
日记大全 > 句子大全

情绪化文案短句 简单干净(总有一句话让你觉得走心)

句子大全 2022-11-12 18:12:01

假装的 骗你我还是会伤心 还是舍不得 你跟别人好也许上帝对人的惩罚 不只是忘记是永远记得

Pretending to cheat you, I will still be sad or reluctant to let you be good with others. Maybe God"s punishment for people is not just forgetting, but always remembering

您忘记我了吗 我要忘记 您要开心点 照顾好自己 就当这几个月是为您以后的幸福铺的路我陪你走的路你该忘了 爱是一路仁至义尽

Have you forgotten me? I want to forget that you have to be happy and take care of yourself. Just take these months as the road for your future happiness. You should forget the road I accompany you on. Love is the best way

无话可说 我不爱过去的一切 没说完就后悔的事 我也释怀了 以后只想平平淡淡快快乐乐

There"s nothing to say. I can"t love everything in the past. I"m sorry that I didn"t finish. I just want to be happy


How much more do I have to pay before you see a fool Waiting for you behind you

那么我对你比较乐观 是因为太喜欢了 你不要再往后退我也不再向前走了

So I"m optimistic because I like me so much that I"m pushed away? You don"t go back, I don"t go forward any more

为了心爱的人 我们每天都可以见面,但是我们的心一定不会再相逢。

For the sake of the beloved, we can meet every day, but our hearts will never meet again.希望你身边有一个比我更有趣的人,然后忘记我

There is a more interesting person than me, and then forget me

做一个爱自己的人 爱你的人就会来爱你

Being the one who loves you will love you

所以 我们就各自想着逐渐远离

So we each want to gradually away


In love with you at the same time, you will love me


There is a heavy rain in my heart, it seems unable to stop

口硬到底是什么概念 大概就是你问我怎么想 我眼泪都掉下来还是说了句算了

What is the concept of hard mouth? Maybe you ask me what I think, my tears fall down or just say it
