
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2022-10-30 08:56:49


1、爱情,是爱情,推动着世界的发展。Love, is love, promote the development of the world.2、人不能绝灭爱情,亦不可迷恋爱情。People can"t extinction love, also not obsessed with love.3、每个人,都有一个世界,安静而孤独。Everyone, there is a world, quiet and lonely.4、凡事皆有代价,快乐的代价便是痛苦。Everything is a price, the price of happiness is pain.5、爱情是世界上最重要的,可橄榄球也不错。Love is the most important thing in the world, but football is good too.6、男人彻底懂得一个女人之后,是不会爱她的。After the man thoroughly understand a woman, is not love her.7、孤独是一个人的狂欢,狂欢是一群人的孤独。Loneliness is a person"s carnival, carnival is a group of lonely people.8、没有人在原地等待你。也没爱情在原地等待你。No one in place waiting for you. No love in place waiting for you, too.9、女人,往往喜欢坦白心事,男人,则恰恰相反。A woman, often like unburdened, man, is just the opposite.10、有些人注定是要爱着彼此的,时间和心没有关系。Some people is doomed to love each other, time and no relationship.11、最好的爱情,就是可以快乐的做自己,还依然被爱着。The best love, is can do happy yourself, still be in love.12、你是我猜不到的不知所措,我是你想不到的无关痛痒。You are my guess at a loss, I am insignificant you think not.13、痛过之后就不会觉得痛了,有的只会是一颗冷漠的心。After the pain will not feel pain, some will only is a cold heart.14、恋爱中,男人的个性是多余的,女人的头脑是多余的。In love, a man"s character is redundant, a woman"s brain is redundant.15、想要走得快,就单独上路,想要走的远,就结伴而行。Want to walk fast, alone on the road, want to go far, go together.16、男人恋爱是因为轻率出击,女人恋爱是因为躲闪不及。Men love because reckless attack, a woman in love because of nature.17、人一生最大的痛苦就是,犯了错,确改不了,一想就痛!One of life"s greatest pain is, make a mistake, it won"t change, a want to pain!18、即使自己不快乐,也绝不去打扰别人的幸福,这是原则。Even if you don"t happy, also never bother the happiness of others, this is the principle.19、爱情中没有什么对错,只要两个人相爱,管它该与不该。In love there is no right or wrong, as long as two people love each other, it should and shouldn"t.20、这辈子最对不起的就是自己的心了,让它疼了一次又一次。In this life the most sorry is their heart, let it hurt again and again.21、爱情的火没有一次来得及熔炼出一条能终身束缚她的锁链。The fire of love can not once had time to smelt out a lifelong bound her chains.22、男人是有侵略性的动物,是兽,越是得不到的便越是喜欢。Man is a aggressive animals, is a beast, get the more the more like it.23、要知道新欢,就是你讨厌了自己的旧爱,去爱别人的旧爱。To know new love, is you hate his old love, love someone else"s old love.24、忘掉岁月,忘掉痛苦,忘掉你的坏,我们永不永不说再见。Forget years, forget pain, forget your bad, we never never say goodbye.25、女人最先衰老的从来不是容貌,而是那份不顾一切的闯劲!The woman first aging is never looks, but the desperate aggressive!26、毫无经验的初恋是迷人的,但经得起考验的爱情是无价的。No experience of first love is charming, but stand the test of love is priceless.27、当你觉得你的感情出现危机,不用去确认相信我那是真的。When do you think of your emotional crisis, need not to confirm believe me it is true.28、如果你还喜欢我,请你珍惜我;如果你不喜欢我,我会离开你。If you also like me, would you please cherish me; If you don"t like me, I will leave you.29、依昔往梦似曾见,心内波澜现。抛开世事断愁怨,相伴到天边。In accordance with the yesterday to dream seems to have seen the heart waves. Throw things off tragic, to accompany them knowing you can"t have them.30、感情经不起比,一比比出寒碜;感情经不起推敲,一敲碎成片段。Feelings can"t afford to than a than a poor; Emotional withstand scrutiny, a broken into fragments.31、爱情永远都处在时差中,不是你早,就是我晚,反正永远不同步。Love always in the jet lag, not your early, is my night, but never synchronization.32、夜晚来了我还依然睁着眼睛,是因为我看见了你留在月光下的痕迹。Into the night to I still with your eyes open, because I saw you in the moonlight.33、不管发生了什么,要不就当做美好的回忆,要不就当做深刻的教训。No matter what happened, or as a wonderful memory, or as a profound lesson.34、想要拉着你的手,革命道路一起走,爱要怎么说出口,不要嫌我长得丑!Want to pull your hand, the revolutionary road walk together, love how to say, don"t suspicion I grow very ugly!35、爱情一定是婚姻的前提,而珍惜,那才是携手鬓白的那份所必须的执念。Love must be the premise of marriage, and to cherish, that is grey white hand in hand with the necessary.看完上面的内容后,不知你发现了没有,这些的名言警句不仅仅会对你的爱情观起到很重要的影响,还可能会影响你的人生观,一些好的名言警句总是潜移默化的的影响你的思维和处事方式。

