
日记大全 > 句子大全

21句可可爱爱且押韵的小句子 朗朗上口(独特无比)

句子大全 2022-11-15 05:54:01

一,春眠不觉晓 有点小烦恼

I awake light-hearted this morning of spring"s having a little trouble

二,爱情小坦克 谁撞谁休克

Love tank, who hits who goes into shock

三,激动的心 颤动的手 孤独的人儿扣99

An excited heart, a trembling hand, a lonely man, a button

四,99 你不嫁 我不嫁 养老院里蹦恰恰

You don"t marry me, you don"t marry a cha-cha in a nursing home

五,你不结 我不结 养老院里擦皮鞋

You don"t marry me, I don"t clean shoes in the nursing home

六,做人不要太攀比 要比就比谁起得早

Don"t keep up with the Joneses, just get up earlier than anyone else

七,别人早恋我早睡 我是养生小宝贝

Others love me early, go to bed early, I am a health baby

八,没人牵手手 那就揣兜兜

No one"s holding hands. Then go for it

九,我是人间四月天 你是东北地三鲜

I"m April day on earth. You"re northeast sauteed potato, green pepper and eggplant

十,小猪小猪胖乎乎 喝杯奶茶咕噜噜

Xiao zhu xiao zhu pang hu drink a cup of milk tea gululu

十一,做你最爱 甜蜜且乖

Be your favorite, sweet and good

十二,好马不吃回头草 回头咱也好不了

Good horses don"t eat back, and we can"t get better

十三,大头大头下雨不愁 别人有雨伞我有大头

Big head, big head, no rain, no one else has an umbrella, I have a big head

十四,老骥伏枥 志在千里 横扫饥饿 做回自己

The old man is eager to sweep the hunger and be himself

十五,草莓牛奶甜甜圈 云朵中间转圈圈

Strawberry, milk, doughnuts, clouds, circles in the middle

十六,天灵灵,地灵灵 再瘦十斤行不行

Tianling Ling, can the earth spirit lose another ten pounds

十七,菜园果园游乐园 我的脸蛋圆又圆

Vegetable garden orchard amusement park my face is round and round


Mozzie will kiss you good night for me, everybody


Air, strength, lack of oxygen. I"m Tutu, naughty boy


I don"t know my way home, but you little man, I have to get rid of it
