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精巧简洁唯美小句子 意味深长(慰藉内心伤痛)

句子大全 2022-11-11 19:56:01

There is nothing wrong with liking someone, but the mistake lies in liking someone who doesn"t like himself.


It is said that when I cry, I look up at the sky and the tears will go back by myself. Why did I see the tears or shed them?


A person has been searching for a long time, gaunt and tired, just want to stop in the warmth you give; The wandering heart has been wandering for too long, always stubbornly thinking that there is a harbor where I can avoid the wind in the distance, which has stranded my memory and is deserted; A person walks away and loses so much unconsciously; A person"s road, counting the dribs and drabs of the flying time, is surrounded by a city where flowers bloom thousands of miles away in one season, and after all, one person goes hiking.


Occasionally, you will come to me and contact me, but your sudden appearance will still provoke my heart. However, I also learned to disguise you, neither too hot nor too cold, neither salty nor too light, laughing heartlessly, and I won"t shed those cheap tears any more. Then listen to you say softly:


People who are capable and willful should also be capable and strong. Because I loved, I know the taste of loneliness. Because I am sad, I often shed tears. Because I don"t want to miss the happiness of this station, I cherish you more. I think you will understand that loving someone is selfish and humble. If you only want to hold your hand in this life, I will surely die with you for the rest of my life.


Those songs played back one by one, and the memories poured down like a downpour.


Not every effort will be sown, however, every effort must be made, which is an unfair and irreversible proposition.


Give your heart to get your heart, but it may hurt thoroughly. You can maintain yourself by sticking to intervals, but you are destined to be lonely forever.


Life was like a calm lake, but we used too many false lies to disturb the original calm. I don"t have too high a demand for life, I just hope my relatives and friends around me are healthy and happy. For my lover, I only hope that what he gives me in return is a happy smile and healthy body, which is plain and light, and will eventually be safe!


Love means that you still cherish each other after feeling passionate and romantic.


I can"t bear to give up on you. What can I do? Do you want to continue what you can"t get?


Love is sadder than no love. Just like the midday sun, it holds the warmth of the hands, but only the remaining temperature remains. Maybe everyone has a dusty piano in their memory, let me be just an episode of you.

