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生活感悟句子 精致入心(值得分享)

句子大全 2022-11-12 13:18:02

1.从黑暗到光明, 只隔着一扇门 ,怎么推开它或者什么时间推开他它在于自己 。

From darkness to light, there is only one door. How to open it or when to open it depends on yourself.

2.以前我是个胆小压抑的人,不善于表达出来,为此流了很多的眼泪 ,现在想一想,不至于如此。

I used to be a timid and repressive person, not good at expressing myself, so I shed a lot of tears. Now I think about it, it"s not so.

3.想想那些一度自认为苦难的事情, 就是生命中致命的伤害吗? 那些经历就是生命中最大的痛苦吗? 不过是那时的自己太过软弱, 才被挫折一次次击垮 。

Think about the things that once thought they were suffering, are the fatal injuries in life? Are those experiences the biggest pain in life? But at that time, I was too weak to be defeated by setbacks.

4.人生就是这样一个慢慢蜕变的过程 ,而这就是我的命运,由消极悲伤到积极乐观 。

Life is such a process of gradual transformation, and this is my destiny, from negative sadness to positive optimism.

5.一直以来,我都觉得自己是一个有着很强自我意识的人 ,有着自己的个性与本真,但还是失掉了自己。

All along, I feel that I am a person with a strong sense of self, with my own personality and authenticity, but still lost myself.

6.真是后悔莫及 ,当时的我走的那么缓慢, 直到现在才懂得怎么去生活 ,才懂得向往快乐,才懂得怎么去分辨虚伪的人 。

It"s too late to repent. At that time, I walked so slowly. Until now, I know how to live, how to yearn for happiness, and how to distinguish hypocritical people.

7.那些年,我对于自身的人生追求茫然无措 ,猛然惊醒 ,那便是最痛苦最无助的时候 。

In those years, I was at a loss for my own pursuit of life, and suddenly woke up. That was the most painful and helpless time.

8.当我们开始懂得思考人生时,当我们开始去羡慕奋进的生活,我们就会发现未来要走的真正的路 。

When we begin to know how to think about life, when we begin to envy the striving life, we will find the real way to go in the future.

9.我们再也不会觉得生活无趣 ,再也不觉得人生暗淡无光, 再也不想低迷于悲伤, 再也不愿白白浪费时光。

We no longer feel that life is boring, we no longer feel that life is bleak, we no longer want to be depressed in sadness, we no longer want to waste our timewe no longer want to waste our time.

10.迷茫无措之后 ,我们开始努力上进, 喜欢争取, 因为我们觉得每一种追求都打动了我们要去热爱的心 。

Confused, we began to strive for progress, like to fight, because we feel that every pursuit has moved us to love the heart.

11.当你看到越多 ,知道的越多时 ,就会发现自己越来越渺小 。正因为这种渺小让我们恐惧 ,让我们看到这浩瀚的世界是那么大 !

When you see more and know more, you will find yourself smaller and smaller. It is because of this small let us fear, let us see the vast world is so big!

12.自己用尽毕生的力量能探索的东西是那么有限 。但也是这样的一种渺小, 让我们不得不不断的去学习,去吸取 。

What I can explore with all my life is so limited. But also such a small, let us have to continue to learn, to absorb.

13.我们开始为一种热情热泪盈眶, 我们读到一本好书会如获至宝 ,甚至会感动 ,也明白了所谓的,爱的深沉 。We began to tears for a passion, we read a good book will be like a treasure, even moved, but also understand the so-called deep love.14.如果没有惊醒, 或许我们永远会活在黑暗里,还在被动地承受,不敢勇敢地面对,与其软弱自卑,不如努力奋斗,勇敢走过去,你的人生就会更加精彩。If we don"t wake up, maybe we will always live in the dark, still bear passively, dare not face bravely. Instead of being weak and self abased, it"s better to struggle hard and walk bravely, and your life will be more wonderful.

