
日记大全 > 句子大全

越看越喜欢的文案短句 特别走心(说到了心坎)

句子大全 2022-11-13 02:19:01

道路是自己选择的 后悔的话也只能往肚子里咽下去 没有输赢 只值得任何经历过的事 不值得也没关系

The road is your choice, if you regret it, you can only swallow it in your stomach. No win or lose, it"s only worth any experience. Either you get it or you learn it

一开始认真对待的事情总是心里最好的 不是他本身好是 我认真对待过的

At the beginning, the best thing I take seriously is not him. I take it seriously

说话多了他嫌我烦 我后来我什么也不说 就在心里暗暗地 给他减分 我就算他没理我也没那么难过

He thought I was annoyed when he talked too much. Later, I didn"t say anything, so I secretly gave him less points. Even if he didn"t pay attention to me, I wasn"t so sad

道路尽头不是路 我不走啦 虽然可惜 但他先选的不是吗

It"s not the end of the road. I won"t go. It"s a pity, but he chose first, didn"t he

尽管理解圆滑的人会很吃香 但是我偏不 我偏要敢爱 敢恨 我只是想随着自己的心走 做我自己 就远离那些虚伪自私又爱装的人

Although the understanding of the smooth people will be very popular, but I do not want to dare to love and hate, I just want to go with their own heart to be myself, away from those who are hypocritical, selfish and love to pretend


At some point, I believe he loved me, but I don"t believe he will love me forever


If it doesn"t make you happy together, let"s go separately


Tell the truth, speak loudly when you are preferred


I didn"t catch the waves, I didn"t take a boat, I had a sea.

不要哭泣 慢慢说 我在听

Don"t cry. Speak slowly. I"m listening


If you"re still slow down in the end, it doesn"t matter

不再是你 都过去了 我总要遇到更爱我的人 你死在新鲜的世界里吧

You are no longer in the past, I always want to meet people who love me more, you die in a new world
