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动人心弦的爱情句子 句句撩人(拿去发圈)

句子大全 2022-11-04 08:15:14


Dragonflies, butterflies, bees buzz after you. Spring breeze blowing, spring beauty, spring heart fangfei. Thousands of paper cranes, thousands of hearts, infinite yearning hope people return. Heart seal, love, love your whole life without repentance!


Thousands of roses give you, want you to love yourself well; One thousand paper cranes give you, let chagrin away from you; 1000 lucky stars give you, let good luck around you; One thousand pistachios to you, let a good mood to find you; May you always be happy!


You are a spring in the desert, give me joy and joy of power; You are the sun in the sky, give me light and warmth; You are the goddess in my mind, give me faith and happiness; Honey, I love you.


I don"t care if you"re empty as long as you love me enough. I can resist the lure of beautiful clothes at the mall because I will save you a few days of living expenses. I can ignore the fear of the long journey, because I want to see you!


Love you is a kind of happy, think you is a kind of happiness, waiting for you is a kind of test, read you is a habit, hurt you is a kind of cherish, kiss you is a kind of gentle, see you is a kind of enjoyment, hold you is a kind of romantic, have you really happy!


Still waters run deep, cang Sheng tsing, such as Huameijuan, only edge feeling you a review, so that I often think of the morning and evening. Turn around, a wisp of fragrance far, evanescent snow shallow, thick spring, deep smile. A leaf blooms a pursuit, a flower blooms a world, a lifetime of acacia for a person.

你也太喜欢我了 为了见我果然偷偷跑进我梦里

And you like me so much that you sneak into my dreams to see me

爱情就像鬼 相信的人多 碰见的人少

Love is like a ghost who believes that more people meet less


It is difficult for you to part with me today
