
日记大全 > 句子大全

初中英语语法24讲 第9讲(动词概说)

句子大全 2022-11-15 04:44:01

第9章 动词概说


典型例句:1.I am his elder sister.(我是他的姐姐。)

典型例句:2.You study English.(你学习英语。)

典型例句:3.The sun is red.(太阳是红的。)








I want to see a film.(我想去看电影。)

说明:see是一个及物动词,a film是动词see的宾语。)

Dick is watching TV.(迪克正在看电视。)

In fact,Scout doesn’t like her.(实际上,斯考特并不喜欢她。)



She is looking at(不及物动词+介词)the picture.(宾语)(她正在看照片。)

说明:look是不及物动词,the picture是介词at的宾语。

Zhu Tao always laughs at(不及物动词+介词)his brother.(宾语)(朱涛总是嘲笑他的兄弟。)




Let’s begin.(咱们开始吧。)

We’ll begin our class in an hour.(一个小时后我们开始上课。)

说明:第一句中的begin是不及物动词,后面不跟宾语;第二句中的begin是及物动词,后面跟宾语our class。






The girl looks careful.(这个女孩看起来很细心。)


The girl looks at the picture carefully.(这个女孩认真地看这幅画。)


He feels cold.(他觉得冷。)

Steel feels hard.(钢摸起来很硬。)

Silk feels soft and comfortable.(丝绸摸起来既柔软又舒服。)





I feel the plane move strongly.(我觉得飞机在剧烈地振动。)


(关于系动词后跟形容词的用法可参见(第6章 副词)中的形容词和副词的比较部分)


He felt his heart beating faster.(他感觉到他的心跳正在加快。)


词组:come true实现

Our dream has come true at last.(我们的梦想终于实现了。)

What Mary had hoped all came true.(玛丽希望实现的都实现了。)


词组:get dressed穿衣服

He is old enough to get dressed himself.(他长大了,已经会自己穿衣服了。)

After Liu Gang got dressed,he had breakfast.(刘刚穿好衣服后,就吃早餐了。)

词组:get/be married结婚

What did you do before you got married?(你结婚之前做什么工作?)

Mary has been married for five years.(玛丽已经结婚5年了。)

词组:get/become lost迷失,迷路

Sorry.I’m late for the meeting.I became/got lost.(对不起,我开会迟到了,因为我迷路了。)

The little girl went for a walk and got lost.(小女孩出去散步,迷路了。)

词组:seem/appear to be似乎是……,好像……

The student seems to be a very kind and thoughtful person.


It appears to be an excellent opportunity for Caroline to get more experience.


说明:seem和appear的后面常常跟不定式to be。



He isn’t asleep.(他没睡着。)

The boy asleep is my little brother.(那个睡着了的小男孩是我弟弟。)

(一定不能用the asleep boy,但可以用the sleeping boy)




It is made in China.(它是中国制造的。)


I haven’t had my breakfast yet.(我还没吃早饭呢。)



情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,认为“可能”“应当”“必要”等。情态动词有词义,但词义不完整,其后一定要跟不带to的动词不定式(即动词原形,ought to除外)。另外,情态动词没有人称和数的变化。

He can speak English.(他会说英语。)(主语是第三人称单数,也不能在can后加s)

He speaks English well.(他英语说得很好。)
















She reads newspapers every day.(她每天看报纸。)

(句子中有every day,所以用现在时)

She read the newspaper yesterday.(她昨天看过了这张报纸。)


She will read the newspaper tomorrow.(她明天看这张报纸。)


She is reading the newspaper now.(她正在看报纸。)


She has read the newspaper.(她已经读过这张报纸了。)








Can you find out what time the plane leaves?(你能弄清楚飞机几点起飞吗?)

You should listen to the teacher if you want to learn well.


Jane is looking after the baby.(简在照看这个宝宝。)

Be quiet!Try not to wake the little baby up.(安静!别把这个小宝宝吵醒了。)

Common Mistakes(注意!失分陷阱!)


Don’t __________ the radio.The baby is sleeping.【北京中考】



正确解析:turn off意为“关掉,使(某人)不高兴”;turn on意为“打开,启动”;turn over意为“打翻,移交给,变换电视频道”;turn down意为“拒绝,把……调低,关小”。根据题意可知,正确答案为B。


I’m interested in animals,so I __________ every Saturday working in an animal hospital.【北京中考】



正确解析:在这四个动词中,只有spend常用于“spend...doing sth.”的句型中,意为“花费……做……”;pay常用于固定搭配“pay sb. for sth.”,表示“付钱给某人”;take的主语一般为it或物。正确答案为D。


A:How long have you __________ the motorbike? B:For about two weeks.【哈尔滨中考】





With the help of the Internet,news can __________ every corner of the world.【天津中考】



正确解析:arrive,go,get为不及物动词,需跟介词才能接地点名词,如arrive in/at,go to,get to。reach为及物动词,后面可直接连接地点,表示“到达……”。正确答案为B。

Final Check(实力测验)


1.The meat __________ terrible,so I think it has __________ bad.

2.Her face __________ red when she heard the news.

3.Your grandmother __________ pale.What’s wrong with her?

4.Our English teacher’s voice __________ like my mother’s.

5.It often rains in this season and the trees __________ fast.

6.The pizza your mother makes __________ delicious.

7.Everyone __________ very excited at the evening party.

8.The flowers in your garden __________ sweet.

9.Vegetables can __________ fresh in the fridge.

10.It is __________ late and dark.Let’s hurry.

11.In the old days,some poor people often __________ hungry.

12.For me ,English is __________ more and more interesting.

13.The soup that Mike made __________ terrible.

14.When little Tom lied to his teacher,she __________ extremely angry.

15.We all __________ tired after the picnic last night.


1.I __________ (received;accepted) a present but I didn’t __________ (receive;accept) it.

2.Her mother __________ (allowed;agreed) her to go to the party.

3.I agree __________ (with;to) you and I agree __________ (with;to) the plan.

4.__________ (Work;Working) hard and you will succeed.

5.Great changes __________ (have taken;have been taken) place in our country in the past 30 years.

6.I have finished __________ (reading;to read) the novel.

7.I didn’t go to your party because he forgot __________ (to tell;telling) me.

8.I forgot __________ (posting;to post) the letter and looked for it everywhere.

9.The handsome young man __________ (married;married with) the girl last year.

10.I missed __________ (attending;attended) his lecture because I had to take care of my mom.



1.This shirt can __________ this suit.

2.This dress __________ me fine.

3.The coat __________ me well.It’s neither too big nor too small.


1.Traveling around Paris by taxi can __________ a lot of money.

2.It __________ me half an hour to reach school every day.

3.I __________ two hours in drawing last night.

4.What a beautiful sweater!How much did you __________ for it?

5.It __________ me an hour to do my English homework yesterday.

6.I __________ an hour (in) doing my English homework yesterday.

7.It __________ around 3 hours (to get) from Beijing to Shenzhen.

8.A small number of students __________ two hours surfing the Internet every day.


1.She was ill and __________ in bed.

2.He __________ that he did the work all by himself.

3.She __________ her hand on my shoulder.

4.The man __________ on the ground and __________ that he had __________ the money on the table.


1.If you have any questions,please __________ your hands.

2.Every Monday morning,we __________ our national flag.

3.The sun __________ in the east and sets in the west.

4.She __________ from the table to greet her father.






1.Mary_______in the garden when it began to rain.

A.was walking B. walked

C.walking D.had walk

2.English___________in a new way at my college in the past few years.

A.has been teaching B. was being taught

C.has been taught D.had been taught

3.Smith is to study medicine as soon as he___________military service.

A.will finish B. has finished

C.finish D.would finish

4.Please be sure to telephone me the next time you_______.

A.will come B. would come

C.shall come D.come

5.When I got to the top of the mountain,the sun _________.

A.shone B.shines

C.has shone D.was shining

6.There was so much noise that the speaker couldn’t make himself____________.

A.hearing B. being heard

C.to hear D.heard

7.Retum the book immediately to the 1ibrary as soon as you_______with it.

A.finish B. are finished

C.have finished D.are finishing

8.Your experiment reports must be checked with care before________.

A.handed them in B. them handing in

C.being handed in D.handing them in

9.Let’s go to the cinema tonight.I________for you at the gate.

A. wait B. shall wait

C.am waiting D.shall have waited

10.The chemktry class______________for five minutes when we hurried there.

A.had been on B. was on

C.has been on D.would be on

11.By the time Juan gets home,her aunt_________.

A.will leave B. leaves

C.will have left D.is leaving

12. You’ve already missed too many classes this term.You_______two classes just last week.

A.missed B. would miss

C.had missed D.have missed

13.One of the guards__________when the general came in,which made him very angry.

A.has slept B.were sleeping

C.slept D.was sleeping

14.“Car 17 won the race”

“Yes, but its driver came close to_______killed.”

A. being B. having been C.be D.have been

15.About the sixth century A D when few Europeans could read,the Chinese_______ paper.

A.invented B. had invented

C.have invented D.had been invented

16.I __________on the door for ten minutes now without an answer.

A.was knocking B. an knocking

C.knocking D.have been knocking

17.Television makes us better___________than ever before.

A.inform B. informing

C.informed D.to be informed

18.Dr.Robert went to New York,bought some books and________.

A.visiting his daughter B. to visit his daughter

C.visit his daughter D.visited his daughter

19.The famous novel is said________into Chinese.

A.to have translated B.to be translate

C.to have been translated D.to translate

20.I___________writing the article by the time you get back.

A.shall finish B. must have finished

C. have finished D.shall have finished


1—5.ACBDD 6—10.DCCBA 11—15.CADAB 16—20.DCDC



2.和in the past few years时间状语连用的是现在完成时,而且英语是“被教”应该用被动语态,所以选C。全句意为:在过去的几年里,在我的大学,老师用新的方法教英语。

3.as soon as+现在完成时表示将来完成时。选B。句意为:史密斯服完兵役后要学医。

4.next time在这里引导一个时间状语从句,表示“下次你来的时候”。同上,选D。


6.make oneself heard是固定用法,表示“使某人自己被听到”。选D。

7.as soon as+现在完成时表示将来完成时。选C。句意为:你读完这本书后请立即把它还给图书馆。




11.本句意为:娟到家时,她的阿姨将已经走了。从时间状语从句by the time Juan gets home (gets,一般现在时)可以看出,“她的阿姨走”应该是发生在将来的动作,而且是她到的时候,她的阿姨应该已经走了,所以要用将来完成时。选C。

12.1ast week是过去的时间状语,应该用一般过去时。选A。


14.come close to表示“接近,差一点”,其中to是介词,后面应该用动名词。本句意为:——17号车赢得了比赛。——是的,但司机差点死掉。kill应该用被动形式,表示“被杀死”。而且这里不强调“被杀死”的动作已经完成,所以排除B,应该选A。






20.从时间状语从句by the time you get back用一般现在时能看出,“你回来”应该是发生在将来的动作。到那时,“我将已经写完这篇文章了”,应该用将来完成时,选D。



1. It is a fine day. The sun __________(shine) brightly.

2. They ___________(visit) the Science Museum next Sunday.

3. Mr Brown __________(live) in Beijing since he came to China.

4. Mr Wang ___________(teach) us English two years ago.

5. The Smiths _______________( watch) TV at this time last night.

6. We __________(learn) about ten English songs by the end of last term.

7. Father said that he ____________(buy) a new bike for me the next Friday.

8. Bill isn’t here. He ___________(chat) with his friends in the classroom.

9. The teacher said that the moon __________(go) round the earth.

10. The Young Pioneers will go to the zoo if it ____________(not rain) this Sunday.

11.It is said(据说) that the long bridge______________(build)in two months.

12. Jim asked us what ___________(happen) in China in 1976.

13. My mobile phone ___________(steal) on a bus last week.

14. The host ____________(interview) the little boy just now.

15. The Greens __________(watch) TV now.

16. He said that he _____________(ring) me up when he got there.

17. We ____________(learn) English for about three years.

18. My brother_____________(join) the League in 1997.

19. Where to have the meeting ______________ (discuss)now.

20. The farmers __________(pick) apples when I saw them.

21. The film ____________(begin) when I got to the cinema.

22. The girl told me that she wanted to be an English teacher when she _____(grow) up.

23. My sister is a student and she _____________(study) at a middle school nearby.

24. Mr Green __________(travel) to several places in South China since he came here.

25. You _________(catch) the early bus if you get up early.

26. The lost boy_____________(not find)so far.

27. I’ll go home as soon as I ___________(finish) my homework.

28. Most science books _______________(write) in English.

29. Last year a large number of trees______________(cut)down.

30. The students _____ often _____(tell) to take care of their desks and chairs.

31. The old man is ill. He ______ (must send) to the hospital.

32. -What _______ knives ______ (make) of ?

-They_______________(make) of metal(金属) and wood.


1. I was only four when my grandmother passes away.

2. Unfortunately, by the time I got back, they have finished the scene.

3. I have been practising for three weeks now, but I still couldn’t get used to it.

4. If you like your friends, you will enjoy every minute that you spent with them.

5. One day he was having a yard sale and the old man living next door come by to help.

6. This is the first time that I had been away from my family for such a long time.

7. We’ve been friends ever since we are at school together.

8. It will be a while before we will know the results.

9. Alice has returned to America and I don’t know when I see her again.

10. As was often the case, whenever I called Sam, he is talking on the phone.

11. Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very serious problem.

12. The teacher told us that the sun rose in the east.

13. Do you want to know why we move last week?

14. A talk on American culture will be giving in the school hall this weekend.

15.When you get the paper back, pay special attention to what have marked.

16. The soup was tasted so delicious that the whole family enjoyed it.


1. They pay us very badly._________________________________________________________

2. They offered me a pay rise._______________________________________________________

3. They are still discussing the same topic._____________________________________________

4. Someone was following us.______________________________________________________

5. They will lend us some money.____________________________________________________

6. They must have redecorated their house.____________________________________________

7. Nobody has seen her for the last two weeks._________________________________________

8. They advised us to buy a new car._________________________________________________

9. People say that he is a driver._____________________________________________________

10. They used to cut this material by hand, but now they use a machine.



Dear Jo,

Well, I 1_______(arrive) back safely two weeks ago. The flight was fine, but a bit long.

Everything here is very different from London. I 2_______(write) this letter outside in the garden. It is very hot today, so I’m sitting under a big umbrella. I know we 3______(have) some sunny days in London but there was also some rain. I remember we were caught in a heavy rain when we 4________(walk) in the park.

It 5_________(be) difficult for me to start work after my wonderful holiday, but it’s OK now. I 6_________(be) in a department since I came home and it’s interesting. Now I’m doing a new project and it 7________(finish) by the end of this month.

By the way, have you found a black leather photo album? I think I 8_______(leave) it in the bedroom. Could you send it to me sometime? No hurry.

Please write soon, and thank you again for a wonderful time.



一、 填空

1. shines/ is shining 2. are going to/ will visit 3. has lived 4. taught 5. were watching

6. had learned 7. would buy 8. is chatting 9. goes 10. doesn"t rain 11.will be built

12. happened 13. was stolen 14. interviewed 15. are watching

16. would ring 17. have learned 18. joined 19. is being discussed 20. were picking

21. had begun 22. grew 23. studies 24. has traveled 25. will catch 26. hasn’t been found

27. finish 28. are written 29. were cut 30. are; told 31. must be sent

32. are; made; are made


1. passes-passed 2. have-had 3. couldn’t-can’t 4. spent-spend 5. come-came

6. had-have或is-was 7. are-were 8. 去掉know前的will 9. 在see前加will 10. is-was

11. 划去been 12. rose-rises 13. move-moves 14. giving-given 15. marked前加been 16. 划去was


1. We are paid very badly.

2. I was offered a pay rise./ A pay rise was offered to me.

3. The same topic is still being discussed.

4. We were being followed.

5. We will be lent some money./ Some money will be lent to us.

6. Their house must have been redecorated.

7. She has not been seen for the last two weeks.

8. We were advised to buy a new car.

9. He is said to be a driver./ It is said that he is a driver.

10. This material used to be cut by hand, but now a machine is used.


1. arrived 2 am writing 3. had 4. were walking 5. was 6. have been 7. will have been finished 8 left
