
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2022-11-12 19:00:01


Life should be beautiful and gentle, you also thank like, do not meet.


May you wake up every day, with kindness and gratitude, sunshine and smile, not forget the original intention, warm forward.


Love is not finding a perfect person, but learning to appreciate the imperfect person with perfect eyes.


May you have a strong ability to heal yourself. You can cross everything without relying on the light of others to live as your own sun.

想把这一年所有的浪漫 温柔与爱 都送给你。

I want to give you all the romance, tenderness and love of this year.


No one can make you better and better, time and experience are just foil, this is the best age in your life, support you become better and better is your strong will and cultivation.

听到过最温柔的一句话就是:我不会让你带着情绪过夜的,你所谓的自我调节,其实是在慢慢远离我,我不要你这样 。

I have heard the most tender words is: I will not let you with emotion overnight, your so-called self-regulation, in fact, is slowly away from me, I do not want you like this.

如果你想家了 就回家看看,农村没有城市的繁华, 有着熟悉的味道和满满的爱。

If you feel homesick, just go home and have a look. The countryside has no bustling city, it has familiar taste and full of love.


If you can"t make it to the sunrise at 5 a.m., you might as well watch the sunset at 6 p.m. What I mean is: no one can go back in time, but we can start now.

把所有的不快给昨天,把所有的希望给明天,把所有的努力给今天。 而不是拘泥于小小的情爱之间不放过自己。

Give all the unhappiness to yesterday, give all the hope to tomorrow, give all the efforts to today instead of sticking to the little love between not let go of their own.


Luckily, I"m not. I"m glad I made it all the way through, so it doesn"t matter who I"m missing,


Sunset is especially gentle, the world is all romantic, the setting sun will always fall on you, you will be happy a city falling into the gentle sleepy idea, the moon pillow on the branch began to wake up eyes.

