
日记大全 > 句子大全

藏在备忘录里的心酸句子 委屈失落(却不想被人看穿)

句子大全 2022-11-11 08:54:01

你来自云南元谋。 我来自北京周口。 请牵着毛圈的手。 爱情! 直立行走吧!

You are from Yuanmou, Yunnan province. I"m from Zhoukou, Beijing. Please hold the ring by the hand. Love! Walk upright!


You"re poisonous, you"re in my blood, you"re penetrating my nerves, you"re controlling my brain, you"re moonlit, don"t forget, give me the antidote!

你是列车。 我是铁路

You are the train. I am a railway


You are brick, I am mud


You are the cloud and I am the wind

你是巧克力。 我是包装纸

You are chocolate. I"m wrapping paper


You"re love, I"m love. It"s great to have you.

空白的日子由你来填补,无论是平静还是闪耀,我都喜欢; 人生的旅行由你同行。 不管是坎坷还是平淡,我都愿意。

Blank days are filled by you, whether calm or shining, I love; The journey of life is yours to take. Whether it"s rough or plain, I"ll do it.

戒烟很简单。 很难戒掉你。 当爱情病毒入侵的时候,当你把从我心里下载的初吻放进垃圾桶的时候,我决定降低爱,格式化回忆。 你知道我的心在哭吗?

Quitting smoking is easy. It"s hard to quit you. When the love virus invaded, when you put the first kiss downloaded from my heart into the trash can, I decided to lower the love, format memories. Do you know my heart is crying?

你看不见的时候,我想看你; 我害怕看到你的时候不会离开; 不管看不见你还是看不见你,我都不高兴。

When you can"t see, I want to see you. I"m afraid I won"t leave when I see you; I"m not happy whether I can"t see you or not.

爱你不是目的,爱你才是目的! 爱你不是目的,而是一辈子爱你的目的!

Loving you is not the end, loving you is the end! Loving you is not the goal, but the goal of a lifetime of loving you!

爱你一万年,夸张; 爱你五千年,无望; 爱你一千年,胡说八道; 爱你一百年,太长了; 继续爱你,只要我健康,这就是我的优势

Love you ten thousand years, exaggeration; Love you for five thousand years, hopeless; Love you for a thousand years, nonsense; One hundred years to love you is too long. Continue to love you, as long as I am healthy, this is my advantage


Falling in love with you is my greatest happiness in this life, you are my sweetest pain, with you is my pride, without you I just like a ship lost its course.

我最近牙疼。 因为我总是在晚上想你,那太甜了,会蛀牙。

I"ve had toothache recently. Because I always miss you at night. It"s too sweet. It rots your teeth.

给予太阳就闪耀,给予洪水就泛滥。 打破锅需要打破锅盖。 丑鬼有丑女的爱。 爱就像大海,麻子也能发光。

Give the sun to shine, give the flood to flood. To break a pan requires breaking the lid. Ugly ghosts have the love of ugly women. Love is like the sea, even pockmarks shine.


Ancient road west wind thin horse, sunset west, heartbroken people waiting for you to call!

我想做你的手机。 放在你的怀里,拿在你手上,看在你的眼里,记在你的心里。

I want to be your phone. In your arms, in your hands, in your eyes, in your heart.

花自然凋谢。 像相思树树一样,两处悠闲的心。 这份感情无法消除,皱起了眉头,但涌上了心头。 亲爱的,你在做什么? 你的宝贝想你!

The flowers die off naturally. Like acacia tree, two carefree heart. The feeling could not be removed, he frowned, but rose to his heart. Honey, what are you doing? Your baby misses you!
