennium, years not old millennium, years notdrunk beauty. Time will pay, glory will fade with snow, stars at theend of summer.


Listen to a piece of music with you, describe a time with me. Thegears of time have discarded the marks of history. Meeting timesreflect age.


In the chaotic years, the maple leaves of Fragrant Hill should bered, blooming blooming and proudly, and that blush warms thedisplacement and coolness of this season.


As time goes by, life is short. I wish you all the best in theyears to come.


A song of the world of mortals, I"m just your dream, finallyended, and you became my untouchable pain. The moon is full of air,caressing the wound you gave me, feeling lonely, eating snacks,singing softly in the breeze. Who is the weak water in my boundlessworld of mortals? How to desalinate the past clouds and smoke thatcannot be left behind after losing years?


Time flies. When the yellow memory with once striding printing anddyeing fragrance deep buried in the soil, all my thoughts in thislife will go with the wind, fall in the place where you are, for mequietly guard in your side.


In your life, there will at least one time that you forgetyourself for someone. "No result, no company, no past, no love,just want to meet you in the most beautiful years."


In your life, there are too many boundless passers-by, pass by,miss, meet again, form a stranger. But the thread of fate is deep andshallow, holding you and me tightly together. Perhaps, at thatmoment, my heart is destined to sink for you.


Because of you, love does not regret, and the pain of life canonly be understood by you for me. Without you, the whole world issilent, a dark, do not know how long, only in the flower season foryou to stay, but do not know that is a mistake.
