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故作伤感的爱情短句 高级又治愈(忍不住收藏)

句子大全 2022-11-13 06:17:01


Good people need to become Buddhas in 991, while bad people just need to put down their butcher knives.


No matter how humble a person is, a person who has lost faith in love, a person who has fallen into reality, and a person who has become a social symbol, he must have had love.


Everyone doesn"t want to lose their personality, neither do I.


Difficulties and setbacks are not terrible. Terrible is the loss of ambition and courage.


Some people say that 9% of things in the world can be solved with money, but they didn"t tell you that the remaining 1% needs more money.


Human beings are bound by nature, and the complexity of food, clothing, housing and transportation is never easy. Interpersonal relationship is getting tangled with each passing day, and the mind is getting bigger and bigger, the limbs are getting more and more degraded, the health is lost, and the soul is dusty.


Sigh gently, maybe we are all people who can"t give each other the future. Maybe the other person has lost the ability to love and be loved. They are two disabled people who have been destroyed beyond recognition by time. She found that she can only love one person for a moment. And gradually become selfish.


People often write about scarring wounds and use pathological phenomena of skin as a metaphor for a psychological state. However, there is no such thing in one"s life. Only wounds sometimes shrink to the size of the eye of a needle, but they are still scars. Signs of torture are more like the loss of a finger or blindness. All the year round, we won"t feel wrong because we are missing a finger or blind, but even if we feel wrong, there is no way to remedy it.


If you wear a mask for too long, it will grow on your face, and then you want to take it off unless you hurt your bones and skin.


Some people appear in your life just to tell you that you are so gullible.


Sometimes it"s easy to be happy. For example, when the bus just arrived at the station, only the recent favorite songs were randomly played, and the wind today was really comfortable.


Don"t refuse to accept love, it"s not weakness. Don"t be afraid to give your love, it doesn"t mean to lose, on the contrary, it reflects your wealth from the side.
