
日记大全 > 句子大全

朋友圈伤感的句子 让人对生活和感情都倍感失望(现实又扎心)

句子大全 2022-11-11 19:48:01


You know, he still can"t let go of her, I can"t do anything, he really likes her, very serious, I"m really annoying, why she wants to leave him, let him not go out, I look at him weakly sad , Can you look at me, maybe I am better than her.

2、想发信息,把我想说却未说的话说给你听。不是想挽留,只是想给自己这段感情给个句号。可是想想,也算了。我怕再打扰,越陷越深。我怕更舍不得。 想你忘掉,又怕你忘掉。 谢谢你。

I want to send a message and tell you what I want to say but haven’t said. I don"t want to stay, I just want to give myself an end to this relationship. But think about it, forget it. I"m afraid to disturb any more, I will get deeper and deeper. I am even more reluctant. I want you to forget, but I"m afraid you will forget. thank you.


Just like you have always wanted something, it took you a long time for that thing, and one day you got it, I dare say you will not cherish it for long. So waiting for you for three years will not necessarily be with you, maybe you will be dumped as soon as you get it.

4、距离很多时候让我有心无力,在一个又一个时刻也想拿手臂做你的枕头, 也想在你难过的时候搂着头拥抱你。但我只能定下一个个闹钟,隔着屏幕送上早晚安和关心。我知道你的委屈就像我的无力,但都从未想过放弃,爱超越时间与距离,只要是你一切就值得期待。

Distance often makes me feel weak, and I want to use my arm as your pillow one moment after another, and I want to hug you with my arms around my head when you are sad. But I can only set an alarm clock to send morning, good night and concern across the screen. I know your grievances are like my powerlessness, but I have never thought of giving up. Love transcends time and distance. As long as it is you, everything is worth looking forward to.

5、感情里都是一个人一味的让步可能是真的不对,这些我都不会后悔。我努力了 尽了全力,还是不行的 那也就没有遗憾了的。两年了 对自己有个交代,再见,爱的人。

It may be really wrong to make a single concession in the relationship, and I will not regret it. I tried my best, but it still doesn"t work. There is no regret. Two years, I have an explanation to myself, goodbye, love.


I hope to wake up and see someone send me a message, because I will be happy for a long time because of a reply and a like. I dare not ask for private messages. I am afraid that this is the loneliness of a person, but I really want to have a good night. , The chatter


Early in the morning, I saw the cleaners wearing orange-red coats, the ground was the sound of swish leaves, the warm sunlight, the clear reflection of the glass after the rain, the small puddles, the white-clothed boy on the shared car, the traffic light, the street was fat Orange cat, mint in the corner, everything in the air belongs to you.


I don’t know when I started to care about it, I started to feel more emotional, I became irritable, and I started to care about the news he got back. I didn’t really think about how long I could be together at the beginning. I just held the love I wanted to fall in love with, I didn’t think it would be affected. , I always thought that I couldn"t keep a place in my heart, but I still kept it. The emotional instability again and again made me difficult to breathe. Sometimes I felt that I was almost out of breath, so depressed.


I met a particularly good girl when I was young, and I thought that all girls are like this. Maybe you met the right person at an inappropriate time. If you lose this person, you will never find such a good girl again. It is not cause and effect, but retribution.

10、在高中时期无意之中知道了一个很好的异性朋友喜欢我,可能出于自私也不想搞砸两个人之间的关系,我装作不知道。由于我社交广喜欢和男孩子玩,他有一天看到我和其他男孩子出去玩终于受不了了, 在2019年的跨年那一天我们彻底闹崩了,删了对方所有的联系方式。在高考前两天我下楼洗李子,虽然近视但是我很肯定就是他。

In high school, I accidentally learned that a good friend of the opposite sex liked me, maybe out of selfishness and didn"t want to mess up the relationship between the two people, I pretended not to know. Since I was socially enthusiastic and liked playing with boys, he finally couldn"t stand seeing me hanging out with other boys one day. On the New Year"s Eve of 2019, we completely broke up and deleted all the contact information of each other. Two days before the college entrance examination, I went downstairs to wash plums. Although I was short-sighted, I was sure it was him.
