
日记大全 > 句子大全

初中英语语法24讲 第24讲(倒装句)

句子大全 2022-11-13 04:34:01

第24章 倒装句


典型例句:(完全倒装)1.Here comes the bus.(公共汽车来了。)

典型例句:(部分倒装)2.Never have I been there before.(我从没到过那里。)






There goes the bell.=The bell goes.(铃响了。)

Up went the rocket into the sky.(火箭飕地一下子升上了天。)

Away went the boy.(那个男孩走开了。)


Here it is.(给你。)/Away he went.(他走了。)


Never shall I forget it.(我永远忘不了这件事。)

Seldom does he go out.(他不常出门。)

Hardly had the thief seen the policeman when he ran away.(这个小偷一看到警察就逃跑了。)

Not a single mistake did he make.(他没有出一个错误。)

Not only did we lose all our money,but we also came close to losing our lives.


Nor am I aware that anyone else knows the secret.(我也不知道别人谁能知道这个秘密。)

Little did I think John will lose the game.(我一点也没有想到约翰会输掉比赛。)

说明:little置于know,think,imagine,guess,dream,expect等有关思考意义的动词前面时,little=not at all,译为“一点也不”。

No sooner was he back at home than he realized his mistake.(他一回到家就意识到他弄错了。)


You can go surfing,so can I.(你能冲浪,我也能。)

I have never been abroad,neither has he.(我没出过国,他也是。)

I didn’t go to the cinema last night,nor did he.(昨晚我没去看电影,他也没去。)


Only in my house do they feel at home.(只有我在家里,他们才感觉随意。)

Only then did I realize that I was wrong.(只有到那时,我才意识到我错了。)

Only in this way can you work out the problem.(只有用这种方式,你才可以解决这个问题。)

Only when he came home did she learn the news.(直到他回家后,她才知道这个消息。)


Only Amanda and John received my present.(只有阿曼达和约翰收到了我的礼物。)


By his side stood a little boy.(他身旁站着一个小男孩。)

In the middle of the lake lies a small island.(湖的中央有一个小岛。)

Behind the hill is a new expressway.(小山的后面是一条新的高速公路。)

Out of the window came the sound of music.(从窗外传来了音乐声。)


At the foot of the mountain it stands.(它坐落在山脚下。)



Old as he is,he works hard.=Although he is old,he works hard.


Child as he is,he knows a lot.=Although he is a child,he knows a lot.




Should it rain,the crops would be saved.=If it should rain,the crops would be saved.


Should he act like that again,he would be fired immediately.

=If he should act like that again,he would be fired immediately.




Long live Chairman Mao!(毛主席万岁!)

May you succeed!(祝你成功!)


So badly did he do his homework that the teacher criticized him.


So loudly did he speak that everyone in the room could hear him clearly.



“Could you do me a favour?” asked Robert.(“你能帮我个忙吗?”罗伯特问。)

“What is it all about?” asked the stranger.(“究竟是什么事呢?”陌生人问。)

“Let’s go out for a picnic.” he said.(他说:“我们出去野餐吧。”)(主语是代词时,往往不倒装)

K.there be结构中的倒装。

There are many people over there.(那边有很多人。)

There used to be a church near our school.(我们学校附近曾经有一个教堂。)

There are two old women waiting for you at the gate.(有两个老妇人在门口等你。)

说明:在there be句型中,there是引导词,动词be后才是真正的主语。

L.方式副词(well)或频度副词(often,always,many a time)放在句首时要用倒装语序。

Well do I remember the day.(那个日子我记忆犹新。)

Often did he remind me not to do it.(他时常提醒我不要那样做。)

Many a time has he given me good advice.(他多次给我忠告。)



Present at the dancing party were the teachers in our school and some foreign friends.


At the foot of the hill lies a beautiful lake,and near the lake are some farm houses,hidden in trees.(山脚下有一个美丽的湖泊,湖边有一些农舍,掩映在树木中。)

Common Mistakes(注意!失分陷阱!)


__________,his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.





A:My room gets very cold at night. B:__________.





__________ homework did we have to do that we had no time to take a rest.





Not until the motorbike looked almost new __________ repairing and cleaning it.



正确解析:以never,seldom,not,not only...but also,not until等否定词开头的句子,要部分倒装。通常只把助动词、系动词、情态动词提到主语之前。语序为“否定词+助动词/情态动词+主语+其他”,正确答案为B。

Final Check(实力测验)


1.A:John won the first prize in the contest. B:__________.

2.After that we never saw her again,nor __________ from her.

3.Not until I began to work __________ how much time I had wasted.

4.A:Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother? B:I don’t know,__________.

5.It was not __________ she took off her dark glasses __________ I realized she was a famous film star.

6.The secretary __________ out the secret at a certain meeting.

7.Only after I read the text over again __________ its main idea.

8.If you go to Hainan to try chances next year,__________.

9.__________ that I couldn’t support myself at that moment.

10.__________ from the eighth floor when the policeman pointed his gun at him.






3.本题考查否定词放在句首时的倒装这一语法知识点。not until位于句首时,主句的主谓倒装。









1. Not until I began to work ____ how much time I had wasted.

A. didn"t I realize B. did I realize

C. I didn"t realize D. I realized

2. Only by practicing a few hours every day ____ be able to master the language.

A. you can B. can you C. you will D.

will you

3. If you don"t go, neither ____.

A. shall I B. do I C. I do D. I shall

4. No sooner ____ to the station ____ the train left.

A. had I got, when B. I had got, than

C. had I got, than D. did I get, when

5. —— Your father is very strict with you.

____. He never lets off a single mistake of ours.

A. So he is B. So is he C. He is so D. So does he

6. ____ today, he would get there by Sunday.

A. Would he leave B. Was he leaving

C. Were he to leave D. If he leave

7. Never in my life ____ such a thing.

A. I have heard or have seen B. have I heard or seen

C. I have heard or seen D. did I hear or see

8. —— Here ____! Where is Xiao Liu?

There ____.

A. comes the bus , is he B. comes the bus , he is

C. the bus comes , is he D. the bus comes , he is

9. ____ , I will not buy it.

A. Much as do I like it B. As much I like it

C. Much as I like it D. As I like it much

10. —— I like football. I don"t like volleyball. ____.

A. So do I B. Neither do I

C. So it is with me D. So is it with me

11. _____ the expense, I _____ to Italy.

A. If it were not, go

B. Were it not for, would go

C. Weren"t it for, will go

D. If it hadn"t been, would have gone

12. So _____ in the darkness that he didn"t dare to move an inch.

A. he was frightened B. was he frightened

C. frightened he was D. frightened was he

13. —— In modem times , girls like beautiful clothes.

Yes, _____ and . After all, our life has greatly improved.

A. so do they, so do you

B. so they do, so you do

C. so do they, so you do

D. so they do, so do you

14. —— You have an English class every day except Sunday.


A. So we have B. So we do

C. So have we D. So do we

15. I wonder if your wife will go to the ball. If your wife _____, so _____ mine.

A. does, will B. will, does

C. will, would D. does, do

16. Only after I read the text over again _____ its main idea.

A. that I knew B. did I know

C. 1 could know D. I did know

17. —— You seem to have learned all the English words by heart.

_____ .

A. So l do B. So do l C. So I have D. So have I

18. —— I seldom watch TV , but listen to the radio a lot.

_____ .

A. So do I B. Neither do I

C. I m the same D. So it is with me

19. So excited _____ that he couldn"t say a word.

A. he seemed B. did he seem

C. was he seeming D. he did look

20. Jimmy was so nervous not a single word _____ down in the dictation.

A. he wrote B. he was written

C. did he write D. was he written

21. Little ______ when 1 took the trip where it would lead me.

A. have I known B. had I known

C. do 1 know D. did I know

22. —— Have you ever seen anything like that before ?

---- ____.

A. No , I never have seen anything like that before

B. No , never I have seen anything like that before

C. No , never have 1 seen anything like that before

D. No , I have seen anything like that before never

23. _____ , 1 would accept the invitation and go to the party.

A. Were I you B. Was I you

C. Had I been you D. Would 1 be you

24. You should work less _____.

A. and neither should I B. and so should I

C. and nor should I D. and so I should

25. _____ and caught the mouse.

A. Up the cat jumped B. The cat up jumped

C. Up jumped the cat D. Jumped up the cat

26. Not only _____ a promise , but also he kept it.

A. did he make B. he made

C. does he make D. has he made

27. His uncle is a worker and has been working in the factory for more than ten years. _____.

A. So is his aunt B. So has his aunt

C. So his aunt does D. So it is with his aunt

28. Not once _____ their plan.

A. did they change B. they changed

C. changed they D. they did change

29. —— Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother ? I don"t know, and ______ .

A. nor don"t I care B. nor do I care

C. I don"t care neither D. I don"t care also

30. Not until he arrived home _____ he find that this wallet had been stolen.

A. did B. would C. when D. that

31. —— This is one of the oldest trees in the world. _____ such a big tree.

A. Never I have seen B. I haven"t never seen

C. Never have I seen D. I have seen never

32. Nowhere else in the world _____ cheaper tailoring(裁缝业, 成衣业)than in Hong Kong.

A. a tourist can find B. can a tourist find

C. a tourist will find D. a tourist has


33. _____ succeed in doing anything.

A. Only by working hard we can

B. By only working hard we can

C. Only we can by working hard

D. Only by working hard can we

34. _____ that we all went out, lying in the sun.

A. So fine was the weather

B. So was the fine weather

C. The weather was so fine was

D. So the weather was tine

35. ____ a nice man ____ that we all believe him.

A. So, did he seem B. So, he seemed

C. Such, he seemed D. Such, did he seem


1-5 BDACA 6-10 CBBCC 11-15 BDDBA

16-20 BADBC 21-25 DCABC 26-30 ADABA 31-35 CBDAD
