
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2022-11-14 06:29:01

1: 我再努力放过你,思念又会放过谁。就像无法说出口的“我想你”看不见摸不着却压在心底最难受

I try to let you go again, miss who will let go. It"s like the "I miss you" that can"t be said, it"s the hardest thing to do when you can"t see it but you can"t feel it

2: 最微妙的喜悦是被你暗恋的夸,最说不出口的难受是你暗恋的人跟别人好,最可悲的是连这两种感觉都没有的人。

The most subtle joy is by your secret love boast, the most unsociable is that you secretly love people and others good, the saddest is not even these two feelings of people.

3: 比孤独还要难受的是,是知道了不管说不说,做什么,都会一直照样孤独下去这件事。

Even more difficult than loneliness is to know that no matter say or not, do anything, will always be lonely this matter.

4: 其实已猜出答案不是自己所期盼的,却偏偏还要执着地听到对方从口中说出,是期望奇迹还是给自己找难受呢?

In fact, I have guessed that the answer is not what I expected, but paranoid to hear the other side from the mouth, is the hope of miracle or to find their own suffering?

5: 害怕了失去,却发现已经没有了害怕失去的资格,说不出的难受,你让我每天彻夜难眠!

Afraid of losing, but found that there is no fear of losing the qualifications! Unspeakable suffering, you make me sleepless all night!

6: 最难过的不是不曾遇见,而是遇见了,也得到了,又匆忙的失去,然后在心底留了一道疤,它让你什么时候疼,就什么时候疼,你连反抗的权力都没有。

The saddest thing is not not to meet, but to meet, but also got, and hurriedly lost, and then left a scar in the bottom of my heart, it lets you when pain, when pain, you do not even have the right to resist.

7: 我总是失去不该失去的,得到不该得到的。最后,什么都没有留下。

I always lose what I shouldn"t lose and get what I don"t deserve. In the end, nothing was left.

8: 谁都以为自己会是例外,在后悔之外。谁都以为拥有的感情也是例外,在变淡之外。谁都以为恋爱的对象刚巧也是例外,在改变之外。然而最终发现,除了变化,无一例外。

Everyone thought they would be the exception, outside of regret. Everyone thinks that the feelings they have are the exception, in addition to fading. Everyone thinks that the object of love happens to be the exception, outside of change. In the end, however, it was found that there was no exception to the change.

9: 有时候,你选择与某人保持距离,不是因为不在乎,而是因为你清楚的知道,他不属于你。

Sometimes you choose to keep your distance from someone, not because you don"t care, but because you know clearly that he doesn"t belong to you.

10: 原来最难受的真的不是一个人的离开,而是每天早上醒来要把你的离开从新接受一遍。

It turns out that the hardest thing is not a person"s departure, but waking up every morning to take your departure from a new acceptance.

11: 有时候为一个人倾尽一切,却比不过别人什么都不做。

Sometimes you do everything for one person, but you can"t do anything more than anyone else.

