
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2022-11-15 04:51:01




句中常有提示词always(总是),usually(通常),often(经常),sometimes(有时),seldom(很少、不常),never(从来不), every day(每天),on Sundays(每周天),on weekends(周末),on weekdays(平日)等。


(1)be动词 → is; am ; are

主语是I 时: I am(I"m) ...

I am a student. 我是(一名)学生。

主语是第三人称单数(he, she, it)或单数名词时:... is ...

She is a teacher. 她是(一名)老师。

Maria is in a red dress. 玛利亚穿着(一条)红裙子。

主语是复数或第二人称时: ... are ...

You are a doctor.你是(一名)医生。

His parents are from America.他父母来自美国。

否定句:... be动词(is; am ; are) + not ...

I am a student. → I am not (I’m not )a student; 我不是(一名)学生。

She is a teacher. → She is not (isn’t)a teacher; 她不是(一名)老师。

You are a doctor.→ You are not (aren’t)a doctor你不是(一名)医生。

一般疑问句:be动词(is; am ; are)提到句首,一般am要变成are,I 变为you。

I am a student. → Are you a student? Yes,I am; No,I am not

我是(一名)学生。 你是(一名)学生吗? 是的,我是;不,我不是

She is a teacher → Is she a teacher?Yes,she is; No,she isn"t

她是(一名)老师。 她是(一名)老师吗? 是的,她是;不,她不是

They are students.→ Are they students? Yes,they are; No, they aren’t

他们是学生。 他们是学生吗? 是的,他们是;不,他们不是

特殊疑问句: 对主语提问:直接用疑问词替代主语。

The boyis from Japan. → Who is from Japan?

这位男生来自日本 谁来自日本?

An English bookis on the desk. → What is on the desk ?

一本英语书在桌子上。 什么在桌子上?

对句子其他成分提问:疑问词+ 一般疑问句结构 ?

The boy is fromJapan. → Where is the boy from?

这位男生来自日本 这位男生来自哪里?

The boys in Class One aremy friends.→ Who are the boys in Class One ?

一班的男生是我的朋友 一班的男生是谁?

The girl is twelve years old. → How old is the girl?

这位女孩十二岁。 这位女孩几岁?

(2) 动词后+ s 或 用动词原形

当主语为第三人称单数(he, she, it或单数名词)时→要在动词后加s

She often goes to school on foot . 她经常步行去上学。

Tom usually walks to the park . 汤姆通常步行去公园。

当主语不是第三人称单数(he, she, it或单数名词)时→用动词原形。

We study English everyday. 我们每天学习英语。

Many students like playing football.许多学生喜欢踢足球。

否定句 :1) ...do not(don"t) + 动词原形 ...

2) ... does not(doesn’t) + 动词原形 ...

We study English everyday →We do not(don"t) study English everyday ;

我们每天学英语。 我们每天不学英语。

She often goes to school on foot. 她经常步行去上学。

→ She does not(doesn"t)often go to school on foot .她经常不步行去上学。

一般疑问句:助动词Do 或Does 提到句首

→ 即: Do/ Does + 主语 + 动词原形...

We study English every day. 我们每天学英语。

→Do you study English every day? Yes,we do; No,we don"t

你们每天学英语吗? 是的,我们学; 不,我们不学

Lily often goes to school on foot . 莉莉经常步行去上学。

→Does Lily often go to school on foot? Yes,she does; No,she doesn"t

莉莉经常步行去上学吗? 是的,她常步行;不,她不常步行

特殊疑问句: 对主语提问:直接用疑问词替代主语。

She studies English every day.→ Who studies English every day ? Tom often walks to the park .→ Who often walks to the park ?

对句子其他成分提问:疑问词+ 一般疑问句结构 ?

We study English three times a week.我们一周学英语三次。

→ How often do you study English?你多久学一次英语?

She often goes to school on foot 她经常步行去上学。

→ How does she often go to school ? 她经常怎么去上学?

Tom goes to the parkon Sundays.→Where does Tom go on Sundays?

汤姆每星期日去公园。 汤姆每星期日去哪里?

2. 动词+s的变化规则:

a.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks, like-likes

b.以s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,加-es,如:guess-guesses, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes

c..以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:study-studies,fly-flies

d. have→has



1. He often ______(have) dinner at home.

2.Daniel and Tommy ________(be) in Class One.

3. The girl _______ (teach) us English on Sundays.

4.I____________(speak)Chinese well.

5. She and I ________(take) a walk together every evening.

6. Mike _______(like) cooking.

7. They _______(have) the same hobby(爱好).

8. My uncle always _______ (look) after her baby carefully.

9. You always _____ (do) your homework well.

10. He ________(say)it in English.

11. She __________(go) to school from Monday to Friday.

12. The man often ____________(watch) TV.

13.Tom often ________(play) with his dog,Kitty.

14. She _______( sing) well, so we all ______(like)her.

15.Jack often _________(go) shopping with her mother.

16.He _________(do)his homework every day.

17.Tom and Lily________(fly) kites in the park.

18. My brother _________(guess) riddles(谜语) well.

19.Her father_________(teach)Chinese in a school.

20.His sister often ________(fly) a kite in the park.

21.Lily ________(have) no time tomorrow.

22. My mother ________(try) on these nice clothes.

23. Liu Tao usually_______(do) not like PE.

24.We ___________(not watch) TV on Mondays.

25. Nick ___________(not go) to the zoo sometimes.

26. ______ they _______(like) the World Cup?

27. What _______she often _______(do) on Saturdays?

28. _______ your parents _______(read) newspapers every day?


1. I am fromFuzhou. 否定句:___________________________________ ;

一般疑问句:______________________________________ ;

肯定回答__________;否定回答 _________________

特殊疑问句(对fuzhou提问):____________________________________ 2.They work in a hospital.


一般疑问句:___________________________________ ;

肯定回答_________ _____;否定回答__________________________

特殊疑问句(对in a hospital提问):_______________________________ 3.He goes to the zoo on Sunday.

否定句:______________________________________________ ;

一般疑问句:____________________________________ ;

肯定回答__________________;否定回答_______________________ 特殊疑问句(对on Sunday提问):_______________________________________
