
日记大全 > 句子大全

经典人生感悟句子 现实入心(句句有感而发)

句子大全 2022-10-31 13:34:53


The flavor of life, the most thick love, prosperous life, light the most true, life all the way, have to experience the time of self precipitation。


The joy of life lies in never knowing what surprise or accident will happen in the next second. No matter how well planned, it can"t be equal to the arrangement of fate.


What belongs to you is always there, not yours. Don"t fight, don"t love. It"s hard to let go of the hardship of life. I wish I could get what I want and lose what I want.

4.如果你爱上一个不可能在一起的人 ,不要纠缠他 ,不要伤害他, 就把他当做知己一样, 倾诉心情 ,缓解情绪 ,唯独不要再说我爱你 。

If you fall in love with someone who can"t be together, don"t pester him or hurt him, just treat him as a confidant, pour out your feelings and ease your emotions, but don"t say I love you again.

5.迟早会走散的是错的人,早晚会相逢的是对的人 ,你躲不掉的人是你该遇见的 ,你逃不掉的 ,是你该历的劫 ,想要更好地前行, 就要懂得放下 ,你一定要保持清醒 ,不管多么痛苦 ,多么思念。爱是祝福,而不是霸占 。

Sooner or later, the wrong person will be separated, and the right person will be met sooner or later. The person you can"t avoid is the one you should meet, the one you can"t escape is the one you should experience. If you want to move forward better, you must know how to put it down. You must keep sober, no matter how painful or how missing. Love is blessing, not occupation.

6.你喜欢吃草莓, 你会毫不犹豫的买下它。 如果你不喜欢吃香蕉 ,但考虑到香蕉助消化 ,你还是会买下它 。所以喜欢是单纯的 ,不喜欢,才会衡量利弊。 真正懂你的人才配得上你的余生。

You like to eat strawberries, you will not hesitate to buy it. If you don"t like bananas, but considering that they help digestion, you"ll still buy them. So like is simple, do not like, will measure the pros and cons. People who really know you deserve the rest of your life.

7.我慢慢明白了我为什么不快乐 ,因为我总是期待一个结果 。看一本书 ,期待它让我变深刻。发条微信,期待它被回复 。

I gradually understand why I am not happy, because I always expect a result. Read a book and expect it to make me deeper. Spring wechat, looking forward to its reply.

8.而我们,除了一个人努力奋斗向前奔跑之外 ,谁都帮不了你 。挨过去,你定会看见最坚强的自己。

And we, in addition to a person struggling to run forward, no one can help you. Get past, you will see the strongest yourself.

9.人生最大的遗憾 ,不是错过了最好的人 。而是你错过了,那个最想要对你好的人 。无论我们最后生疏成什么样子 。曾经对你的好都是真的 。希望你,不后悔认识我,也是真的快乐过 。就算终有一散, 但别辜负相遇 。

The biggest regret in life is not to miss the best person. It"s that you miss the person who most wants to be nice to you. No matter what we end up like. It"s true that I"ve been good to you. I hope you don"t regret knowing me, and you are really happy. Even if there will be a break, but do not fail to meet。

10.人的一生会遭遇无数次相逢 ,有些人是你看过便忘的风景 ,有些人则是在你的心里生根发芽 ,那些无法诠释的感觉都是没有来的缘分 ,缘深缘浅 ,早有分晓。

People"s life will encounter countless encounters, some people are the scenery you have seen and forgotten, some people are rooted in your heart, those feelings that can not be interpreted are not to fate, edge deep edge shallow, early have known.

11.人到中年 如果很喜欢 如果很喜欢一个人 那么请保持一个朋友的距离 这样一辈子都不会失去 千万不要奢望靠近 ,人一旦有了贪念 就,注定要失去,有些风景只能喜欢 ,却不能收藏 。就像有些人,只适合遇见 ,却不适合牵手 。

If you like a person very much in middle age, please keep a friend"s distance so that you won"t lose it all your life. Don"t expect to get close to him. Once you have greed, you are doomed to lose it. Some scenery can only be liked, but can"t be collected. Like some people, only suitable for meeting, but not suitable for holding hands.

12.沉默永远是疏远的开始 ,两个人之间没有联系就没有感情 ,每个人每天经历的人和事不同感受各异。只有不断的倾诉和倾听,才能彼此了解。 如果一个人不问 ,一个人也不说 ,再熟悉的人也会渐渐没有共同语言 ,再深的感情也会找不到支点。

Silence is always the beginning of alienation. If there is no connection between two people, there will be no feelings. Everyone experiences different people and things every day and feels different. Only by constantly talking and listening can we understand each other. If a person does not ask, a person does not say, no matter how familiar people will gradually have no common language, no matter how deep feelings will not find a fulcrum.


We come from chance. Life is the most precious gift. Live gratefully, treat everything gently, don"t resent because of misfortune, no matter how difficult the future is, stand still with a smile, a common heart, no fear, no escape.

