
日记大全 > 句子大全

触动心灵的青春句子 句句扎心(写到心坎里去了)

句子大全 2022-11-13 06:34:01


All the gorgeous colors of youth are staged on the black and whiteclear curtain when it is colorful performance, we are ignorant, evenif it is close to our eyes. It is so close, so close in front of oureyes, that we cannot see it.


Only when youth is fading away can we see clearly. See the causeand effect behind all the stories that may or may not be wonderful.However, everything is already a stop-motion film. No matter laugh orcry, can only stand at the end of time, looking at the end of time inthe screen.


Youth is a hasty book. We read it over and over again with tearsin our eyes.


When I was young, I didn"t know how to be kind, because I hadnever been hurt. Because without fear, we don"t know how to give in.We are capricious and don"t care about hurting others. When one day,we have experienced being hurt, know the pain and fear, we willunderstand kindness and surrender. But at this moment, flyingunbridled youth is leaving us gradually. When I grew up, I had amottled heart in my chest.


Our hearts are naked, gentle, cruel, we are easy to be hurt byothers. As time goes by, we will forget a lot of people, but thepeople who have hurt us, who have hurt us, but always clearlyengraved in our regret youth.


We are always impatient. We do not understand the most reluctantpage in life, but always hide it the most. Years from now, when youlook back, you"ll know what you missed. At that moment, there wereonly tears in my eyes, paying tribute to the youth who had left andnever came back.


Not all memories are good, not all people are worth remembering.The river of time is too long, most people and things will beinexorably washed away. However, everything related to youth willalways be deposited at the bottom of the river and become anindelible memory. It may not be the things and people that stick withus for a long time, but the dreams and passions that we have lost.
